what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Y'all r real popular with the vampires!
I guess that's real good of you... specially for riders like me who one day may need the help.

Gosh, it's hard to top that!

DRC, sry to hear abt your crank escapade... I would find some kinda nut that will get on there, and strike it with an arc to hold it until there is some reason to split the cases, requiring removal of the crank, and the rotor... could be a very long time.

CT... Whew!
Yer just havin outhouse luck, buddy!
...might drive me to drinkin! lol
full points for perseverance!

57, I'm sry... looks like I went off half-cocked without knowing more about your mab and the equipment you are running.

It came back around and bit me. Really!

I DID re-jet my cns 48 to .029 which is one size leaner..
It still wasn't right with the needle in #5 all the way fat so I took it up to #4 which got me just a little improvement in the low & slow thru mid range...
So, I started cranking out on the idle mixture adjustment.
...Got me some promising results!
So I dun it some more and went for a speed run...
Maybe the fastest I been, so far! Happy camper!!!
I'm looking forward to gud things, buzzing up the first block, when it felt funny all of a sudden and I braced myself because I knew what was gonna happen... The chain got wonky and locked up the back wheel as I slid to a stop. 20ft of skidmark rubber and I did NOT crash the mab!
Happy camper!
Well, the mab is broke, but I ain't!
#1 happened by and gave me a screwdriver to pry the chain out from between the spokes and the rag joint mounted sprocket. I pulled the master link and pedaled back home... It was even downhill !

So I moved on to another project...

Here's what we do with the peanut tank offn a broken mab...
use it for a temp fuel reserve to feed the carb on the econoline I'm working on. lol
What a hack job!

It will be 50yrs old in a couple months... ran good!
Within half an hour I put more gas through it than I do my mab in a week!

It's all good!


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

....nobody gets my blood. I have a 6' wide yellow streak down the center of my back when it comes to needles. I have been known to faint at the sight of others getting the needle. Was in a dentist chair once hooked up to a heart monitor. The doc came at me with that chrome POS they use and the nurse goes, "...uhhh, doctor, look." I couldn't see the monitor but he backed off, gave me a Valium and 15 minutes later started the Nitrous.

Took the back tire off the Dynacraft West Coast LTD I'm putting a Morini on. need to check on how long a bolt I need to put on the sprocket and if the pineapple adapter needs a spacer. The sprocket needs to stand clear of the sidewall, if it doesn't then I'll use the rubber spacers from the rag joint. There a ton of room between the hub and the wheel mount, got no worries there. Might have to grind the center of the hub to clear the coaster brake lever but no big deal.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey that's a nice 'bottle-nose', Happy !

I had one of those early ones a while back... it was an E-100... NOT an E-150...
Small and almost light duty as this antique I got now!
Landlord forced my hand and I had to give that one up, too!

These little vans gotta be almost perfect for carting racing MABs around!
(I really want to build a racer!)

It's one thing or another... if all I needed was more money, I'd probably be short on time!

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

CT... Whew!
Yer just havin outhouse luck, buddy!
...might drive me to drinkin! lol
full points for perseverance!

Yeah, Murphy has one of the big chairs on the committee that oversees my life, and has had it for a looooong time.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


I got a Murphy's Law poster, crumpled and torn up, stuffed off in a corner on a shelf... had it for maybe 20 years. All taped together and such.

Every few years I'll run across it and smooth it out for a hanging...
I really should buy a newer one, but hate the thought of tossing it.

...things are always in the last place you look for them...

How is anyone gonna argue with that??? lol

...there is no such thing as a foolproof system because fools are so ingenious...

I've personally done my very best to defeat many excellent products! lol
Today I tried an abrasive cut-off blade against my knuckle... it won.

...and now I've got kids that could break a rock!


...well, today I popped the sprocket cover off my chinagirl to un-stick the bound-up chain from when I threw it the other day. I really should get a new chain for the bike... but I won't.
I think I'll save for a clamshell sprocket adapter, then get a new chain.
...but today I went and looked at a basket-case Piaggio Ciao... I'm sure the kid is asking too much for it, (250), but I'd sure like to resurrect it. :-)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I patched up a whole in my innertube. Got a new rim and moved the sprocket onto the new one. Got a new tire and put it all together. Walked to the gas station filled it up with air only to get home and find that the tire wasnt in correctly. Just threw it on my bike and rode it back to the gas station let air out realligned tire filled back up great. Come home get the mail and I just got my new intake from bike berry( i was surprised on how light it was, thought it would be heavier). Still havnot installed it. Then I go back outside try to ride the bike and my freaking chain for pedaling was slipping so I took some links out only to find out I pulled to many out. So I tried putting them in and I cant do it so I wasnt able to ride my bike. Ive been trying for at least 3 hours now and gave up. So now that I got my new manifold I cant even test it and see how much better my motor will run so fml. Now I have to somehow tommroow get the chain on my bike and install my new manifold. fml
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Darn near perfected my new proto type air/sound dampener box for my BoXer bike for the air filter. I am pretty close now to little ol honda innocent generator noise level. It took me long enough. It don't look too bad its rapidly growing on me. This one does not impede air flow at all ether.(^)dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yay! APEC is over! President Obama flew out this morning, so less traffic. My route near the airport is clear; the homeless moved back near the bikepath.

