what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Heavy duty mount Happy! I was going to suggest using your old chain tensioner as a mount, but you've used it already :)

Vincent, if your surfaces mate well it should hold, but from what I read looking it up, you'll change your port timing by not having the gasket in there. For better or for worse will be up to you, I think lowering the jug adds to the low end? (at the cost of top-end)

Nice Pipe Hot Wheels! I used to have something similar, they sound great, eh? Hopefully those lights don't melt off on you ^^)

Dan! If you're going to replace the cable anyway, just get a couple of cheapy pulleys instead of $x for that kit thing.

CTrips, there's a trick for centering the sprocket, when its loose you put spacers around the hub-to-sprocket. Like gas hose, or whatever fits. 5+ pieces of spacer around the hub will keep the sprocket true while you clamp it down :)

My turn :D Had to take off my copper extension, wasn't running worth a crap. Got to find a better way to mount it to the shorty, or come up with something else. So the shorty's back on there now, and I tried to use the innards of a stock air box on it. Just the mesh and the plastic circle, but then it wouldn't go over half throttle. Took it off and it screams again oO that's a new one. Maybe the screws sticking through are holding the plunger down a hair. 2min with the hacksaw when I'm in the mood should tell me.

Today I put the gasket maker to a real test, my bro in law and I rode hard over 10 miles non stop. The engine pulled hard and strong and the gasket held up just fine. Woohoo! I'm thinking about putting this red stuff on the top head as I can see crevices with the stock metal gasket. brnot
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yesterday lost spark to my plug so off to work I go this afternoon......this is a magneto thats only about 2 weeks old and it is the third one Ive had die on me. I read on here and have been advised by those on here more experienced than I that the solders on the ground coming from the center of the coil on the magneto have a serious issue with being good.....so since ive done the whole replacement thing and that has now shown to be lacking I broke out my solder gun and melted the solder off the wire to clean it.....what I found was that it wasnt debris blocking the connection.....it was the wire actually broke.....I guess that it only worked for a while because it was still partially attached but vibration and heat made it break.....anyhow obviously I have the thing resoldered.....lol.....even though its only on about 1/16" of the wire that was left.....it was an interesting soldering had to make a solder mound to reach the sparse wire....so Im back to running for now
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

harsh vibrations wreak havoc....

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

re: that look. haha. I buy whatever I need and I'm the one who does the shopping, so if anybody ever makes odd looks at my purchases, I either tell them I'm shopping for ...(grandma, wife, etc depending on item needed) and get adoring comments. Or, if they are mean, I just stare and ask how long they've been a cashier. If they ask why, I just say, bc. they are really slow and not cheery, maybe stocking (stalking pun) would be a better profession.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm thinking about putting this red stuff on the top head as I can see crevices with the stock metal gasket. brnot

They all look like that.
If you remove the head gasket and try to use the red stuff only it will increase the compression ratio, but good luck with the red stuff working in the long run.

Read Al.Fisherman's post #4 for the best thing one can do for head gasket issues.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Tightened up the back cones and finally got rid of that play- The Phil Wood 17/18 cone wrench I got a while ago comes in handy and is good strong metal

Then I rode it to the post office to pick up the analog speedo-

finally gonna end the speculation with the 66 ride-
want to do a video report then, and have the sunglasses camera charged and ready for it.

Probably put it on tonight or tomorrow- looks easy. surpised by the lightweight- got at rock bottom price $16 delivered on ebay.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

They all look like that.
If you remove the head gasket and try to use the red stuff only it will increase the compression ratio, but good luck with the red stuff working in the long run.
I haven't tried the K&W Copper Coat gasket coat on the head without the metal gasket in, but I use it on the intake port and about to try it for a better fix for the CNS carb air leaks.

This stuff is a "Universal gasket compound. Once tacky, resists water, steam, gas, oil grease, anti-freeze, solvents..." bla bla bla.

I have the metal can with the big useless fluffy 'dabber' attached to the lid inside. Just use the waste end of zip-tie to apply then toss it ;-}
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode it to the post office to pick up the analog speedo- finally gonna end the speculation with the 66 ride.
Is it a speedo like this one on my bike?


I love the thing, very easy to read and looks cool, but accuracy is not it's strong point.

