what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Check the forecast saturday or sunday next week and after. If it is good, I will probably be riding in the morning, and anyone else is welcome to join us. Just message Friday or sooner to make plans.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Jumpa said:
"It was a 1966 Bonneville parking light" looks like something out of War of the Worlds?
as my wife put it!
Be honest please like it or not?

Definitely unique, just looks a little ET'ish :) But it goes good with your horn/mirror setup.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I like it! Suits the bike real well. I have been looking for an appropriate housing for my headlight, and it looks like you have found the perfect one for your bike.

On a side note, I had my first night ride today..it was short, just a proving run, but boy was it fun! I gotta tweak my lights a little, but I think they will be fine when I am done...provided I can find a suitable hosing, LOL

Thats one tough looking bike m8 I mean if it were me Id leave the tank where it is. I just think it would look naked with out it there wouldn't it? Can you tell me if this head light
"It was a 1966 Bonneville parking light" looks like something out of War of the Worlds?
as my wife put it!
Be honest please like it or not?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thats one tough looking bike m8 I mean if it were me Id leave the tank where it is. I just think it would look naked with out it there wouldn't it? Can you tell me if this head light
"It was a 1966 Bonneville parking light" looks like something out of War of the Worlds?
as my wife put it!
Be honest please like it or not?

I like it where you have it....it's the whole package that works...

I like this tank way better...

full rez
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I think the big wide light looks good on that bike.


Today, I drilled 2 holes in my Dax drive-channel for 3/8 carriage bolts and hardware, and an interchangeable 12" x 6" x 6" Sterilite box, and a milk crate I found on the highway.

The handy box is for maps, snacks, camera, tubes and small tools. The crate is for a diaper bag or a jug of milk and a loaf of bread.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

CT, sounds like you have really nice scenery to ride with up there. Where I live it's your typical American suburb, nothing but neighborhoods and pavements.
It sounds like you guys mostly ride on the road, I mostly ride on sidewalks. I enjoy riding at night time when there are less joggers. Motorist here are very impatient, they don't want to stop or slow down for bicyclist or MB. This is the big reason why I try to stay away from the roads. Getting hit by a car doing 45mph will hurt like HeII! .duh.

There are some good places we can get to with the motors and the pedal around. They're not happy with motorized bikes used under power in the parks, and I'm cool with that, the right side's still got all 21 speeds on my bike. There are a lot of good on-road bike routes here, but there are places where you shut down and take to the sidewalk if you like living. There are a lot of bad drivers here, but I used to drive for a living for a long time (city courier) so I've had a lot of practice at staying out of the path of them. ;)

Anyway, on topic now ... today I did the trip to work and back. The I think the motor's nicely broken in now, the sound of it and the idle have... changed, subtly. I'm not sure how else to describe it. It starts in a heartbeat cold, purrs like a kitten idling along (with no throttle, about 28-30kph/17-18 mph), and wails like a banshee when it's warmed up if I wind it out (topped out at 68 kph/42 mph before the speedo overloaded went permanently squirrely). It runs very happily around traffic speed, which is usually what I'm looking for.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

added a tool bag to the front fork....and under seat.
working on a design for a brake light...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got my wife to ride it! (epic win) I had to put the old post and seat guts on, to get the seat way down. I had to adjust the brake and change tires (using front wheel on mtb to test out Amerityre). She liked it. http://youtu.be/-QiH45ereHI
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

In the past few days I disassembled my 4 year olds bike, rebuilt the bottom bracket, stripped the frame to bare metal, 3 coats of primer, 3 coats of Ford Blue engine paint. Today I put it back together and the kid is thrilled. Not really motorized bike related other than it was practice for my build which starts when The parts arrive tomorrow....
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

@happy - That is freakin' awesome. Thanks for sharing. Need to shoot a vid of the missus opening up the bike to where it sounds like a weed whacker burning jet fuel.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I put a Cheng Shin/ Schwinn Streamliner beach cruiser tire (see my pics) on the back, instead of the 26 x 1. 75 Nashbar Elevator I was running. Oh what a HUGE difference! I never put it on before bc. I thought it wouldn't fit. The rear rim is 2.35. It has a little gap left for the chains and didn't rub, so it's all good. This thing feels like one of those big rubber balls with the handle on it that people ride around the Toys R Us when they think no one is looking .hahahahaha [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-4H...PLD98FF573AD0665B7&lf=results_main&playnext=0
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wow! Epic win ! Just like you said, Happy...
I'm trying, here and there, to get my SO to take the MAB for a spin...
Will be a gud thing once she does.

Wm, I like the Bonneyville lite, but not mounted up so high... I think maybe I like a bicycle look better than the retro-chopper look. Besides, if ur going for the chopper look in ventura u got to have flames!
...but it's a very nice mab you have built!

lol the only smudge is the china motor lol

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wow! Epic win ! Just like you said, Happy...
I'm trying, here and there, to get my SO to take the MAB for a spin...
Will be a gud thing once she does.

Wm, I like the Bonneyville lite, but not mounted up so high... I think maybe I like a bicycle look better than the retro-chopper look. Besides, if ur going for the chopper look in ventura u got to have flames!
...but it's a very nice mab you have built!

lol the only smudge is the china motor lol


I kinda like it stickin' up....we are talking about the headlight right?
I mean..I got am awesome chrome tail coming..that square thing is just a stop gap so I can ride without worring what time it is..

and flames..yup..check!

full rez

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I swapped tires from Armadillo 26 x 1.95's to 26 x 2.35 Schwalbe Big Apples. Just swap tires and ride away, right?


The bike weighs the same. Handling might have improved a bit. Ride is still as bumpy, but lowering tire pressure might help. Since the tires are taller, the bike stand is not touching the ground. Worst of all, the gear ratio RAISED, so the bike has a soggy response. Now my MB struggles to climb the steep parking ramp. If bumber-to-bumper traffic stops on the gridlocked hill, I have to jump off the road and onto the dirt path. The bike does not have enough low end to start up from a dead stop on a steep hill. For those unfamiliar with shift kits, pedal-assist doesn't help a whole lot. I adjusted the carb, which helped some, but not enough.:-||

The solution is lower gear ratios. I already have a 34-tooth first gear on my cassette. Even if I do find a 38-tooth first gear, all the other gears would still be adversely affected by the taller tires. The solution is to lower the ratio on all eight gears. I can do this by replacing the 30-tooth bicycle chainring sprocket to a 24-tooth sprocket. Gear reduction will be HUGE! Gear changes in first, second and eight gears will be from 37.09, 31.64, 26.18 AND 12:1 TO 46.32, 39.55, 32.73 AND 15:1 in first, second, third and eighth gear, respectively.

With drastic gear changes, this bike should be able to climb the steepest hill. It will also be able to cruise at high speed w/a 15:1 in eighth gear.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The biggest rear cassette I've ever seen was a 13-36 tooth, and probably very expensive (10speed stuff)