Death Race 4-16-2011

Sounds as if you all had a great time and a GREAT RACE! Sorry the Seattle group had car trouble and didn't get past Sacramento... BUT Reno treated us well and we're fixed and back home. Next Time Maybe?
that sucks!
Stay tuned for an announcement about the upcoming race in SoCal....
Should be a little closer for you guys?
What Max said,

I think everyone is still sleeping from the commute or late night shenanigans..yes I said shenanigans
LOL Do you know how long it takes to drive 500 miles back to SoCal?
they are still on the road with hangovers.....

Baird said that he had some cool videos.

hey, what happened to that live video feed from the track?

aside from Daves crash; were there any other spills?
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I didn't even know a Seattle group went. I did know Dionel from JNMotors was down, though.
I'm uploading heat race A, race 1 guys, it will be a little while longer then i will work on heat race B Race 1, then the main. probably take all day long to upload. will be making some very cool videos for us, but it will be a while. So for the time being I will upload my helmet cam vids.
Only about 36 bikes ended up racing which is a little disappointing.
Culvercityclassic and Magrider had some equipment problems
I knew I wouldn't be able to race but we went anyway just to fill up with cheap gas ;-}


It was a badly needed get away trip for my wife Kenda, our friend Jason and I.
And man was it sure was great to meet all you guys too, now if I could just remember all the names! I am really bad at that.

It was really disappointing I couldn't race though.
I found and exceeded the max a NuVinci Dev Kit hubs 'Traction Fluid' will take. All she did when I hit the RPM 'sweet spot' was break free and slip bad, like holding in the clutch kind of bad, and my racing shift table was set to shift at the very spot every .47 MPH.

I do have to thank all the originating guys for letting us have some 'go play on the track' time before the real races. Bad Mojo wasn't raceable but she was still rideable so of course I ran a couple of laps before I settled into kick-back, relax and enjoy the fun mode.


Funny what these bikes will do to an old guy tired of clean cut computer stuff. They turned me into a long haired suffer-hippie type grease monkey looking for nostalgia hehehe ;-}

But you guys want pics and videos and I took a bunch.
I have processed a couple of dozen stills but not even looked at the dozen videos I made yet.
The winner on the electric bike was in the pit row spot on one side of me, the trikes on the other.


That pic was of the winner before the race, nice guy but he doesn't hang out on gas bike sites I guess.

These are the trikes on the other side, but I never seen them run.



I will post some more later, I'm a little burnt from the trip, we went to the swap meet before we left the Old Pueblo this morning. Yes I have pics of that too.
The next video will have Amberwolf going down right in front of me. I believe he hurt his ankle but it was injured before the race. I hope he is doing well?
Thats not good, hope he is OK too.....ankles and knees take a beating when you crash.....
We should talk some time, I would appreciate your experience to help set
up the SoCal race.
It would be great if you Arizona pioneers could come and race with us.

You guys are limited to 20 mph, we are allowed 30 mph but no one really seems to care too much lol
Thankyou all for the video, pictures and comments. Dave31, nice video, excellent driving. Heat race is correct. Motorbicycle racing is not a game. This looks like serious business. Thankyou for showing me that. My wife is home, I gotta go.
We just got back from the 2011 death race and its 72* here in Orange County, CA
I just want to give a recap of how I saw my first event in Tucson.

First off I want to give a big Thanx to the organizers and sponsors, without them none of this would happen. The racing facility is top notch and I loved the track layout, the elevation changes, the technical sections all linked very well to the high speed sections which gives the course a very good tempo and feel, the asphalt was nice and grippy, but we will get to that later. I thought the track was perfect size for our MB’s great opportunities for passing and not to long or to short.

Tucson was very welcoming to our visit and everyone had a great time. I think the Piston Bike parts crew from Simi Valley had the best time, keeping the moral up for everyone. The Morini’s are very fast, but the E-bikes are faster topping out at 44 mph (I think). I couldn’t believe it when I saw one pull a wheelie going down the main straight. Bairdco had crazy lines sometimes taking him offroading who got 2nd in the ‘2 stroke China class’ and, Jeff ‘Culver City Classics’ had to do a carb swap in the main event due to his breaking in two at the intake manifold. My brother ‘Rookie’ broke his rear wheel for some unknown reasons, and Me I felt I was in contention for something, figuring out the lines, and riding my bike like I stole it, which brings me to the main event. I couldn’t ride my MB as I would have liked due to the course wearing my rear tire, past the cord, so much that you could see light through the rubber ‘remember the course had great grip.’ So I duct taped the inside of the tire and went out and took as many laps as possible getting lapped by the leaders twice, and finished the race without having a blow out. Oh yea, that was after my peddle fell off during one of the heats.

I hope that the guys who spilled didn’t get too hurt, and get well soon.

Thank you, Musselman crew, vulanteers, and Dave31

I loved the race, and wished everyone in this community could have been there. Maybe next time…..Magrider


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some dude named Tim, I think he lives there, around there or something like that. He races shifter carts there, i figure regularary, he had that track wired
Don't forget that means that Bairdco Industries came in 2nd which
means a lot as an out of towner lol that had never set foot on that track before.

36 bikes in a heat is really too many when you have to lap the slow runners.

Bairds bike looked pretty tough with that rear wheel cover!
Thats not good, hope he is OK too.....ankles and knees take a beating when you crash.....
We should talk some time, I would appreciate your experience to help set
up the SoCal race.
It would be great if you Arizona pioneers could come and race with us.

You guys are limited to 20 mph, we are allowed 30 mph but no one really seems to care too much lol

Hit me up man so we can work together..........


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