New Group: The 20MPH Club

I'm in - 20 seems to be the speed where my FD setup sounds happiest and my english 3-speed frame still feels solid under me. Like others have said, I feel like I could go all day like that.
Yeah but every now and then, when you find yourself alone on that long straightaway, don't you just want to flatten out, peg the throttle and see how close to 50 she'll come? What do you want to do, live forever?
Yeah but every now and then, when you find yourself alone on that long straightaway, don't you just want to flatten out, peg the throttle and see how close to 50 she'll come? What do you want to do, live forever?
When you get older figure it like gambling. We made it this far and paid a price . Get a little older and figure out the warranty is gone on you body. lol.

In our youth we just bounce. Get a little older and it like Eddie Murphie falling down the stairs.

This was told told to me when I was I was younger and I was practically a gymnast.;)rotfl
After a stressful work week, there is nothing better as a bike tour along lonely lanes and quiet landscapes.
Let all the trouble behind you and enjoy the ride. Slowly but surely !
I always drive at a moderate pace, 25 - 30 Km / h are enough, 'cause my Zündapp is from 1954.
Slightly hummin' down the road ( translated correctly ?) at low rpm is the best you can do for an old gentleman like this...
I become one with the machine and the road when I drive towards the sunset.

Way cool.......
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I said this once before, there are a lot of bold bikers, but not too many old bold bikers.
Speed never killed anybody, its the sudden stop that will tear your butt up.
Motor assist bicycles don't make sudden stops, they just run into things.
Member 20 mph club
20 mph is just fine with me for a nice jaunt to the store or a ride through the park. I don't care how fast it'll go. I try to find a pace that suits the machine. A speed where it feels smoothest and most comfortable.
Sometimes I go 20 too but ALWAYS, gee whiz, bummer dude!

Don't want no soup, want pork chop, maybe a few turnip greens on the side.
I think some Solex drivers should join this group, because the can't anyway drive faster.....laff
Almost any aircraft can be flown 3 ft from the ground. Most MB's can be made to go super fast. But what is the point? 20 mph is fine with me! Now there's 4. (c)
I've heard that but instead of was pilots:

"There are old pilots and bold pilots but there are no old, bold pilots"

There's another one:
"Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing."

I said this once before, there are a lot of bold bikers, but not too many old bold bikers.
Speed never killed anybody, its the sudden stop that will tear your butt up.
Motor assist bicycles don't make sudden stops, they just run into things.
Member 20 mph club

I heard it this way:

"There are old pilots and bold pilots...but there are no old bold pilots"

Another one:

"Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing"

I heard it this way:

"There are old pilots and bold pilots...but there are no old bold pilots"

Another one:

"Any landing you can walk away from is a good landing"


I don't know about that, last July my wife walked away from a face plant with a broken shoulder, she didn't call it any kind of good landing!!!

By the way, she had just pulled out of a parking lot and could have been going more that 15 MPH.