New Group: The 20MPH Club

You remind me of my neighbor when I complained about her son screeching his tires both comming an going on our dead end street. Her reply was "You do understand it's a sports car, ya know". LOL

Everybody's gotta open it up sometime! We gotta blow the carbon out, ya know.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :D
Tow rope? Screw up my brakes? I can't believe you guys would pick on an old man like this. Elder abuse is what it is. Most a the time I keep it under 20 or thereabouts, but sometimes the arthritis in me wrist causes the throttle to jump a bit. Honest! I couldn help it.
"Officer, I swear, my foot went to sleep and I didn't realize I was pushing down on the gas pedal that hard."

"I was just trying to get through that intersection before the light turned red...really!"

"You have to believe me, I really, really need to pee. That's why I was speeding..."

Yeah, yeah, yeah, SB. We've heard all those same excuses before.

Arthritis....right!!!!!!!!!!!! Give us a break :)
The last "official" ride of the Mid-Maryland Chapter for the spring took place yesterday. We'll pick it up in the fall hopefully getting Boellner to join in on the fun.
Is the club gone now, or is this the new official home?

I would probably belong since I haven't had my MB over 20 yet.

(I still want to join the 200+ club on a motorcycle and in a car though! :) )

Me too, DRC !

200mph is in the bucket list.
I've done 150, but in reality, that is not even close.

It's an expensive undertaking, and I'm running short on time, so I'll probably need to step down to finish the build on my trimmer bicycle like the one that Augie built. He had fun with his, and cost is very low for these little zingers.
Well, I've seen where some of them were really exotic and pricey!

Other than that, there's nothing on the slate for me racing or Iron Butt extended rides. I'm just not up to it any more.

Yeah RC,

I have come to that time of my life where I'm trying to learn to slow down and enjoy.
(Those 75 & 80 mph speed limits still seem slow though.)

I read ride reports on ADV Rider and see all the pictures that people take of great places that I have gone through and completely missed. I want to start being the explorer and photographer now, before it's too late.

I've done 145+ mph on a motorcycle, and over 175 in a car, but there's just something about that "200" that is calling me! :)

It is hard to find good places to ride slowly around here. 45 - 55 mph 'posted' speeds on most of the main roads, except where you have to slow down to 25 or 30 in the school zones.

I guess I'll just have to take some time to find some good back roads that aren't narrow "kill zones" full of texting drivers. It's not an adventure without the element of danger though, right?

Yah, bc... my motorized bicycle is good for 24mph through the traps... w/my carcass onboard.
Number 1 went thru the radar at 29.
My usual cruise speed seems to be 17mph. :-)
...a devoted Gutter Rider and Proud member of the 20mph Club! lol

DRC, i read somewhere it takes double the HP to get from 150 to 200mph.
It may be more, depending on the weight, but a massive increase is required, and that means BUCKS!

when I was a young buck I blasted thru the Los Angeles metropolitan freeway system, on a motorcycle, a few times. I ...really... felt like a gladiator!

IMO, observation and agility are the best defenses a rider has in traffic.

The basic odds against you just go up astronomically in the big cities.

I'm pretty happy being out in a two horse town, even though at times it really seems to be a back-water of the state. Ha! The indians called this place 'the mudhole' !

I'm in, BUT I would like to know if the older you are - the slower you go?
When your young your immortal
as you grow wiser you enjoy the days you have!

I love 20-25 miles an hour, lets all the young hotties check me out LOL
everyone loves these bikes, and they just take me back to the origins
of motorcycles.
TO BE YOUNG AND FREE!.shft..wee.brnot
Good thing we aint allowed on freeways!

I'm not so sure abt that one...

on a limited access roadway, all the traffic is going in the same direction.
and what I've seen in LA and a few other places, a decent motorized bicycle would do quite well keeping up with the customary speed. I have always thought the 405 was probably the largest parking lot in the world!

more folks should ride motorized bicycles, all the time!