They have a little bounce and accuracy depends on your tire size.
I have a couple of digital speedos you program the exact circumference in centimeters of your tire at the time I should hook up too to see how accurate it is just for giggles and grins.

Regardless, they are a cool cheap way to gauge speed, nice purchase Kat.
My usual riding speed is 35 on bigger roads but I can take her to the red zone if I bend down and tuck in ;-}
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

[Idle cold... I wish . Mine wont idle at all , my top speed is 27 mph and I get as lot of sputtering and herkey jerkey getting up to speed when she is cold or even close to warm as she heats up it doesn't ride as rough but I can tell something just isnt right after all the video's Ive seen I know what a good motor is supposed to sound like & I'm not quite there yet.I'm open for advise I have a 66 CC motor NGK BP7HS plug gaped at .029 "seems rather close if you ask me" an NTTN carb and a boat load of patience /B]
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

They all look like that.
If you remove the head gasket and try to use the red stuff only it will increase the compression ratio, but good luck with the red stuff working in the long run.

Read Al.Fisherman's post #4 for the best thing one can do for head gasket issues.

I just read that thread, lots of good info thanks! I think I might just leave the metal gasket as is, it's running strong with good compression now and I don't want to mess it up! dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

[Idle cold... I wish . Mine wont idle at all , my top speed is 27 mph and I get as lot of sputtering and herkey jerkey getting up to speed when she is cold or even close to warm as she heats up it doesn't ride as rough but I can tell something just isnt right after all the video's Ive seen I know what a good motor is supposed to sound like & I'm not quite there yet.I'm open for advise I have a 66 CC motor NGK BP7HS plug gaped at .029 "seems rather close if you ask me" an NTTN carb and a boat load of patience /B]

once warm...but still sputtering...does it even out for a short run if you turn the gas petcock off and pin the throttle open?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

If your engine won't idle it sounds like you need a carb clean or you have an air leak somewhere. My engine had a hard time idling and turns out I had an air leak on the base head gasket which I replace with red gasket making. My engine idles good now.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I did nothing with the Atlas as yesterday when I removed the front forks I found out that a PO had abused the fork stem nuts and stripped the fork stem threads. :( The nuts are fine though. It really sucked as I all ready made up a jig roughly copied from Sheldon Brown's (RIP) help site to have some linear caliper lugs braised onto said forks. Salvaged the lugs from a garage sale mountain bike carcass and filed them to fit perfectly too.

Toady I got lucky though and picked up a brand new Point Beach for a song. :D
Now I am saving up for a EZM kit to stuff into it. ;)
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

If your engine won't idle it sounds like you need a carb clean or you have an air leak somewhere. My engine had a hard time idling and turns out I had an air leak on the base head gasket which I replace with red gasket making. My engine idles good now.
I think your right I took the carb and offset off last night & found a blown gasket so I hammered out a new one with my trusty ball peen I ended up forming it to the head after I used the offset first then found it "the gasket" to be restricting the tapered part on the head I will be testdance1 running it in a few minutes & will report bACK
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

WELL just took a quick 4 mile run 2 out & 2 back & acceleration has increased i'd guess at least 25% top end isn't much better 30.4 mph top speed ever. I get that perfect purr where it all seems to be perfect but then .. in less than a minute it goes through this rattling / vibration stage and I can feel it slowing down almost as if it is the spark. It's not cutting out completely but decreasing in voltage or perhaps it is a fuel issue but I don't have any bubbles in my fuel line what so ever and the over sized fuel filter is always full.......Scratching my head...... I keep getting a taste of how it should be running all the time , do these have a governor because that's what it feels like?
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

once warm...but still sputtering...does it even out for a short run if you turn the gas petcock off and pin the throttle open?
I did this, and it pretty much runs the same just cuts out as the fuel gets used up are you thinking I'm flooding out? I use to have a dark black wet spark plug when i pulled it out however I raised the clip up one notch which tech. would be lowering the needle itself into the carb correct? and now my plug is dry and minimal carbon build up on plug . Still no idle. Thank you Wm Holden
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

If I drive like I stole it to work, I get 94mpg. That's with a Tanaka 47R racing engine on my motorized bike, speeds up to 45mph.xct2

If I drive like a sane person, I get 125mpg, and speeds up to 35mph. And less oil splatter. drn2

Simply awesome!dance1