I admit to liking to goose it once in awhile to feel the wind in my face, but like you guys I like best to cruise in the low to mid twenties. I like having more power than I need for accelerating from a dead stop and climbing hills, pulling the dog in her trailer, but not going as fast as I can. It's nice hearing the motor purr along and seeing the countryside, the road unwinding beneath me. For me riding is like a meditation, just me and the bike and the road. I have more than once considered how my wheels are like mandalas or Tibetan prayer wheels. In the American Indian world, the circle is a sacred shape repeated in nature in the shape of our world, a birds nest, a rain drop, the journey drum andthe sacred hoop of our lives. Biimaadiziiwin is the Ojibwa word meaning "the circle of life". I am a timeless spirit on my bicycle, both twelve years old and also an old man all at the same time. Riding fast is not conducive to being at peace with yourself. Riding my bike, cruising along always levels me out, leaving a smile on my face. I'm with you, Buzzard, can't smell the wild flowers or the forest if you're moving too fast. When you're as old as we are you realize your whole life has moved a little too fast and its time to slow it all down and pay attention to what's left before it's gone...