My fuel tank is almost empty, so it'll be my first Opti-2 mix tomorrow morning.dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I keep thinking there's nothing much more I could do for the Higgins build until Fundreamer finishes my in-frame tank. I'm always wrong. It's true: you're never done working on them. It's just that some days you work on 'em because you have to. And some days you work on them because you want to.
I installed a waxed-leather mudguard on the front fender. I cut out one for the back. And I've painted my temporary tank bright red. It still doesn't look right, but at least now it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb.
This new build, she loves to run! And pedaling from a standing start is so much easier with the smaller pedal sprocket. That was a great find.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I checked to see if i broke a ring or scored the cylinder by not mixing my gas enough. Note to self, always check gas before riding to work. Thank goodness I didn't and killed the motor before I did some real damage.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today was more productive than most, not busier, just more productive. First, I installed weaker springs in the centrifugal clutch of the "Red Hornet" so she engages quicker and transitions more smoothly when shifting. Hopefully, it will now engage just above idle. I always scavenge springs and screws from old appliances and tools, so I had plenty that would fit to choose from. I then made a new gasket for the exhaust manifold because at high speed it was spitting oil on the rear fender and engine coil. I applied Permatex, so I have to wait for it to dry to try it out (first thing in the morning) After that I shifted my attention to my new Rat Bobber. When trying to start it for the first time I realized that you cannot "bump start" an engine that drives a rear freewheel through a jackshaft. So I took the cover off of the flywheel and tried to start it with my electric drill and a socket over the flywheel nut. Nothing, nada, not even a sputter. I pulled the plug, again, nothing, nada, dead. I have a new NGK and new CDI, so I'm thinking it's the 3 year old magneto coil, probably the weakest link in a Chinagirl engine. I ordered two, plus a recoil start from BGF and will try again when the parts come in.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I like the idea of custom clutch springs. I have a new Tanaka 33 and really like the fiction drive (pun), but the clutch springs are so tight, I get clutch chatter till about 10-13mph on flat ground (small roller). If I am going up a hill, I can pull from 3mph and it will stay engaged as long as the load exists, but then starts the chatter again if not going faster.

Does anyone know if there is a way to change this except going to a smaller roller? My wife is heavy and rides slow (10-15mph).
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I like the idea of custom clutch springs. I have a new Tanaka 33 and really like the fiction drive (pun), but the clutch springs are so tight, I get clutch chatter till about 10-13mph on flat ground (small roller). If I am going up a hill, I can pull from 3mph and it will stay engaged as long as the load exists, but then starts the chatter again if not going faster.

Does anyone know if there is a way to change this except going to a smaller roller? My wife is heavy and rides slow (10-15mph).

I dunno, man. I have gear and shift kit with OEM spring on my Tanaka 47R engine. My clutch also chatters at low speed.:-||
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Is it the clutch shoes that are chattering? or the clutch drum not spinning totally true?
I have had similar issues with both my BMP kit & 2 Staton double bearing clutch drivers. It wasn't the clutch shoes or the bearings, but a loose/wobbly drum. On the BMP kit, I had to install an extra 1/2" washer which allows the shaft-end screw to remove excess play from the 1/2" shaft removing drum play. On both Staton drivers, there is no threaded end to the shafts, but by removing the driver, laying it flat on the ground & installing one to two extra 5/8" washers between the pulley & bearing & pushing down on it while locking the pulley set screw, it also removes the play allowing the drum to spin totally true...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I've got my econoline motivating, so I can step back away from that project for a while... still can't spring for the taxes required on it... go figger!

Popped the drive gear cover and un-stuck my chain from the sprocket, made up the chain and adjusted the idler. Fired it off and it ran better than it has before.
I must be getting close with these $#@! cns jets! lol

...but the chain was a tad too tight...
I messed with it in the driveway, rocked the wheel back and forth, then turned it 180 and rocked it again to see how far my rag joint is out of eccentric... It is!

So I loosened the chain a bit.

But that ain't the biggie...

I heard a rattle in the top end when rocking the back wheel.
I'm figuring wrist pin or maybe piston slap. Probably both.
This might be the heart of the problem why best speed I've gotten so far is 24mph.

It was a basketcase when I bought it and had been run pretty hard.

So now I gotta look for a replacement engine from a vendor that will ship to Kalifornia. I don't think it would pay to spring for double shipping if I had someone out of state take delivery of it, then forward it to me...

I use the little mab for daily transport around town and really don't want to run it until the motor hand grenades... heck, I like it !
