what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

If you are getting oil spray from the carb & filter, maybe you need a longer intake manifold or different filter box. My Tanaka 33 has a little foam donut for an air filter. Kind of hokey for a "$300" motor, but we'll see how it runs! (and if it drips lol)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My grubee didn't want to idle for anything, or idled really high, till I narrowed the plug gap a little. Now it can run the lights without lurching or killing it and starts easier.

I did this, and it pretty much runs the same just cuts out as the fuel gets used up are you thinking I'm flooding out? I use to have a dark black wet spark plug when i pulled it out however I raised the clip up one notch which tech. would be lowering the needle itself into the carb correct? and now my plug is dry and minimal carbon build up on plug . Still no idle. Thank you Wm Holden
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

If you are getting oil spray from the carb & filter, maybe you need a longer intake manifold or different filter box. My Tanaka 33 has a little foam donut for an air filter. Kind of hokey for a "$300" motor, but we'll see how it runs! (and if it drips lol)

Lol, I'm not changing any part of a perfectly engineered racing engine. xct2

I'll just wipe it up. It might be coming from the slip-fit connections of the Tanaka three-piece pipe. I'll seal the pipes.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I had to adjust my brakes. The legislation for this region doesn't cover our bikes very well, it's geared mostly to electric and/or step-through frames. The only thing I did find that seemed consistent was a mandatory stopping distance of 9 m (29' 6") from 30 km/h (18 mp/h or so). I marked out a couple of stripes on the back lane and ran the bikes through it. The wife's stops in half the space. On mine, my brake cable had pulled itself under the edge of the tank and pinched between it and the crossbar, reducing my back braking power pretty badly. I loosened the tank and fished it out, and a couple of small cable ties now keep it pulled clear by going around the tank studs on that side. Now that it's freed up, I go over the end line by about a half a rim with no additional tweaking. That'll do for now.

After that we went out for a cruise over to check the PO Box, have a coffee and back. Around 20 km (12 mi), not bad. I did most of it barely above idle (30 kp/h/18 mp/h), since my wife's bike is a bit slower than mine, and that's where she's comfortable with it for now.

We stopped at the Canadian Tire for another bottle of 2-stroke oil and a few odds and ends on the way back. Answered questions everywhere we went, though not as many as we did on our trip towards downtown earlier in the week.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I did this, and it pretty much runs the same just cuts out as the fuel gets used up are you thinking I'm flooding out? I use to have a dark black wet spark plug when i pulled it out however I raised the clip up one notch which tech. would be lowering the needle itself into the carb correct? and now my plug is dry and minimal carbon build up on plug . Still no idle. Thank you Wm Holden
I'd close the plug gap a little as suggested...so it does not appear to be flooding out..or "loading up" as I've heard it called.

Mine is acting peculiar...if I pin the throttle open..it gets up to about 24mph...then if I close the petcock it starts screaming up to 32mph...just before it would start to cut out..if I open the petcock...it will stay screaming at 32....I think it has to do with the hotter engine being able to handle the extra fuel a "relatively" cold engine can not. I'm guessing though..oh and i've lowered the float so far if I go any lower it won't run right at all.

Put on some medium height narrow "ape hangers" today....because i bought a custom hand made gas tank yesterday and refuse to let it get dented by the handle bars.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I assembled my Dax Friction Drive with the Tanaka 33 that was listed for $89, and made my own remote throttle control/tester and plastic u-bolt to frame pads made of milk jug cut-outs. :-) What a wonderful day. Now just waiting for daylight to fire it up so the neighbors don't hate.

I'm using the bare cable, a little rough. Tip: thinner gear-specific cable works best, and shrink wrapping the cable after running it through the smaller hole (housing side) would probably help a lot, for finger comfort. The control works with 2 fingers or thumb easily. (do not grease cable where it touches fingers!) I am trying it out tomorrow, waiting for worm-clamp throttle lever from friend via USPS.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Jumpa, you've gotta adjust your float to allow the fuel bowl to stay filled. You can also remove the gastank/petcock inline filter and put in a higher quality inline filter to improve flow at high rpm.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

re: test throttle. Yeah, it was made to do until I get the plastic lever with hose clamp. I also plan to use one on my monster-tiller. This is a great test tool, as you can see where you want to install your lever, or run the motor while testing different handlebars or grips.

If you zip tie the cable to the stem or bar, or ziptie the tester to the bar or grip, it can function long term but it is a little wierd.

