Death Race 4-16-2011

hi tim here. that was a lot of laps lots of fun. thanks to everybody can't have a race without bodies. running classes is a good start . next one will be even better.

Hey Tim Welcome to the forum, glad you joined us.

Thanks for coming out it was a blast! This is the guy who will beat a Morini on a China Girl. Tim is so fast on the track he knows every crack and bump at P1.

What do you think of going counter clock wise next time?
hey put that in a cafe bike its going to haul . hey photos. good stuff @ . going the other way is even faster oh what fun turn one will be.
Hey Tim Welcome to the forum, glad you joined us.

Thanks for coming out it was a blast! This is the guy who will beat a Morini on a China Girl. Tim is so fast on the track he knows every crack and bump at P1.

What do you think of going counter clock wise next time?

I live for counter-clockwise.....I was going to suggest that this past weekend, but my bike was running so poorly it wouldn't have made a difference.

I vote for that, but as far as the jockey position i'm now too fat. Ever heard of 180lb. jockey......didn't think so? laff
180lb jockey is better than a 228lb one laff

Perhaps, depends on the horse!

Oh yeah Thanks Tim I forgot all about Mike...Thank you Mike!

Spooky Tooth Death Race (motorized bicycles) - mikephotos' Photos | SmugMug

These are some AWESOME photos guys!!

Yes they are, thanks for posting this Dave!

I quick fixed my lack of engine power I had at DR....flipped on half choke and its flying once again. Why didn't I think of that on race day??? *bangs head against wall*:-||
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i've seen that morini. i can't even reach the handlebars on it. needs a tall and skinny jockey:)

welcome to the forum, tim. i'm gunnin' for you next time..;)

i also agree with you. someone should put a morini into something other than a downhill mountain bike and see what it can do on a bike built for the track (no offense to the boxers, i'm just sayin')
Even though I weigh 220 I have a brother who goes 120. Too bad I'd rather punch his lights out than have him ride my bike is besides the point :p (long story) I do know a speedway biker who rides a flat track Harley who weighs 125 but he's crazy(too much crank X-( )
I quick fixed my lack of engine power I had at DR....flipped on half choke and its flying once again. Why didn't I think of that on race day??? *bangs head against wall*:-||[/QUOTE]

Scotto, your engine is running lean which is why it runs better with the choke half way on. Get that main jet drilled for the next race and you'll be flying with your choke off. Send me a PM if you need any help with the process.
i've seen that morini. i can't even reach the handlebars on it. needs a tall and skinny jockey:)

welcome to the forum, tim. i'm gunnin' for you next time..;)

i also agree with you. someone should put a morini into something other than a downhill mountain bike and see what it can do on a bike built for the track (no offense to the boxers, i'm just sayin')
Those Morini's pimped you. You will never ever touch them. From what I can tell they hugged the track rather well. Nothing trumps a proper set up suspension bike.
oh, and one last prediction. this bike is gonna make everyone who spent all that money on a morini motor cry. 9HP? pffft. i'll beat you with 3...:)
Ya got totally wupped by the Morini and a china even beat ya:plaff
yup, goatherder, you're right. nevermind the fact that alex and dave are awesome racers who've been riding that track for a long time.

i'm sure if you showed up, you woulda beat me too. you don't need skill (or guts) when you've got a morini.

and yeah, i was talkin' trash. that's part of racing. and since i actually went and raced, i have every right to.

you, on the other hand, couldn't drive all that way from New Mexico to make it, so your opinion is meaningless.

and you're more than welcome to come to our race and try to shut me up on the track...

any other threads ya wanna stalk so you can keep heckling me? lemme know if i missed one, sometimes i don't read every post...
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Goat, are you bringing your Morini to the SoCal race on June 18th?
I got two of them and I am building another. All my money is tied up. Here is my Boxer its set up as the most comfortable cruiser bike ever. Surprisingly quiet too. I belong to the
I mean don't get me wrong its very fast. I open it up every once in a while. This thing cruises so well and strong I love it! I launch off the line with it sometimes. All my Morini's are very fun and playful.;)
When are you going to show a less bashful picture of the motor carriage on your bike? It scares me.:eek:
yup, goatherder, you're right. nevermind the fact that alex and dave are awesome racers who've been riding that track for a long time.

i'm sure if you showed up, you woulda beat me too. you don't need skill (or guts) when you've got a morini.

and yeah, i was talkin' trash. that's part of racing. and since i actually went and raced, i have every right to.

you, on the other hand, couldn't drive all that way from New Mexico to make it, so your opinion is meaningless.

and you're more than welcome to come to our race and try to shut me up on the track...
How did the raffle go? I don't need to race you to proove that you 130 pound guy on a china can't beat a Morini!:p So there.. I was never the guy bragging remmember? Jeez luiz calm down:)
I quick fixed my lack of engine power I had at DR....flipped on half choke and its flying once again. Why didn't I think of that on race day??? *bangs head against wall*:-||
Scotto, your engine is running lean which is why it runs better with the choke half way on. Get that main jet drilled for the next race and you'll be flying with your choke off. Send me a PM if you need any help with the process.
Or assuming it is a CNS carb just seal it up and set the needle.

I have it down to a science now and just happened to take a couple of pics this morning on yet anther I did.

I just use a cheap black silicon sealant and fill in the the T-groove on the carb from the inside like this.


1. Pop out the rubber gasket.
2. Use something like a piece of a cut off zip-tie as a trowel and just fill in the groves from the inside and wipe off the slop with a Q-tip or the like.

3. Look into the carb held up to some light and when you see no light it's tight.
4. Done properly it looks like this from the outside.


5. In the mean time take you round white plastic spacer and fill it's grove in too.
6. Give them and hour or more to set, then put the gasket back in, slide in the plastic spacer with it's grove pointing down, and tighten it up.
7. Finally, move your Pac Man clip down (towards the pointed end) to the bottom setting, which is as rich as it will go with the needle up as far as it will go out of the jet.

IF the problem is pre-jet air leaks choking and bigger jet size compensate but not as well (IMHO). A sure sign of course is choking helps.
Bet she wouldn't idle with the choke where it 'runs good' either.

When ALL air in goes across the jet and adjusting there is the best, it actually uses the design of the carbs inner body to atomize the mix.

Yell at me at you want, but to me even suggesting someone even try to drill a jet to treat a different problem cause has to be...

Lets just say you might want to try the easy logical fixes before you start drilling into small precision pieces like a jet with your hand drill.

When ALL the air going into your head passes over the carbs venture (jet) THEN you can think about a bigger jet or tapering the needle in some if you still need more fuel is what I suggest.
KCvale, Scotto has a 4 stroke and is not using the carb you have. I know his motor is running lean because I talked to him at the Death Race. He changed his air filter and the engine doesn't want to build rpm unless the choke is on. If you change the air filter to something that flows more air you have to increase the main jet size to increase the flow of fuel as well. Otherwise you will have a lean condition which is what Scotto's engine is experiencing.

I do like the information you provided for the 2 stroke. We've had customer 2stroke bikes with a high idle problem. We suspected a vacuum leak and I think the info you provided could help us with those bikes.