New Group: The 20MPH Club

Please accept my application to the club!
On my HF touring bike pulling a Bob's trailer the comfortable speed is about 24mph, it suits me just right. Never go down them steep hills any faster than you can go up.
You keep everything in one piece that way. Love to ride those long distance rides and be able to smell the flowers and check the wild life and just enjoy the ride.
Seems like the older you get, speed has no significance any more. Been there done that.
Glad to be able to ride with you guys. I am almost done with my 6th build. Seems when I get one done, somebody comes along and wants to buy it. I decided to stop buying those department store beach cruisers. They have a short wheel base and a stiff ride. This bike is a 1948 Roadmaster with an 80cc motor. Chopper forks, front drum brakes and a 48" wheel base. The one gallon fuel tank sure gives it that Harley look. These Chinese Mfg's need to start putting the larger tank in the kit. I reloacated the saddle to make it look right. I did install a Boost Bottle for a smoother ride. The longer wheel base bike rides so much nicer.
I was wondering how long it would be before I saw Steve and Buzzard sneaking in the door. When you get to be their age, 20mph starts to look pretty darn good :)
I used to jump out of bed and hit the deck running, now I jump out and just hit the deck.
LadyG does better than 20mph in her electric scooter at the grocery store.
I admit to liking to goose it once in awhile to feel the wind in my face, but like you guys I like best to cruise in the low to mid twenties. I like having more power than I need for accelerating from a dead stop and climbing hills, pulling the dog in her trailer, but not going as fast as I can. It's nice hearing the motor purr along and seeing the countryside, the road unwinding beneath me. For me riding is like a meditation, just me and the bike and the road. I have more than once considered how my wheels are like mandalas or Tibetan prayer wheels. In the American Indian world, the circle is a sacred shape repeated in nature in the shape of our world, a birds nest, a rain drop, the journey drum andthe sacred hoop of our lives. Biimaadiziiwin is the Ojibwa word meaning "the circle of life". I am a timeless spirit on my bicycle, both twelve years old and also an old man all at the same time. Riding fast is not conducive to being at peace with yourself. Riding my bike, cruising along always levels me out, leaving a smile on my face. I'm with you, Buzzard, can't smell the wild flowers or the forest if you're moving too fast. When you're as old as we are you realize your whole life has moved a little too fast and its time to slow it all down and pay attention to what's left before it's gone...
I'll set out to cruise between 30 & 35 mph but when my mind gets off the speedo, I find I slow down to around 25. When it's cold, that inadvertent loss in speed will fall to 20. I know there is less engine noise at 25 than 30. As I'm running my power through a CVT, the bike will run just as well at 10 mph as it will at 40.
I peddled all winter to stay warm. I resembled that remark lol. I would have shivered hard enough to fall off a motorized. Its warm now.:D 30 mph is around my average max at busy main streets but I take residential streets most everywhere at about 20 to 25 . There safer! Besides that most of these bikes were ever meant to go so fast. Just think about brakes for starters. Even with the best brakes a bike is so light it might just continue skipping like a rock on a pond. Got to keep this cheep mode of transport legal!

Humans are like cattle trails. We follow familiar trails habitually. You can count me in I am a believer. I am building a hot rod but its only 50cc man.... Max speed on it top gearing wise will be me its not always how fast you can go but how fast you can go fast...... still have to save some for tomorrow.:)
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Count me in for the 20MPH club right now but starting next week I plan to install my Thatsdax GT50R. When that happens, I am not ruling anything out. ;) brnot
I'm in. I used to pedal my bikes so when I first started motorizing them I just wanted to be able to keep that pace. Being able to do 20+ mph all day with a whole lot less effort I'm reeeeal happy!