New Group: The 20MPH Club

I just watch (c)

Good policy tho. The less wise take note: :D

"Most of the time" ? And you wonder why I miss the point.

Okay let's quantify my reservations about your pontification.

1) See, "most the time under 30" means a lot more than "some of the time under 30", as you say. You imply I spend more time over 30 than under, which is clearly not the case. I'm riding my bike and you are not and I have no reason to lie about my average velocity. For you to proclaim statistics regarding my cruising speeds is to color yourself an ultracrepidarian and a foolish one at that.

2) Huh? Thought you knew. Thereyago, too.

3) Usted literalmente no comprende. Serio.

4) Keep duckin. It's poppin off over your head.

5) 5 golden rings, and I'm Audi
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The other day I passed a cop on the side of the road with his radar gun out. He gave me the finger shake..was doing 20.8mph
Ahh, missed opportunity.
I want to compare my bikes speedo to a radar gun because even cars speedo can very just by tire pressure.

With a friendly cop on a 'not too busy' road you could ask him to clock you to the 1/10th of a MPH going 20 MPH on your speedo and know how to calibrate it.

Which reminds me, a fellow biker gave me nice looking mechanical speedo, but for measuring a 1 MPH difference at a sped like 20 MPH and no way to adjust it they are pretty much useless for anything but a ball park number.
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Good policy tho. The less wise take note: :D

Okay let's quantify my reservations about your pontification.

1) See, "most the time under 30" means a lot more than "some of the time under 30", as you say. You imply I spend more time over 30 than under, which is clearly not the case. I'm riding my bike and you are not and I have no reason to lie about my average velocity. For you to proclaim statistics regarding my cruising speeds is to color yourself an ultracrepidarian and a foolish one at that.

2) Huh? Thought you knew. Thereyago, too.

3) Usted literalmente no comprende. Serio.

4) Keep duckin. It's poppin off over your head.

5) 5 golden rings, and I'm Audi

How did this conversation end ,who won,lol xct2
48cc grubee,66tooth sprocket,270lbs i'm in the club like it or not! i'm cruzzin at 14mph, on the pipe[sbc] wfo 26mph... can't wipe the smile of my face!
My miserable conscience forces me to confess that the only reason I'm not a member of the 30 mph club is because my bike won't go that fast.
1) See, "most the time under 30" means a lot more than "some of the time under 30", as you say.

You are confusingly subjective but as long as you know what you mean, I'm good.

You imply I spend more time over 30 than under, which is clearly not the case. I'm riding my bike and you are not and I have no reason to lie about my average velocity. For you to proclaim statistics regarding my cruising speeds is to color yourself an ultracrepidarian and a foolish one at that.

I don't recall implying anything and I certainly had no intension of doing so.

As to your riding habits:

1. How fast or slow you go, don't care.

2. What your bike looks like, don't care.

3. When you ride, don't care.

4. Where you ride, don't care.

5. Your personal hygiene habits or anything else about your existence, don't care.

Other than shredding the belt on my CVT this morning (cruising about 35 mph), I'm still good.
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This is kinda cool. Ridding home the other day was thinking about this thread and was on a wide and hardly used road with some awesome old houses next to a river inlet with some great views. Realized I was WOT for no need. Slowed down to around 20 or less and just enjoyed the ride. I have been carried away with experimentation, speed tests and other numbers. Kinda lost the whole point of my MB. The enjoyment of a home built, fun hobby that can function as transportation.

The other day I passed a cop on the side of the road with his radar gun out. He gave me the finger shake..was doing 20.8mph

Was he more playing or was he being serious Dave? Sounds like it could have been a fun conversation. Dunno but how well maintained/calibrated can their radar guns be? I test my truck's speedo against 2 different of those stationary ones by the side of the road, "Your speed is;" Have found that there is a 3.5 MPH difference between my speedo and there determination of my speed. One is higher and one is lower. Not a big deal on a 40MPH road where it is prudent to do 45 so as to keep up with traffic. (and still annoy some. My truck looks slow but ain't and folks assume I will slow them down going up Avon MT) But would he really take the time to write you up for.8? Really seem to see a lot of AZ stories about speeding and am asking.

How Accurate are Police Radar Guns? -
Was he more playing or was he being serious Dave? Sounds like it could have been a fun conversation. Dunno but how well maintained/calibrated can their radar guns be? I test my truck's speedo against 2 different of those stationary ones by the side of the road, "Your speed is;" Have found that there is a 3.5 MPH difference between my speedo and there determination of my speed. One is higher and one is lower. Not a big deal on a 40MPH road where it is prudent to do 45 so as to keep up with traffic. (and still annoy some. My truck looks slow but ain't and folks assume I will slow them down going up Avon MT) But would he really take the time to write you up for.8? Really seem to see a lot of AZ stories about speeding and am asking.

How Accurate are Police Radar Guns? -

As soon as you go over 19.999999999999999mph you suddenly become a motorcycle.

Many have had there bikes impounded, ticketed for no insurance, no MC license, no registration, no lights, horn, no proof of ownership...ect. These tickets cost thousands and you most likely will not get your bike back.

This has happened to riders going as little as 1-2 mph over the speed limit, it all depends on the officer.

I am sure I was going well over 20.8 I know my speedo is not 100% accurate. And I did slow down a bit before I glanced at me speedo. But with some of the attitudes of the TPD towards motor assisted bicycle no way was I gonna stop and talk to him.
As soon as you go over 19.999999999999999mph you suddenly become a motorcycle.

Many have had there bikes impounded, ticketed for no insurance, no MC license, no registration, no lights, horn, no proof of ownership...ect. These tickets cost thousands and you most likely will not get your bike back.

This has happened to riders going as little as 1-2 mph over the speed limit, it all depends on the officer.

I am sure I was going well over 20.8 I know my speedo is not 100% accurate. And I did slow down a bit before I glanced at me speedo. But with some of the attitudes of the TPD towards motor assisted bicycle no way was I gonna stop and talk to him.

From what I understand conversing with other AZ riders, the situation there can become brutal. I had become involved with "legalization" efforts in AL but I have had second thoughts. While technically an unlicensed motor vehicle, all of my encounters with the law have resulted in being totally ignored. I believe having pedals has been the key, as they will jump on pocket bikes with a vengeance. There is something to be said for flying "under the radar".
This is my favorite

It looks inconspicuous. The incognito effect.