Death Race 4-16-2011

My point is that we need a limit, and keeping the bicycle, a bicycle is the most easiest to do. Once we start using non bicycle components then are we really using bicycles?

**BTW No one is calling you a cheater...its run what you bring. I just want to see some limit before things get out of hand and someone gets hurt. This is only for future races and rally and has nothing to do with you or electric bikes. And electric bikes is always welcomed at Death Race since day 1. I thought I made that clear when i reached out to you guys?

As for as the Morini, we all use different motors, and right now its difficult to say to you cant use that. I like the ideal of a unlimited class...but can't we agree to keep them bicycles?

I for one would like to see a 5hp limit both gas and electric. And yes that would put my 5.8 and now the 9.4 morini's out. But having a unlimited class is probably the best for those that are above 5hp. But where does it end? 20hp...30hp? 40hp? Lets have fun but not kill ourselves. And one way to keep the unlimited guys from getting too crazy....use bicycle components.
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I for one think we need a group of people to decide whats the limit and what they say go's cause any of my opinions will be taken wrong.
Hey Dave,
That was a playfull Jab. no offence or implications intended;)
(consider it pay back for the greasy face prank LOL :) )
& Fully agree we need some limitations....I have no idea how you would measure horsepower....& morini's are sweet (i have a pr of then as you already know)

I guess the question Or discussion i am looking for is: How do we grow this super fun activity too the next level. Or if it even needs too..I am a died in the wool performance maniac so all my perceptions are very askew.

As for the divide between the E-bikes & Gas powerd bikes...I would like to disolve the differance...But for certain there is a different attitude from many of the E-bike proponents...There is talk of the E-rvolution, but for myself...racer 1st, biker 2nd. then everything else....I think we all need to embrace the entire comuity....strength in numbers & all that.

I have no issue running bicycle spec component's & following all the ISO standards for components such as a standard BB width, rear drop out widths & am all for spec-ing a bicycle tire for competition.

I really see the class structure as:
As street-daily riders.....stock kit carbs & pipes, most stock E-bike hub kits on 36-48v. This will encompass the majority of the great builds I saw at the DR(The back bone of the ralley & get together bike show/meet & greet)

Seriouse bike riders class- with expansion chambers/aftermarket carbs & maybe light frame mods for better street performance but still china girl bike motor based. The over volted hub E-bikes (72v) will fit into this performance range nicely. with cetrfugal clutches I would put the 4-stroke kits in this niche also for reasons in my previous post.

Unlimited or experimantal class...guys like myself & the real High power bikes..morinis & goofy stuff. Again...Bicycle components & limit the e-boys to 100v on the hub driven bikes & 72 on the rest of them.(I was 3sec a lap fater than the Laps I timed in the main, but will atribute that to my moped tires mostly & a better turning bike geometry for the rest of it)

But the 1st question that needs to be answered is....will there be enough participation to support it? attendance seems to be dwindling..& gas prices are crippeling any travel for working folks to make long trips just to play with their motored bikes....

What is the best way to get a group feel for this stuff? a pole thread?

I would love this to become a grass roots racing scene like motocross was back in 75.
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Hello All,
That was a great event to attend and photograph. Good job putting it together.
I have photos posted at PhotoReflect - Marshall's Photography & Web Design LLC
Thanks for traveling to make the race.
Terry Marshall
Marshall’s Photography and Web Design
There's a New Marshall In Town!
[email protected]
Marshall's Photography and Web Design LLC
Photography, Web & Graphic Design, Web Hosting,
E-Commerce, Video Recording/Editing, Video Transfer,
Software Training and Technical Support
Thank You Photographer Terry for taking photos of us so we would be able to keep them as great memories!! When I get some spare change I will be purchasing some pictures.
Good job PaulD at winning the race. Just getting a working bike to the race can be a challange let alone not having it break down for whatever reason during track time. My race bike did not make it to the race but I scrambled a secondary(lessor bike) together at the last minute to still be able to get out on the track for fun. I held first in the electric class in the Undead Race 2010. Didn't have my race bike in the race that time either because of a flat on the parade lap. But I hung in there with my spare commuter bike and through attrition managed to come in 1st for electrics an fourth overall. In this recent Death Race, my backup bike just wasn't competitive enough to place, and by arriving at the track soo late(scrambling to get a back-up bike together) I had to practice and run in the race heat, too close to the main event and ran out of juice about a lap or two before the finish line. Hope everyone can make it to Willow Springs! Let's race....zpt
Hey Bill! Yea, let's get together again and ride. Perhaps, viva la Alamo again? Still trying to get you back to the track sometime. Maybe Willow Springs? Can't seem to get Roger to the races either. Help me to convince him how much fun it is. I know you've done it in the past and had a blast. Maybe we can get together soon. I just have been soo darn busy. Still haven't got my race bike up and running yet and my folding commuter bike has a broken frame. My cobbled up bike that I used for the Death Race works though. I think you still have my phone number. Cheers! Keep the rubber down and your grin up! ...ED
LOL,,,I totally missed that you are Ed,,,LOL
(I really appreciated the offer of a ride to DR, but my grampa duties come first;))

btw...some lady you and roger know from the alamo wants me to build her a bike :)
Hey Dave, great video!

Limitations on MotoredBikes is tricky, but, the restriction of oil bath/clutched trans is a good one that most of us can live with and indirectly caps 'extreme speeds'. Without that, YZ125s and other "motorcycle motor/trans" are just a matter of mounting 'em on bike frames.

PaulD's motor wasn't run at full potential, around 4K (an efficient 4.8hp) Though reliable, a little solder around the traces/shunt of controller would bump it to 4.5K or more. It sells for $102 +shipping HobbyKing online. If the 2 strokes broke thru with shifters that held up, they'd rule the day. Now is a good time to discuss limitations.

I like the safe bike concept, consider that to be the 'Primary' guiding consideration. It's not about keeping whiners around, a futile endeavor and why try? Yet bikes designed for 10-20mph, can and likely will fail at 2-3x's that speed soon enough. But one doesn't have to stiffle the jr engineer tinkering of us builders.

Educate and reinforce our present 2 simple rules: 1)must be able to pedal/propel with no motor/engine, and 2)no oil bath clutch/trans. I trust those who've put on these MB races and those who've have earned top finishes. I don't suffer whiners, those who haven't labored to break thru with a top racer and haven't given/sacrificed for out sport. Forget leveling, instead let's ask ourselves, "Would this restriction help folks feel good, or is the restriction without question, necessary to keep a modified 'bicycle' race safe?"
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Death Race 4-16-2011

Someone should revive the Death Race in Arizona..........

Socal Motor Bicycle Racing will help out with our hard earned experience to make this happen. :)
Death Race 4-16-2011

Someone should revive the Death Race in Arizona..........

Socal Motor Bicycle Racing will help out with our hard earned experience to make this happen. :)
Finally got Charlie at Musselman Honda Circuit to stay on the phone long enough to tell me the full day track rental......$3500

Would be an easy way to lose at least $2000 in one day plus 1000 miles of gas for the round trip.

no thanks. :)