what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That like good exotic. I plan on using the clairmont for my next build.

Those are stock parts. The RED wheels and NATURAL seat. You guys are high-larious!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Did it monday, I think...took it out for a short ride. Hit 35mph....lovin' this NGK.

On Tuesday I took the second headgasket off that I had put on to help the stock 3point plug spark better. WOW!! Increased compression is amazing! The NGK really pepped it up with stock compression.
I had to lower it because the stock plug couldn't handle the pressure enough to spark right. Not so with the NGK.

Can you tell I love this plug? :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Is it a Walmart bike, or a catalog bike? Where do you get it, then? Looks like a good candidate for motor build. usflg

That like good exotic. I plan on using the clairmont for my next build.

Those are stock parts. The RED wheels and NATURAL seat. You guys are high-larious!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Cheapskate you can get them at Walmart. Mine currently has 3 on the rack. My wife works there so......when you go on the scwhinn site it says the clairmont is exclusively sold at Walmart.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That's cool. The WM here sells bikes, but usually mtn and hybrids, some bc's out front but haven't seen that color scheme.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Check it out on Walmart.com. They can ship it to your store for free and it comes unassembled,which most of us prefer I assume.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I loved the look of the clairmont. I like the red rims and brown saddle. I am thinking the saddle needs a crash bar and some springs maybe springer forks what do you think? for now it's done except mounting the turn signals and dashboard. My next project is a ebike going off the grid with it. I just ordered a solar panel trickle charger for it. Just not sure what bike to use. The bike it's on weighs a ton and is ugly!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yesterday I switched from a 44t sprocket to a 39.....Really helps for cruising..... I dont have a speedometer but it feels like a 3-4 mph gain at mid throttle....

I need about 1 extra peddle stroke for take off, but its a bike so peddling is allowed....

I'm glad I like it, had to shorten chain so putting 44 back on is not an option.....
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got the bike at Walmart for $165.00 being I have 18 bikes in my collection I feel it's a good bike for the price. Is it a great bike? No but it is better built than a lot of other new bikes out there. If I was going to ride it everyday and depend on it a my main means of transportation I would have bought a better bike. It will suit me fine for many years.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hahaha. I was riding down a remote park road and some roadies freaked out at my dax bike. I was pulling my daughter in her carriage and putting along, then floored it and caught up with them just for the heck of it. Another guy was staring out of his yard at me, not unfriendly, just confused. He looked even more confused when he put together the motor sound with the bike I was pedaling. I just waved at him and he went back to raking leaves.
The Tanaka 33 is sweet! It's pretty quiet at an easy pace or pulling up hills. It only gets loud when it's off the tire or when maxing it out.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yesterday I switched from a 44t sprocket to a 39.....Really helps for cruising..... I dont have a speedometer but it feels like a 3-4 mph gain at mid throttle....

I need about 1 extra peddle stroke for take off, but its a bike so peddling is allowed....

I'm glad I like it, had to shorten chain so putting 44 back on is not an option.....

It's not really all that hard to add a link or three, I do it all the time.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I grew tired of the drive chain slinging chain lube and crud up the backside of the engine and my left leg so I made a splatter guard. It fits across the front of the bearing support and covers the drive sprocket on my EZM.
A question for the more knowledgeable EZM folks here: While making the splatter guard I noticed that the bearing in the right side (clutch side) shaft support bracket has drifted inwards towards the clutch by approx. 1/8". I judge this by how far away the bearing snap ring is from the face of the support bracket. It used to be flush against the bracket.
Is this normal? Is this cause for concern that the bearing may loose it's tight press fit in the support hole and start spinning in the support hole? I will keep an eye on it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

One of my favs, rode the e-revive out to the hardware store to get parts for the e-bullseye.

One helps build another. Insidious.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

GearNut, could your engine be a teeny bit twisted causing that?

Great day for a cruise, got out and enjoyed it for a change. After changing the intake, rejetting and adjusting float level... Can't just jump on an HT without having to do something :p


Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

gearnut, mine has done that as well, I just popped it back,
I believe it is because the plate flexed a little under torque or heat
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I had to diagnose an electrical glitch. It was fine on the way to work the other day, but after being exposed to a brief downpour of rain it wouldn't run for the trip home. So I started testing things and came to the conclusion that the black wire from the magneto wasn't doing anything. Changed the magneto out and it fires up again. Siliconed it all up putting it back together, and it should be good to go for the trip to work in the morning.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

gearnut, mine has done that as well, I just popped it back,
I believe it is because the plate flexed a little under torque or heat

Well, it gets torqued to he11 and the clutch gets fry an egg hot every time I climb up the hill that I live on.
I see LocTite bearing and sleeve retainer being used in the near future.
Also a 62 tooth rear sprocket.
Thank you for the insight, azbill.

Killer, the engine is as straight as I can get it and the bearing support is very securely bracketed to the seat post tube. That thing isn't going to budge.
Thank you for the idea though.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, wisdom finally won out: I scared up a mini-flashlight and put it in my trunk. It WAS about the only thing I didn' t have in there. I kept telling myself I should.

Maybe it will act as a talisman and I won't ever have to fix or adjust something at night in the dark again, Murphy's Law being what it is.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

well - after 9 hours of work on bike-tools packed up -put away by 11 pm- did lots of things to bike today-motor & motor frame had to come off- rework frame mounts, straighten wheel, brake adjustments,axle,etc- then it all had to go back together.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had a good ride to the farmers co-op, bought a box of vegetables, and some beer on the way home. I like this town.

I found a 10 pack of 3xAAA mini-flashlights for 10 bucks last year at Labor Day, at Home Depot. Maybe they will have some other gimmicks and you can stock up on pocket lights.

Here's a couple head-strap reading/walking lights with red led flashers and white walking lights. $6.00 for 2. Put one in your toolbag for a work-on-bike light or hike-home light, or emergency rear flasher. http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-25e...keyword=flashlight&storeId=10051#.UELWTbJlT-s
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