New Group: The 20MPH Club

LOL Corgi.

My Bike Builds

There is a very fine line between a hobby and a mental illnes."
I keep a bike carrier in the trunk for just such occasions.

Pride goeth before the long walk/push home
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Emergency kit for my 20 mile Sunday morning solo runs.

1. Cell phone

2. 3/4 Ton Truck

3. Wife

Works every time.
I'll sign up for this one. I don't know if anybody mentioned this yet, but here in Tucson the law is that you must ride at LESS THAN 20 mph. Hit 20 mph and some of those motorcycle cops will pull you over. Furthermore when you hit 20 mph your MAB magically becomes a MoPed and they can write you up for no license, registration, or insurance which amounts to about $1200 in fines and they'll impound your bike. Depends on the cop of course, but it always seems to be the Motorcycle jockeys that pull people over. I think they are just jealous that our rides are cooler than theirs!
I think every person that ever ask me about my bike, one of the questions they've all ask is how fast?

I always say 30 mph, and they go "really, that's fast", but they say in like they're thinking 30 mph isn't all that fast.

From now on when someone asks me how fast it goes, I'm going to tell them "it's faster than any bicycle they've ever ridden", which is probably the truth.
I just tell them 50mph.....and then of course the question is; "can you take that thing on the freeway"? I'll get back to you on that one.....

I have joined the club. I live in Tucson as well and as i have done a few mods they are mostly to climb hills a little better not to go fast. I cruise at low speed mainly to avoid getting pulled over but also to save the motor. I enjoy just a nice controlled cruise but really just like the fact that I don't have to pedal up hills. My bike seems to just love cruising no vibrations and half throttle.
I failed the entrance exam today.

I haven't been on a bike for 6 weeks because of shoulder surgery, but I couldn't stand it any more. Yesterday I decided to try a safe easy ride. I rode my pedal bike to the grocery store, a round trip of 3 miles. It felt good, but I disgusted when I realized that I was climbing a hill at an appalling 7 mph.

Today I decided to try my motorized bike on a 14 mile errand, but I was determined to go slow (low 20's) just to be careful. I couldn't do it! I took it easy for the first couple of miles, but then I just couldn't stop from going full throttle, about 30 mph.

I feel very comfortable and in complete control at 30 mph. At 25 mph, the bike just feels agonizingly slow.
i cruz at about high teen low 20 but out in the country i cant help but to open her up 4 a few mile then back to my lower numbers

i gota confess these weekend while all of u cal guys where riding and drinkin i took a ride to the RC races 12mile ride there i had it pegged out just to get there in time lol 33 mph got a little shake when i got off the bike thobrnotusflg
LOL Virginian. Glad to hear your on the mend though.

Is funny, I am a WOT kinda person. Coming from a stop sign or what ever, I hit it hard then (after finding this thread) Let off and enjoy the ride. I had gotten so caught up in getting every little bit out of a small engine and bike, I lost my original goal of a little home built putt around town creation. Even odder, working on one now with multiple engines that should be scary fast. I dunno either. Just fun to cruise and really enjoy. Yet still have to push the envelope.

This is why one MB is just never enough! snork