New Group: The 20MPH Club

Count me in.
I really enjoy cruising in the high teens and low 20s. Smooth, quiet and I'm not bothering anyone. Yes, I have one bike that is darn fast but it rarely sees the 30s. I think it says a lot to promote our hobby/sport in a positive light.

Neighbors and strollers always smile and wave, cops have done the same. I wear a helmet, I have lights and brake lights, obey all the traffic rules and I don't antagonize roadies.
I ride as if I'm invisible. That way I'm not relying on others to see me. I just assume they don't. So good.
Good idea, Aleman. It'll be interesting to see how many other members join your little sub-club. Age has its advantages and like you...been there, did that.
cool !!!
a group that'll have me :)

reminds me of that Groucho Marx quote,,,
"I wouldn't want to join a club that would have me as a member !!!" laff
I see we still only have 3 official members...

Aleman, Do you mind if I copy your signature? Just the proud member part.
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OK, I'm in. Don't know about you folks, but I can't seem to find ANYTHING along side the road at 50mph (cash, parts for re-purposing, antlers etc...) So I'm all in @20mph. My opinion, to answer the Professor's question, I don't think I go slower as I get older, I just realize it hurts more when I do!!

Can I be the vice-president of this club? I've got the credentials rotfl

Seriously! laff At least CEO....ok?
Just got back from a ride to the library. Never went over 23mph. Rode through the park watched some kids doing tricks on little 20" bikes in a skateboard bowl. Stopped and watched some guys flying kites that looked like parasails. Huge things.
Put about 18 miles on the bike and enjoyed it.
Nice club I've joined.
this is a cool idea. unfortunately for me, i'd have to build a bike with the brakes locked up, the bearings seized, and the motor running backwards to join your club...;)
Ban Bairdco...
We don't need no stinking Colsons. :)
If it can't do can't join. Forget it!
I was doing this way before it was cool.... lol.. My bikes haven't been able to do more than twenty for years.
I am still pursuing speed, but not really top speed even though I fully expect to bump 50, I am talking quick and quite as my main goal.

I like to putt around at any speed I want, even just barley fast enough to keep from falling over, but when I am pulling into traffic on a 35 MPH road I want to do it the same as I do in our V6 car.
Hit the gas and get to traffic speed with no traffic flow interruption.

One word guys, GEARS.
Even just a 3-speed hub shifter changes everything with a JackShaft.
More gears are better for quickness and hills, and just riding at the speed you want at the RPM you want.