New Group: The 20MPH Club

Just saw your post Russell, and you do have a nice ride. Met you at the PA Rally. The Mid Maryland Chapter was out today (42 degrees/cloudy and breezy). It was a unanimous vote to settle for about a 20 minute ride and call it a day. Had a great morning in the shop working on SB's gastank.
I have to confess. I can enjoy cruising around in my hood at less than 30 mph, but when I'm traveling greater distances I often feel I need to go faster. Whenever I get off a side street, and on any other street with traffic, I don't feel comfortable unless I can cruise 35 mph.

I came to this conclusion after riding to Strokers on the Atomic BB. It only goes about 30 mph. It's about 6 miles each way. I can get most of the way on side streets, but it takes a lot longer than blasting down a more direct route in traffic. If I'm cutting across town, maybe 15 miles, it takes hours staying on side streets. Sometimes that's fun to do, but when it's time to come home after a long day of wandering, the cows just want to get back to the barn. Know what I mean?
Nope. Have no clue.

I'll never be doing 35 on a bicycle.

I like to cruise the hood at 10.

Well I don't disagree that doing 35 on a bicycle is risky, but if I ride my motorcycle, I usually find myself going over a 100, so for me at least, it's maybe the lesser of evils.
Silvebear and I were just able to squeeze in about a 20 minute ride before the rain/snow started. We are fortunate to be able to ride country roads, and a 15 to 20 mile ride at 20mph is perfect for two old guys who really like their MB's. Been able to ride nearly every saturday this entire winter. I ride my chopper at 30-35mph once in awhile, but 20-25 feels the most comfortable. Keep ridin' fellas! Dan
Well I don't disagree that doing 35 on a bicycle is risky, but if I ride my motorcycle, I usually find myself going over a 100, so for me at least, it's maybe the lesser of evils.

I think there is imfo somewhere on fixing throttle cable sticking, and the motorcycle would go slower laff
All this dam good weather is screwing up my new build time!
Too much riding and not enough building!
It's called climate change Russell! Supposed to be back in the 50's here in a couple days! As Silverbear is fond of saying "WooHoo"!
Mosquitoes have been popping up here for the last week. I think a few pinged off my glasses today, luckily didn't eat any! :D

They'd have to be riding a dragonfly to catch me! No wind at all today, flirted with 30 often brnot
That reminds me of a ride we did here in Denver late last summer. We were on our usual trails and I hit what I thought was sand getting thrown up from my front tire. It wasn't sand, it was gnats. Millions of gnats and when we stopped I had them in my beard and mustache. All the guys were laughing at me while I spit and sputtered getting the darn things out of my mouth. Skeeters would be worse.
Sort of like the topless, fenderless roadster days. Try going for a nice Autumn cruise and getting slapped in the face by a big dry maple leaf at 50mph. One reason I went to closed cars instead of roadsters.