New Group: The 20MPH Club

I do believe you loose points if you have to hobble or limp away. Still it's a "good" landing. :-)
I believe that I would like to join the group as well. Back in the day 150 mph wasn't enough on a six cylinder (the one with 6 in a row across) but as I am no longer invulnerable or invincible 25 seems pretty good. I do not bounce at 64 like I did at 25.
I believe that I would like to join the group as well. Back in the day 150 mph wasn't enough on a six cylinder (the one with 6 in a row across) but as I am no longer invulnerable or invincible 25 seems pretty good. I do not bounce at 64 like I did at 25.

Dang Elmo, you used to bounce, I've always gone "splat". Must be something genetic.
You can get just as hurt at 20 as you can at 30. Trust me, I know this first-hand. Like Buzzard said, it's the sudden stop that gets ya. Physics can be painful and doctor bills hurt almost as much!
Medical bills are a slow death.
I just got my itemized bill for the 5 day hospital stay for my little wreck.

$ 42,945. And that is JUST the hospital, it does not count the emergency room or the skin graft surgeon.
20 MPH is a good speed, and all that's legal here, but I have a hard time going that slow.
That does it ,a little box of alchol wipes and a tube of super glue,who knows how to do skin grafts,a round trip plane ticket to anywhere in the states couldn't be more than a couple thousand,lol
That does it ,a little box of alchol wipes and a tube of super glue,who knows how to do skin grafts,a round trip plane ticket to anywhere in the states couldn't be more than a couple thousand,lol
Pay me 1200 dollars I will send you off with a pat on the back. Seeings the rate is so high why not.:Drotfl
A little tube of neo-sporen and a small bottle of asprin,and you can even drive,no bringing someone to drive for you,I remember my dad telling how they took his apendix out at home,it was a doctor did it, but in 1929 I guess it was an out-patient job
Count me in. I spend most of the time doing between 20 and 30. Anything above 30 seems really fast on my bike. I think this is the first bike I've ever had in my life that I thought was fast enough.
I am in. I really enjoy the rides where I am going some place in no rush. Take the back roads or threw industrial areas early on a Sunday morning. No traffic just the hum of a slow turning engine. 20 is just fine! One of the best things about our thing is the "low an' slow" Time to see the wild flowers by the side of the road. The wild life. Smile and nod to folks as you pass by. Leisurely ridding past the people at the bus stop in front of the DMV who can't get a driver's licence or get one reinstated. ..and taunting them. Is that wrong?
you guys are right. i saw baird's bike yesterday. everythings bairdwards... carb is in the front. exhaust in the back. even the sprockets and brakes are bairdwards. no wonder the only time he see's 25 mph is going past it or slowing to a stop. i guess he could be a part time member. if only a few time's a day
I am in. I really enjoy the rides where I am going some place in no rush. Take the back roads or threw industrial areas early on a Sunday morning. No traffic just the hum of a slow turning engine. 20 is just fine! One of the best things about our thing is the "low an' slow" Time to see the wild flowers by the side of the road. The wild life. Smile and nod to folks as you pass by. Leisurely ridding past the people at the bus stop in front of the DMV who can't get a driver's licence or get one reinstated. ..and taunting them. Is that wrong?

Man are you sick or what? I like to do the same thing. I also ride past the high school when it's letting out, riding by in the 20 mph school zone.
No look of longing like I see people waiting at bus stops as I speed by! I used to race Orange County's 57 bus from Orangethorpe to MacArthur one "Alehauler I" almost every night!

Edit: And yes I usually beat it :D

And to think you beat the bus and you were only doin 20mph....ya gotta love that!

oh absolutely, in the 20's is where its at, i like Mac's comment about finding stuff on the road, its amazing what is left on the road, and like 2door says, doesnt annoy any others, just makes them wish they had one too !
The looks I get from people at bus stops are the most interesting. Riding the bus is the saddest most depressing form of transportation ever devised. It not only cost a lot, but takes forever to get anywhere, and when you get off the bus you still have a long walk to get anywhere.

Busses were probably invented by the devil. Having your own personal transportation is what makes America better than anywhere else on earth.
Man are you sick or what? I like to do the same thing. I also ride past the high school when it's letting out, riding by in the 20 mph school zone.

LOL Bike Nut laff I am torn between going with "wuts your point? or "or what"? Theres an option!? snicker. Gonna have to go with "or what" Final answer Regis...

Really did crack me up BN. Thanks for the laugh and comradery.