what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

My Pirate Cycles worksman wheels and assorted parts arrived today and my engine kit is scheduled for delivery tomorrow! I really need to get to work on stripping the paint off the frame and locating a better tank than comes with the kit...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got a great deal on a 4 stroke on eBay. Then I found out what a Hoot is. Still, I can kill the hoot and replace it with a grubee kit and be in the same place financially...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


Sry Wm, it was Jumpa? with the bonneyville parking lite???
...kinda like after the fashion of the way they put the headlite on the old HD springers???

I like the bonney light, it's just too high up there for my like-ens... but heck, what do I know!

My mab got a tad noisy in the stern so I had to give it some attention...
the chain was TIGHT !
AND the wheel bearings were loose.

There was no lube on the chain and some of the links were stiff.
penetrating oil has improved it some.
I adjusted the wheel bearing and idler... took er for a round the block spin and it's good to go. wiped all the excess lube off before my brakes get greased!

Really wish I had disk brakes, front and rear.
have a front end with a disk, but not read to run it just yet.
it's going on the Giant Butte with the red bat motor.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I'm running 11-26 and 12-28 that I got for $5 each from catalogue lol.

Here is 9 speed 11-36 Bikeman Shimano HG61 9-Speed 12-36 tooth Cassette for 29er

I wish there was a cassette with a 34 low that was something like 13 19 24 28 31 33 34 It would work great at speed in the big ring, and work good for towing in the low ring. Probably will never happen though without hacking together a bunch of old cassettes. The mfgrs seem to be making things that jump more as you go lower in gears like these 9-36tooth things.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The 14-36 was a Suntour five speed freewheel (remember those?) and they were only out there for a short time. It was pre index Suntour AG (alpine gearing) I think I might still have one or two of those cogs in my Suntour cog box. I used to have a pegboard with all of the cogs for Suntour so I could customize your freewheel. With only five to chose from and limits of derailleurs back then it was a good idea to set up your gearing to what you were most comfortable with. I usually set folks up with a strait block and then a bale-out

I had a cross bike with a single 38 front chainring and a 13-36 rear freewheel (my stump puller) It was a lot of fun to ride ,but I was a lot younger and fitter back then(sigh)

My current road bike has a lot bigger range than my old AG set up. I have a low gear of 23-32 and a high gear of 46-11. On my motor bicycle I have a 34 up front and a 11-30 in the back. I am glad I have that much range because I have broken my motor chain before and had to pedal home up to fifteen miles.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Added another muffler to the stock HT unit. Worked great! Less noise, more low end torque and a lot smoother-less vibration. So I headed out to the hardware store for a few more fittings to finish it up and on the way back the rear tire went flat.

Sure enough a piece of wire was in the tire.

Pushed it a mile to a gas station a mile from home and put 60 psi in the tire and hit the road quick. Tire was soft when I got home but at least I didn't have to push it 2 miles - :)

The wire was solid shiney and stiff. Looked like steel belted tire wire.

Damn cager took out my ride with tire debris.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It's still louder than the Robin Subaru 33cc, but it's not as loud as it used to be.

It makes a significant differance. The smoothness and low end torque improvement was an unexpected bonus.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I still like 5 speed freewheels! I have friction shifters on my prize mtn bike, so I can run 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 (with thin chain). Right now I only have a cassette hub wheel for it though. But it's neat to borrow friend's wheels and try out their tires without having to swap rims and all.

Yeah, at least on most of these, the pedal system actually works if not too overgeared. A real moped is only good to pedal off the road if it dies. haha. (or maybe out of your dorm so you don't piss off the neighbors)

My first engine chain stretched and the next broke, so I was trying to hitch a ride or phone call. Luckily my wife picked me up (20 miles). I've pedaled the beach bike grubee 10 miles before, and that was slow going, but not too hard.

The 14-36 was a Suntour five speed freewheel (remember those?) and they were only out there for a short time. It was pre index Suntour AG (alpine gearing) I think I might still have one or two of those cogs in my Suntour cog box. I used to have a pegboard with all of the cogs for Suntour so I could customize your freewheel. With only five to chose from and limits of derailleurs back then it was a good idea to set up your gearing to what you were most comfortable with. I usually set folks up with a strait block and then a bale-out

I had a cross bike with a single 38 front chainring and a 13-36 rear freewheel (my stump puller) It was a lot of fun to ride ,but I was a lot younger and fitter back then(sigh)

My current road bike has a lot bigger range than my old AG set up. I have a low gear of 23-32 and a high gear of 46-11. On my motor bicycle I have a 34 up front and a 11-30 in the back. I am glad I have that much range because I have broken my motor chain before and had to pedal home up to fifteen miles.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The larger muffler added on in line with the tube Briggs stock muffler, is it store bought or your own design?

I know that automobiles had in the past maybe still now or not, I have not really checked recently, a separate resonator that is after the catilic converter and before the muffler to change the frequency of the exhaust to a lower tone.

This is maybe what you have achieved. The length of the whole exhaust system also has an effect on the sound, so you have a good time not pissing people off if you’re a baker going to work before sunrise.

I used to do that for a while leaving at 4am and pushed a road bike motorcycle that had a leaking manifold a block to get into a place where it was furthest from residences before starting it. I tried to get a place to weld it but no place was interested so it goes.

Measure Twice
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The big black muffler is the stock Chinese happy time catalytic that came with the kit. I cut it off from the stock header and replaced that with the flex pipe you see. What I added yesterday was all the copper and the little muffler.

Today it's getting another elbow, a reducer and a short length of 3/8" copper tubing. That ought to tone it down a little more - :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got a bike out in the pile that says Jeep on it... it gots a HUGE low gear on the cassette!
...want me to count the teeth for your info???
It's even got a different derailleur to deal with it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

RC: Ill bet its a Shimano HG 34. not as big as the old suntour but still a low gear. A few years ago they tried that, but I don't think it went over that big(neither did the Suntour). What's old is new and old again. Since the memory of the consumer here is like the lifespan of a fruit fly I bet somebody will try it again as a "new" technology.

Back to the subject line, road out to the store yesterday and I think my float lever is too low because my engine is cutting out when I give it W.O.T. It seems to happen in "waves".
