New Group: The 20MPH Club

When riding around my local hood, 23 mph is good. At that speed exhaust noise is pretty low, but you still get around fast enough..
I dont have a speedometer but I think fifteen miles an hour is plenty for me. Twenty I'm sure I do often going down hill or opening it up on the flat, but I don't mind the slower speeds. I don't want the bike to stall, and I don't want to be able to catch the freewheel often, but I don't mind pedaling a little on the hills. It tends to keep my head in the game, so to speak. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to pedal for full power on the hill, I want that motor pulling too.
Well I am now officially a member. I have had a few hair raising experiences trying to get these little engines above the 30 mph. mark. and I have found two things out.
1) They can cost you plenty of pain, and scare the tar out of you.
2) They can cost you plenty of $$ trying to fix the parts you broke or wore out trying to go that fast.

Moral of the story....Slow and steady is fine by me, 'cause you don't enjoy the ride half as much at higher speed stressing about every little sound or vibration, or what's ahead you can't see or stop for. Isn't that the point of a hobby to enjoy it?
LOL Tom! Ayup. Crazy high and standing water. Four in the garage. Been a really wet winter. Farmers are gonna love it. Me, I'm building a bat house and lots of bird houses. (we have a large pond in the back yard)

Man and I thought I had some kind of a man cave. I wanna see!(^):)
Left out at 5AM this morning on my usual 20 mile run, in the rain and decided it was time to join the 20 MPH Club. Everything was great until about 15 minutes into the ride when I dozed off and fortunately woke up just in time to miss a telephone pole. A couple of miles at 40 brought the lights back on and I settled into my usual 30 MPH routine.

I guess old kerf's just not cut out to be in the clique.
Yesterday I went on a long 50 mile ride through Dallas. I utilized my new philosophy of less speed is more, keeping the cruising speeds around 20 to 25 mph.

One thing I learned is at those speeds dependability is greatly improved. Of course sometimes because of traffic you have to blast up to 30 mph once in a while, but occasional high speed isn't nearly as hard on the motor as droning along at red line.
That is awesome Ale!!! Where is this promised dry land and MB heaven!? Really does sound awesome. We had a real bad winter and I mean bad. Lots of snow, but they could only keep up with plowing most of the road so left half open. Was so sweet. No cars could run in em. So took my sweet time. Man, it was great! We have bike lanes but next to parked cars who seem to wait for me to be right beside a car to open their doors! So ends up, under the car next to me or sudden stop and going over the now newly opened car door. Is why I now have 3 brakes. Like to get outa trouble as fast as I got in'it.
I moved 450 miles yesterday and now am near Sacramento. There are a lot of small EVs around here and so the roads have really wide bike lanes that are shared with these glorified golf carts. I've wanted to move here for awhile because of the bicycle friendliness of the roads, and now I'm doing my 20-29MPH runs much more comfortably! :D
Hey ,we are going to miss you on the local rides.
Wide bike lanes sound good though.
Take care and really hope that you can make the
Willow Springs race on June 18th.
Best of luck in your new diggs!

Just saw the last line of your sig. Made me spit beer laughing. Richard Cranium. (sorry, still laffing)

Is a new laptop!
Today I verified that 20 is a good speed. 15 is a good speed. 10 is a good speed.

25 is not a good speed, too much vibration and my eyes tear up.

Yup, 20 :)
LOL Mike, ayup.

Not to get all serious, but eye wear is uber important. Tearing up is not good but a good sized bug in the eye can drop you or drive one off in to traffic.
Today I verified that 20 is a good speed. 15 is a good speed. 10 is a good speed.

25 is not a good speed, too much vibration and my eyes tear up.

Yup, 20 :)
Mike, wear goggles. I have a pair of Harley safety glasses that wrap around. They keep the wind out and I can do 25 and no tears...sort of like Johnson's baby shampoo :)
I remember june bugs and rideing on the motorcycle w/dad ,looked around him and one hit me right in the middle of the forehead and like to knocked this little kid off the back(around 6-8 at the time,,we were going faster than 20 I'm sure)lol
I wear Rx glasses, sorry, no goggles.

On the MC, I wear a 3/4 helmet with a face shield. 90 MPH down the highway, no problem.

On the MB, I wear a DOT half helmet no face shield.

20 MPH is a good speed on my MB.

Any faster and you have to pay too much attention to the bike and the road anyway and you can't see all the people smiling at you. Actually, 15 is better. Coaster brakes work good at 15.

After all, it's a lot of work to pedal at 15 right?

I rode past 3 cops today at 15-20, didn't raise an eyebrow - :)
Not to go OT but I love cops. They are just great. When I first got into our crazy, here in town, they would ask "wut's it do 10 or 20?" When I told em 30/35 they were shocked. I swear, no matter where you live, smile and wave. Cops are good folks just doing a job. Kinda like people that way an' not looking to bother any one or look for extra work.