I got the idea from some custom brake levers on a high-end hand-built bicycle. There were two stalks per side of the handlebar, with a length of cable between them, and the brakes were actuated by pulling the cables with any fingers the rider chooses. Very cool! I could not duplicate them even in a rough fashion, so this was my there-I-fixed-it answer.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

chopper2011-10-19 14.29.08tn.jpg

ever evolving...seat extended...u bolted to ***** pad support...double nutted (nylocked) all seat assembly nuts...sealed new tank (not shown) bought hardware to move headlight up...buncha other miner stuff I don't even recall..the good news is ..it's a new day and I get to start over this morning...maybe the new tank will go on...dunno....hmmm decisions, dec.....shft.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I took my tanaka bike to the city park with my kid trailer and it rode like a dream! Miles of smiles, and my daughter loved it as we pulled around on the paths and grass to the water park. The bike pulls up hill even from 3.5 mph and was a breeze to start anytime we needed a boost. Glad I didn't buy this one first because I might have sold it to buy the happytime. This is more fun because I can use it every day. The joggers and baseball kids smiled and waved. Felt like a million bucks. I am usually the outsider, the stranger, the oddball. On the bike I am the super-dad, the neighbor, and the oddball with a cool machine.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I took my tanaka bike to the city park with my kid trailer and it rode like a dream! Miles of smiles, and my daughter loved it as we pulled around on the paths and grass to the water park. The bike pulls up hill even from 3.5 mph and was a breeze to start anytime we needed a boost. Glad I didn't buy this one first because I might have sold it to buy the happytime. This is more fun because I can use it every day. The joggers and baseball kids smiled and waved. Felt like a million bucks. I am usually the outsider, the stranger, the oddball. On the bike I am the super-dad, the neighbor, and the oddball with a cool machine.

Awww, that was great to read Happy!



Hiker made that smilie for AZbill but fits.

What ever happened to Hiker? Miss him. I gotta write. I kinda got out of the habit of chasing MIA MBers. They always seem to be OK and just got busy or drifted off.

No one can stop coming around with out sayin' good bye or some thing! Or we will send a coupla' guys over (In a Brooklyn accent)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My kid thinks I'm cool. :)

I tried to get a picture of her trying to pull the starter when she stood up next to the bike, but it didn't come out. Oh well.


When she sees me putting the trailer together she starts cheering.

We don't go fast but we can go a lot farther to all the park features, since I don't get so wore out, and we can carry more toys and snacks.

Here is the "shooting stick" I am using for a kickstand. lol. I found it in my box of camera gear and re-purposed it. I need a Greenfield rubber foot for it now.

Note: Be sure and extend all the legs and lock them, then push the rods in a few times to scrape the paint off, for traction!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I tried using the HT bike with it. It will sure pull it, but is loud and doesn't pull slow very well. It tends to "lurch" or lug, and the joggers hated it. It was a chore to pedal with the 36x18 gear and heavy wheels. The Dax bike has 14-34 x 22/32/42 and 700c wheels.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

So dang cool Happy!

"When she sees me putting the trailer together she starts cheering."

To cute for words and God bless.

70 years from now I am sure a very kind woman will be telling stories about her very cool Dad, his crazy MB and rides in the park. Then she got to the teen yrs, lol.

Get a vid of the cheering! She will love it later
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Heh heh, she's so cute, like the rest of you light haulers... heh heh I kid, but 6 24s in the trailer doesn't. :)



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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I took my tanaka bike to the city park with my kid trailer and it rode like a dream! Miles of smiles, and my daughter loved it as we pulled around on the paths and grass to the water park. The bike pulls up hill even from 3.5 mph and was a breeze to start anytime we needed a boost. Glad I didn't buy this one first because I might have sold it to buy the happytime. This is more fun because I can use it every day. The joggers and baseball kids smiled and waved. Felt like a million bucks. I am usually the outsider, the stranger, the oddball. On the bike I am the super-dad, the neighbor, and the oddball with a cool machine.

Somehow, you fit right in here, man.

Good job, Dad. Unsure if your daughter will remember at this young age, so keep doing it until, like you said, she reaches her teens.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That is a really cool trailer but I bet it is heavy!

re: teenagers. I was taken cycling frequently from a young age (carried on baby seat first, then got a trike, etc, through BMX and cheap mtn bikes. By the time I turned a teenager, my parents did not ride anymore, but I was very much into road cycling. Neighbors used to take me on mtn bike trips. .we.

Heh heh, she's so cute, like the rest of you light haulers... heh heh I kid, but 6 24s in the trailer doesn't. :)
