New Group: The 20MPH Club

Oh yeah.

I took a june bug on the face shield at 65 once.

Bang, splat. Big splat mark.

If that thing hit me in the face it would have hurt.
Now i've spend some time at google about carpenter bees and june bugs, man their sizes scares me...don't make a trip without a goggle, or you going to be a one eyed jack....:D
u have any idea how hard it is to get a mosquito that just went spalt in your eye out .

glasses are a mandatory otherwise you will go rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Took a bird on the face shield doing 60mph many years ago and it sure woke me up. Maybe that's why the 60's and 70's are somewhat of a blurr. Nah! that's not the reason but it sounds good.
Back in my motorcycle riding days in South Texas I crested the top of a hill and it had just broke day light, and there were 2 turkey buzzards having breakfast in the middle of the road. These things have sometimes almost a 6' wing span and don't get air borne real fast. I hit one at about 60mph smashed into my flaring, and bounced off the top of my head. If it wasn't for the flaring all busted to **** I'd probably be dead today. I was all covered in buzzard **** and feathers. Maybe thats why the called me buzzard****, now I just use buzzard.
The "REAL" true buzzard
usflgI ordered my first kit online on saturday

its a Mega Motors 66cc silver bicycle engine kit

im sure i could go 20with it.

i can go 18 just peddling!!
The Mid-Maryland Chapter got out early for about an 18 mile run this morning. Probably the best day we've ever had to ride. Mid 70's and hardly any traffic out on the country backroads, but I do need to report that "old" Silverbear blew by me at well over 30 MPH at one point. I didn't think much about it at the time, but something has to be done about it, I just don't know what. Anyone have a suggestion?
usflgi used the huffy 26 inch cranbrook, if you have this bike, you WILL ned a universal large frame front bracket, and bend the coaster brake out a bit
The Mid-Maryland Chapter got out early for about an 18 mile run this morning. Probably the best day we've ever had to ride. Mid 70's and hardly any traffic out on the country backroads, but I do need to report that "old" Silverbear blew by me at well over 30 MPH at one point. I didn't think much about it at the time, but something has to be done about it, I just don't know what. Anyone have a suggestion?
When he's not looking, 'adjust' his brakes for him?
Remind him that he told me he wanted to climb the hills easier, not to do over 20 mph and he said it more than once too.
The kid in us never dies. Show us an envelope and we just have to push it.

I'm thinking tow rope, he'll never get far ahead!
The Mid-Maryland Chapter got out early for about an 18 mile run this morning. Probably the best day we've ever had to ride. Mid 70's and hardly any traffic out on the country backroads, but I do need to report that "old" Silverbear blew by me at well over 30 MPH at one point. I didn't think much about it at the time, but something has to be done about it, I just don't know what. Anyone have a suggestion?
went out for the first ride! she fires and runs! and its a china girls so i got one of the working ones lol she needs alot of work still the first ride showed that. first the carb screw fell out and pourd abunch of gas. then the on/off valve leaked abounch when i got those tooken care of and started goin for a lil longer streatch of a straight flat ride other then apartment. trying to figure out the idle and to get it to actually cruise a lil it wants to die when i have the throttle pulled to long even if its just barly 1/4 turn. the after cruising for maybe a mile my chain broke. now gotta get my chain allignment right =) then back to getting everything tuned!

thanks for help guys this forum has helped me with everything even before i registerd i reserched and searched for nights and nights. and now iv actually finaly ridden the girl and i love it!!! ahahaha 10 mph has never been so awsome hahaha
yea iv already been plannin on it but got a very limited budget so trying to make it work for now. i love these thangs! they really are like owning a oldschool bug. all the maintaince and lil mods haha its awsome
would this work?

