New Group: The 20MPH Club

Goat+Corgi+dan and all of a sudden theres fart jokes and references to cartoons. I blame global warming and the American educational system.

I finished a 3hp friction drive bike a couple of weeks ago and was thrill that I never had to pedal the bike at all. Top speed was still around 20 so it was the best of all worlds.

Then I decided to just try an idea I had for a bike using the scooter rear wheel as a drive with a gaoline engine. I had built a bunch of them as ebikes, but never as a gasoline. So I used an enging I thought was worn out. It was just and experiment I told myself. So I huff, I puff, and I bled. Then suddenly it was finished and it worked. Well I had to try it out didn't i? It is a little slower than the 3 hp but not a lot. It climbs the hills much slower, so I have to kick the speed up with the pedals. But when I came home I was grinning like a kid.

I haven't been off the toy bike since. It has only been a couple of days. I need to ride to the bank today, so I think I will ride the big bike there, but I am not finished testing the toy yet.
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Hi Deac how does it do in the wet. I would like to know. I like the simplicity of the friction drives just don't like the slipping in the wet.
As a long haul trucker I learned a lot about time and speed. I would watch cars go past and just kept my speed constant. A lot of the time I would pull up behind them at a stop light moments later. Fast is fun, but slow and steady get's er done. My bikes run quite well at 19 mph. I can go much faster but I don't, unless a big dog is after me. .shft.
i just put a speedo on my dyno 48cc 68tooth sprocket and took-er out for a test ride... thought i'd have to start the under 20 club. but the SBP chamber pushed my fat A up to 21mph, slowed her down to a nice 14mph first tank almost gone. i like 14mph on the side street's
Just joined.

My eyes tear up at 25 MPH w/o a face shield and since I'm never going to wear one (I do wear Rx glasses) I will always be a member.

15 to 20 sounds like a good speed to me.
My bike has a centrefugal clutch so I kinda have to open her up a bit just to get her going smoothly & comfortable. I have a 4 stroke and 56T sproket, but will be swiiching to a 62T so I can slow down and live a little longer.
I'm in! 20mph seems to be a comfortable cruising speed here. When Silverbear and I get together we probably top out at around 20, plus at this point I know I don't heal up like I used to.
Just back from a long ride. Beautiful spring day here. Have to thank the founder Aleman. (AKA "20+") I was so caught up in the eking out more HP, RPM or MPH. Really did forget why I wanted a MB to begin with. Just a great ride. 30/35 when I had to, but only then. Mostly, a bit above 20. Fast enough so the 'skeeters couldn't catch up. Slow enough to enjoy the scenery.


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You've got 'skeeters' already? Glad I live in Colorado. They haven't even hatched yet. That's because all the standing water is still froze. :)
My bikes top end at twenty or so. I always have time to smile and wave at the folks who stare at me going by. Only good part of my day.
I just got my MB fixed yesterday after waiting 2 weeks for parts. Was having fun this evening riding around the hood. It really is cool cruising around between 20 and 25 mph. I feel like my bike is very dependable at those speeds.
You've got 'skeeters' already? Glad I live in Colorado. They haven't even hatched yet. That's because all the standing water is still froze. :)

LOL Tom! Ayup. Crazy high and standing water. Four in the garage. Been a really wet winter. Farmers are gonna love it. Me, I'm building a bat house and lots of bird houses. (we have a large pond in the back yard)
I just put on a sportscarpat hub adapter with a 40 sprocket. It cruise super nice in the 20's now at less then half throttle the motor sounds like it is working way less to cruise I love it. Still part of the 20mph club and looking good doing it.



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