Only about 36 bikes ended up racing which is a little disappointing.
Culvercityclassic and Magrider had some equipment problems
I knew I wouldn't be able to race but we went anyway just to fill up with cheap gas ;-}
It was a badly needed get away trip for my wife Kenda, our friend Jason and I.
And man was it sure was great to meet all you guys too, now if I could just remember all the names! I am really bad at that.
It was really disappointing I couldn't race though.
I found and exceeded the max a NuVinci Dev Kit hubs 'Traction Fluid' will take. All she did when I hit the RPM 'sweet spot' was break free and slip bad, like holding in the clutch kind of bad, and my racing shift table was set to shift at the very spot every .47 MPH.
I do have to thank all the originating guys for letting us have some 'go play on the track' time before the real races. Bad Mojo wasn't raceable but she was still rideable so of course I ran a couple of laps before I settled into kick-back, relax and enjoy the fun mode.
Funny what these bikes will do to an old guy tired of clean cut computer stuff. They turned me into a long haired suffer-hippie type grease monkey looking for nostalgia hehehe ;-}
But you guys want pics and videos and I took a bunch.
I have processed a couple of dozen stills but not even looked at the dozen videos I made yet.
The winner on the electric bike was in the pit row spot on one side of me, the trikes on the other.
That pic was of the winner before the race, nice guy but he doesn't hang out on gas bike sites I guess.
These are the trikes on the other side, but I never seen them run.
I will post some more later, I'm a little burnt from the trip, we went to the swap meet before we left the Old Pueblo this morning. Yes I have pics of that too.