while i'm waiting for the clips to upload, i wanna thank some people...
Jeff (culvercityclassic) for the ride and for putting up with my non-stop babbling,
Dave31, Piston Bikes, the track crew and everyone else at Musselman for letting us do this, and to everyone else who helped put this on, and everyone else who showed up.
i gotta apologize to "city of angels" for almost knocking him off the track.

got a little close and had to blow passed him in the dirt...
also, a few highlights of the whole event...
Thud, for pulling a wheelie outta the last turn in practice, then giving the pits that "toldja so" look. i know he was smirking behind that helmet. too bad he didn't pay his electric bill. that bike was awesome.
Magrider, Rookie, and Pops for coming down and strengthening the california presence. too bad Rookie's back hub blew up (i was coming into the corner as he was wobbling off into the dirt) and it sucks that Mag's rear tire couldn't hold up to his awesome cornering abilities. you woulda been a contender.
i'd also like to thank my bike. that might sound kinda stupid, but i really beat the piss out of it, and it never complained, not even a hiccup. i'm gonna tear it down and see what kinda damage i did to it. i know the rear coaster brake shoes are toast. there's probably no grease left in there anymore.
videos should be up in a few...