Death Race 4-16-2011


Active Member
Death Race 2011

When: April 16, 2011

Where: Musselman Honda Circuit (p1kart circuit)

Start Time: 5:00pm

11800 S Harrison Road, Tucson,Arizona 85747
(520) 245-5278
P1 Kart Circuit - Home
[email protected]

From I-10 take exit 273 (Rita) or 275 (Houghton) south to the Pima County Fairgrounds. MHC is West of Tucson Raceway Park

Death Race is not just about racing, so if you are not into racing dont think thats what its only about.

We will be having a Bike show this Death Race so spit shine the chrome and bring as many bikes you want for the bike show. To enter the bike show you must enter the pits and pay the $10 pit entry fee.


$10 to enter the pits
$15 to enter pits and participate on the track

Thanks for the help and support for Death Race 2011
Freedom Bikes USA
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A few changes we will be having.......

Safety Gear

Absolutely no one will be allowed on the track without the proper gear no exceptions this time.

Eye Protection
Knee Pads
Elbow Pads
Long sleeve shirt
Long pants
Toe covering shoes


All participants on the track and bike show must have numbers. Does not need to be fancy just a paper plate and a sharpie will do. I will provide paper plates at MHC for anyone who needs one. It is also possibility MHC will have numbers for us like there Criterium Cycling and Racing events.

The numbers are needed so people can vote on your bike for the bike show. And those who will be riding on the track the flagman needs to know who is who...we all look the same to them lol.

Numbers must be big enough and visible to the flagman and if you can please have your number on the front of your bike so it is visible to the flagman. This will also help if we need to black flag someone off the track. We do not want the same confusion as last time.

Number assignment

If you would like a particular number reserved please contact me with that number (Private Message or email me at [email protected] for you non members) or post it on this thread...first come first serve. If not you will be assigned a number at the track.

Number 31 is taken :)


We will be using full flags this time and I will go over all the flags and what they mean at a later date.
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Any volunteers to help out with assigning numbers and helping with the bike show will be greatly appreciated.

Any volunteers to help score the race will also be very helpful. Every time there is confusion on who finished where. And with me on the track I just cannot do it. It would be nice to be able to post the entire field finish.
Number's reserved...
0-Alex (Blue Fox)
1-p hood
28-PistonBike Jason
32- Rookie
33- Bairdco
57-PistonBike Rob
75-pistonbike greg
99-Lance Portnoff
131-El Linko
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hopefully i could have my other project done by then keep me post it so i could requested off from work if i have it off i might be able to help u with the race
I'm afraid my racing days are over....except for that little old lady on the mobility scooter I see on Flowing Wells now and then but I'll volunteer to do anything else.
I'm afraid my racing days are over....except for that little old lady on the mobility scooter I see on Flowing Wells now and then but I'll volunteer to do anything else.

Many come out just to cruise around the track at there own pace. Even at 20mph its fun riding side by side with 30 other guys with no cars to take you out.

Just to be able to kick back and watch all the different MB's on the track is a real cool sight.

I was just talking to my friend about how one of the most enjoyable things about DR is all the cool bikes that everyone brings. Being able to talk to the builders and see what everyone has done to there machines. Its cool to see photos of MB's but to have so many in one place is a real treat.

Yeah some of us see Death Race as a racing event to push the limits of our machines. I know some dont like it but what wins on Sunday sales on Monday and I have to believe what we are learning on the track will help all of us with better products from our suppliers. Don't think they are not watching what we are doing and paying attention to what works best and what does not.

But Death Race is also about the MB community getting together in one spot and just sharing a common interest. Death Race is great for those who want to race, or just cruise the track or bring your pride and joy to show off to everyone.

Bring the grill, family and friends and enjoy the day.
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Yeah, don't miss it. Too much rolling steel artwork on dispay to miss.

And for a few bux more, just rolling a few practice laps is a ball. There will be a few extra sets of pads and gloves around for those that don't want to buy stuff.

For you that race, I'll be back, and this time I won't stop racing till I see them come after me with a net. Have fun trying to catch me! dnut
It'll be a GREAT time no matter what part you particapate in... Come join the fun!
Looking forward to seeing and meeting everyone... -EZ ;)
Any sponshorship for out of town snowbound areas like minnesotta -new york - Montana Canada if we ride all the way there ?
The earlier I have a firm date the more likely I will be there. I already cleared this with the boss and I can get the time off of work as well. I think all aspects of this are cool. My bike is by far not a racer but the chance to ride with a bunch of other M.B.ers without cars would be worth the trip from San Jose. If you add in cookouts and a swap meet you would have a hard time keeping me away. If we are calling dibsies on numbers I want 66 in honor of my wife for her infinite understanding of my M.B. habit. Can't wait to see you all there!
I've been looking forward to this since I started building my MB. riding with fellow racers sounds like a great weekend 478 miles away from home. where else would I be, at the beach? I am planning on attending this with my brother, and pit crew. I'll take #8 please. thanx
I'm afraid my racing days are over.

Hey, if my aging butt can ride my piece of junk around that track and have fun sliding out on the hairpin turn, anybody can be a racer. :lol:


Wish we could organise this here... Wish I lived in the States... Such is life.

Will there be some sort of recording/broadcasting of this event? Would love to watch it!
I am working on confirming the date guys. I know many of you need to know in advance on when DR is gonna be and in the past we had less then a month notice. I hope within the week it will be confirmed and I can announce the date.

Thanks for your support guys I am really looking forward to meeting some new and old friends.
Hey, if my aging butt can ride my piece of junk around that track and have fun sliding out on the hairpin turn, anybody can be a racer. :lol:


Turn 13 can really catch you off guard. If you notice many always end up in the dirt on that corner.

Here is a little advice on that corner. First...its an off camber corner thats why so many end up always going wide and running out of track. That corner pushes you out.

The trick I have learned is turn in early, at first it feels like you are going in too early but you just have to stick to your guns and hug that inside going in.

But as I said, its off camber so you have to be careful not to pinch the bike too tight or the wheels will wash out right from under you.


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