Fasteddy in hospital...

Speedy recovery.... yeah!!!

I have something minor compared to that condition, but my doctor gave me antibiotics for an infection I got where I think it was a spider that stung my neck. Anyway the point is that I had a few months back started taking pro-biotics to aid the intestine. I thought taking both pro-biotic and antibiotic was contradictory, but my doctor said it would be good to continue taking pro-biotic simultaneously with the antibiotics.

Delaying going to the doctor was just a few days for me this time. I remember ages ago I had an infection that was on my thigh and spread practically down to my knee and up to my waist. Better to nip it in the bud than suffer!

Thanks for the post SB, take it easy Steve and do what the docs say. Don't try to do too much when you get home.
Get the man a big bottle of Jack and a sexy nearly naked Canadian nurse playing choo choo with an enema...he'll be jogging in them hospital hallways in no time ;)

Get better soon Steve :)
Hope you heal fast Steve as us older guys just don't heal the way we used to. I also hope your knee didn't look like mine did at the beginning of the year.....

Yeah, I'm prolly as stubborn as you as I refused to seek medical attention......maybe next time though ;)

Got you in my prayers, keep on gettin' better man!

Who needs a motored wheelchair when you have a Tri-car!

With a sexy nurse driving of course.


GWS brother!

Dang Steve. As always, on our prayer list.

May you have fun meds, good TV and a gullible candy stripier!
Good to hear you are doing better Steve. Please do put a 2-stroke on a wheelchair.
But if you do, don't run Castor. It'll stink up the hospital hallways and people who don't appreciate such things will complain. I had a neighbor tell me yesterday that, "you stink" when I rode past her. I told her, "Sorry, I'll go take a shower!"

Still thinking of you, sir.

Gotta say it. Wheel chair wheels. 24" gotta go CVT. Just sayin'

one wheel drive. A differential will just over complicate and usurp to much power.

Plus, you will kick butt on all the right-hand turns!

post pics and videos! (especially of the cheering candistripers)
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I just got an update from Steve's brother, John...

". He has to be on antibiotics, two bags a day for six weeks and he is also on antibiotic pills for the next ten months. He says, that he feels better, but to me his lower leg looks redder. He's talking about getting out of the hospital midweek, we'll see." that sounds like progress. Now if he can just get out of there without picking up some kind of staff infection from the hospital. I guess the antibiotics should fend that off. He's still got both legs, something to be very thankful for.
Sorry to hear the bad news, Steve.
I pray that you continue to get better.

Thank you for the update, silverbear.
Tell the Hospital staff to stay away from him. Less chance of getting a staff infection that way. The hot candy striper and hot nurse are welcome though. They help keep the good blood flow going strong.

Hang in there Steve. We all are rooting for you!
Great news Steve!! I think Dan is the one who needs the antibiotics and probably some other meds. He's the one with Staff under his name and Candystripers on the brain. Do they still have Candystripers or did that go away in the mid 1900's? Hot nurses? Haven't been lucky enough to see any of those in the hospital either. I want to be sick where Dan and GearNut are.
Great news Steve!! I think Dan is the one who needs the antibiotics and probably some other meds. He's the one with Staff under his name and Candystripers on the brain. Do they still have Candystripers or did that go away in the mid 1900's? Hot nurses? Haven't been lucky enough to see any of those in the hospital either. I want to be sick where Dan and GearNut are.

Your just jealous.

The other brother Dan.
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I got an update this evening from Steve's brother, John...

"Oh he's plodding along. I was up to see him last night and he says, they haven't mentioned an exit date yet, but I'm thinking it's getting close. His leg is red one day and purple the next and he has to be on intravenous antibiotics for six weeks and then he's also on oral antibiotics for 10 months. He has a staph infection and it loves metal components in knees etc.
We watched a program on PBS tv last night about infections in people. Holy crap, we're all doomed. Perfectly healthy people infected with drug resistant bugs and the drug companies have scaled back research for new antibiotics, because there's no money in it.
The world is nuts. Ours and your country are spending billions on surveillance of us supposedly looking for people, who may or may not kill a few people, but little money for medicine to protect thousands, if not millions.