Death Race 4-16-2011

Main Event Helmet Cam

YouTube - Death Race 2011 Main

I will get all the photos I got uploaded soon. There are some making videos for me with other views other then my helmet cam. But those will come in time because it takes lots of editing. I will keep you posted.

Thanks Dave for that footage of the Main event! It was great meeting you and all the other racers and sponsors that attended and I will be uploading my helmet cam footage of this same race today. A big thanks to Charlie for letting us race on his was a blast!!!

Scotto it was a pleasure to meet ya, you did very well and I hope you had a great time to come back again.

Things did not go as well as I planned but its a learning process for me, I think for things to go more smoothly I need to hang up my helmet so i can concentrate on everyone having a good fun and safe time.


I did the same thing to Paul if you watch my helmet cam from the main. I thought I could beat him into the corner then I got there and realized what a big mistake! I got to give it to Paul, I ran the poor guy almost off the track and if it was not for him we both would have went down. I am real sorry Paul that was a judgment error that should not have happened.

He blew by me like I was standing still later on so I am sure he was not too upset about it lol. What fun............

Thank you my friend for scoring the race for us, your the first to actually take on that very difficult task. Big Huge THANK YOU!!!

I couldn't find you after the race, I went looking for you but got pulled away.
Well I have to say that was one helluva a good time... My pit crew from Piston Bikes made it all possible without them I don't even get out on the track for the race, thank you Rob, Greg, And Scott the "master mechanic" I can't thank him enough, I would also like to thank everyone who voted for my ARMY bike for "Best in show" I really appreciate it. Also thanks to Dave, My good family friends Mike and Mark Faulk (wheelie king) who work at the race track, you guys were just awesome and it was great to see you again, and to all the cool peeps out there it was nice to meet you and hope to see you all again next year, And to the winner hats off to you, Just MY opinion I think that the E bikes need to have there there own class though. The technology is amazing I have to say. And I'm not mad that he won at all... I just think that it is in a different class, then the gas bikes. Thanks DAVE and Musselman race track. Take care...
I'll be betting on Paul in any future races for sure. LOL.

Great footage as usual Dave, thanks for getting it for us. It'll get at least 100 views just from me in the next year.

I did lots of passing last year on that same corner, but that was going last years speed. That corner never seemed hard to me till now, when I was getting there faster. I never did get my braking point for that corner figured out. Stupid to try to pass on the corner that I was having trouble with. Duhh. Got mad and brain turned off.

I need to take more time off, and run the track a lot more the week of the race next time. But more likely, I'll dial down the speed to where the motor don't fry, and I can afford the fun. Then I'll be able to deal with the slippery corner at "fun speed" rather than run at terrified speed. I could have got the ebike class trophy if I'd cruised it on half the voltage and finished. Once I got it figured out who's trophy it was, I gave that trophy to Chris, AKA wineboy rider.

Class trophies are great, and keep doing those.

But the Death race main event is best as a must have pedals that work and that's all rule. For what its' worth, none of us electrics ran any more HP than the morini that came in second. Besides, look how many of us flamed our stuff. Only two electric bike survived both a heat race and 100% of the main. Live for Physics was on a borrowed 20 mph bike that finished the main, so three if you count that. The rest of us, broke down, or melted motors. Sound familiar? just like the rest of you when you reach for a fruit too high.

Should have done a best finish 2 stroke trophy too, if you kept track of who. Or maybe you did. That gives the top three a big trophy, and next best finishers in each class something too.

I'm thinking we need to make some motorized big wheels trikes, and invite Travis Pastrana to run in that class. He'd likely come, he loves those big wheel trikes.
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Just wanted to say thanks to Dave ,p1 and all the sponsors. I have been trying to do DR for several years but due to other members of my family being sick and I having strokes and a heart attack and going blind and then getting part of my sight back, its been hard to make it. I feel lucky to scratch one more thing off my bucket list.
I don't really have time to post much right now, but much thanks to all who made this possible and for all those who showed to compete against me. Wish Amberwolf and I could have gotten there earlier but I had to abandon plans to bring my race bike and cobble together an alternate much lower power alternative. It was the same motor/battery setup as what gave me the e-bike class win in the Undead Race (overall fourth). By arriving late, did not have time to think and squandered all my juice in the qualifyers. Did not get my charger on soon enough to reboost juice for main race. Consequently, ran out of juice at the final lap in the main event. Really, really enjoyed it all and meeting everyone. I vote for keeping gas and electrics all still competing in the same races. Hopefully, there will come a day when we have soo many participants, we will have to separate them. Until then, it is fun for us to all race together. Cheers to all!
OK, here is the first helmet cam vid I was shooting in our first heat race on the tandem.....very short lived at that, so sad for us :(

YouTube - GOPR0386

Fish-eye helmet cam vid of Main Event race is uploading now.....stay tuned

while i'm waiting for the clips to upload, i wanna thank some people...

Jeff (culvercityclassic) for the ride and for putting up with my non-stop babbling,
Dave31, Piston Bikes, the track crew and everyone else at Musselman for letting us do this, and to everyone else who helped put this on, and everyone else who showed up.

i gotta apologize to "city of angels" for almost knocking him off the track.:) got a little close and had to blow passed him in the dirt...

also, a few highlights of the whole event...

Thud, for pulling a wheelie outta the last turn in practice, then giving the pits that "toldja so" look. i know he was smirking behind that helmet. too bad he didn't pay his electric bill. that bike was awesome.;)

Magrider, Rookie, and Pops for coming down and strengthening the california presence. too bad Rookie's back hub blew up (i was coming into the corner as he was wobbling off into the dirt) and it sucks that Mag's rear tire couldn't hold up to his awesome cornering abilities. you woulda been a contender.

i'd also like to thank my bike. that might sound kinda stupid, but i really beat the piss out of it, and it never complained, not even a hiccup. i'm gonna tear it down and see what kinda damage i did to it. i know the rear coaster brake shoes are toast. there's probably no grease left in there anymore.

videos should be up in a few...
Overall Death Race 2011 Results

Hey guys give Sosauty Motorized Bicycle: Engine Kit Forum a big THANK YOU for scoring us, that is one difficult job.

* will be updated as I get more info

1st Place #19 Paul Oregon Electric Bicycle

2nd Place #00 Alex Arizona Morini

3rd Place #31 David Arizona Morini

4th Place #11 Tim Arizona Chinese 2-stroke 1st Place Chinese motor

5th Place #33 Bairdco California Chinese 2-stroke

6th Place #89 AGK California 4-Stroke 1st Place 4-stroke

7th Place #88 AGK California 4-Stroke

8th Place #23 Joey Texas Chinese 2-Stroke

9th Place #22 Jason

10th Place #44 Billy California Chinese 2-stroke

11th Place #58 Dan New Mexico Electric Bike

12th Place #713 Cole Arizona Whizzer 1st Place Whizzer

AGK passed on the 4-stroke trophy and prizes, and they where awarded to Scotto the next best finishing 4-stroke. Just not exactly sure where he placed overall.

Very cool AGK.....


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that's totally awesome. I didn't even place. lol ha ha lol. should be:

Somewhere in Last Place #27 MaxPower Sierra Vista chinese 2-stroke
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finally figured out the videos and got them posted. here's the main event, filmed from the bleachers by "rookie" (thanks, david, awesome job!)

it's me starting mid-pack and working my a$$ off trying to catch the leaders.

YouTube - Bairdco's Death Race Main Part One 04-16-2011 (#33)

YouTube - Bairdco's Death Race Main Part Two 04-16-2011 (#33)

Oh wow thanks Baird for the kudos. Im a video camera wannabe and kinda got distracted zoning off in my own world but I did the best I could with your camera.
I hope everybody enjoys the videos and thanks again everybody for making this a memorable weekend!!!

Rookie .bf.
Awesome video guys great job (^)

Ummmmm....I was just downloading my photos from my card and something went wrong. Photos are not on my PC, and not on my card. I am not sure where they went? How does this happen?:-||
Great job were really smokin! Did you see you lapping me at about 5:48 in part 2, near the end? Congrats on 5th overall!!!


finally figured out the videos and got them posted. here's the main event, filmed from the bleachers by "rookie" (thanks, david, awesome job!)

it's me starting mid-pack and working my a$$ off trying to catch the leaders.

YouTube - Bairdco's Death Race Main Part One 04-16-2011 (#33)

YouTube - Bairdco's Death Race Main Part Two 04-16-2011 (#33)
Awesome video guys great job (^)

Ummmmm....I was just downloading my photos from my card and something went wrong. Photos are not on my PC, and not on my card. I am not sure where they went? How does this happen?:-||

Cyber-spacemen abduct them when no ones watching!!! :D
thanks scotto!

Dave, i feel for ya. the main race video kept saying "corrupted file" and i was about ready to break the camera, the laptop, and everything else around me, including the roomate's cat (and he's a cool cat. the roomate, not so much...:)

turned out it wasn't the file, it was the crappy dvd converter i downloaded, so i saved it.

oh, and scotto, i only lapped you once? hehehehehehe....;)
Yes, that was very nice of you guys....I should have borrowed your drill for my main engine had nothing. Great sports AGK, and very nice bikes you guys have! Thanks for the cool prizes also.....until next time, cheers!


Death Race 2011 Results

Hey guys give Sosauty Motorized Bicycle: Engine Kit Forum a big THANK YOU for scoring us, that is one difficult job.

* will be updated as I get more info

1st Place #19 Paul Oregon Electric Bicycle

2nd Place #00 Alex Arizona Morini

3rd Place #31 David Arizona Morini

4th Place #11 Tim Arizona Chinese 2-stroke

5th Place #33 Bairdco California Chinese 2-stroke

6th Place #89 AGK California 4-Stroke

7th Place #88 AGK California 4-Stroke

8th Place #23 Joey Texas Chinese 2-Stroke

9th Place #22 Jason

10th Place #44 Billy California Chinese 2-stroke

11th Place #58 Dan New Mexico Electric Bike

12th Place #713 Cole Arizona Whizzer

AGK passed on the 4-stroke trophy and prizes, and they where awarded to Scotto the next best finishing 4-stroke. Just not exactly sure where he placed overall.

Very cool AGK.....