what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Still running my bike on my modified wrist pin needle bearing and its still going great. last week or so i've started letting it ride at WOT for extended periods of time getting up to top rpms with no problems been up to 35mph. Only problem is the snow has started flying and i dont know when i'll be able to get out again
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?


Saw this cool homemade scooter at Sear Point today.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Still running my bike on my modified wrist pin needle bearing and its still going great. last week or so i've started letting it ride at WOT for extended periods of time getting up to top rpms with no problems been up to 35mph. Only problem is the snow has started flying and i dont know when i'll be able to get out again

Been wondering how that was holding up. Thats the one ya took a few rollers out of so it would fit, Right? I guess as long as it fit snug with no play it should be OK. Even with some rollers out of it I would still trust it more than I would a bushing.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I did a number of things today. Fixed a broken pedal (too cheap to replace them, plus they are vintage and I like them). Also adjusted my bottom bracket and my chain tensioner, which is on the pedal side. Lubed my chain, fixed a broken wire connector on my batttery that powers my brake light, put some air in my tires.

Glad to see SOMEONE does maintenance on their bike. Too many guy's (and gals,) just ride em till they break or something falls off. Good call on the pedals, Vintage stuff can be hard to find and usually not cheap.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Glad to see SOMEONE does maintenance on their bike. Too many guy's (and gals,) just ride em till they break or something falls off. Good call on the pedals, Vintage stuff can be hard to find and usually not cheap.

I can't afford not to do maintenance on my bike. It weighs around 100 lb, maybe a little more (heavy steel frame, worksman front wheel, heavy-duty rear wheel, oversized tank), so its way too heavy to pedal or push very far.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well after removing the head, and jug I noticed that my crank w was in pieces inside the engine...so after about 30 good whacks from a 20oz claw hammer I now have a beautiful pile of chinese crap in my driveway...gonna have to buy a replacement engine...which sucks because I just dropped 50 bucks on new parts to do a maintenance on it...so I won't be riding for a while...gonna be homeless as of wednesday...wish me luck...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Man, not good Wicked. Wrong time of year to be out doors. Hope you work it out.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I can't afford not to do maintenance on my bike. It weighs around 100 lb, maybe a little more (heavy steel frame, worksman front wheel, heavy-duty rear wheel, oversized tank), so its way too heavy to pedal or push very far.

Sounds like my bike Big. Steel cruizer frame, steel rims with 12 guage spoke's, Ammo cans for side cases for battery and tools. All the electrics plus Windscreen, speedometer and everything else I could think of to put on it. Yeah, I'm sure it weighs a ton. And to top it all off, I weigh around 230lbs.
I'm forever checking and oiling and adjusting. If I HAD to I could pedal a few blocks on mine, but I wouldn't like it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yeah, I got a flat tire once and had to push my bike home about 2 miles. That was a lot of fun.

Thats why the ammo cans big. I got stuck a couple times trying to fix my bike with a rock and some bailing wire, in the dark, with no light and no phone. The battery and extra 2 stroke oil are in one side, tools, extra tube, patch kit, pump, short section of motor chain, ect, in the other. I can pretty much handle most roadside emergency's, unless the engine blows or the frame busts in half. And I always carry my Italian socket set (vice grips.)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Replaced my stock crap plug wire with an extra coil wire from when I did a tune up on my truck.

Big difference, didn't notice any increase in power, but it is a whole lot smoother delivery.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Replaced my stock crap plug wire with an extra coil wire from when I did a tune up on my truck.

Big difference, didn't notice any increase in power, but it is a whole lot smoother delivery.

Thats the first thing ya shoulda done when ya installed the engine anyway. The thing is, if ya do it then, ya don't realize there IS a difference.
Thats the way I do it too. I save my old plug wires from tune up's, clean em up and use em. Even used auto wires are better than the stock crap.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thats the first thing ya shoulda done when ya installed the engine anyway. The thing is, if ya do it then, ya don't realize there IS a difference.
Thats the way I do it too. I save my old plug wires from tune up's, clean em up and use em. Even used auto wires are better than the stock crap.
Well, when I built the bike, I never knew this place existed. lol

I used an extra Bosch coil wire from my tune up last year, brand new. I still have my old wires from the truck if I need to make another one though.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rode it to an MRI appointment today. I've got a loose pedal chain, so I had to take off running and hop on. I stuck to a route that would allow me to go pretty much non-stop, so I made it there and back alright. Lots of fun.

Take-off was a little sluggish, and I was four-stroking a lot, so I did a plug chop and found that I was running too rich. Leaned her out by one notch and voila, the low-end was back.

Started getting vibrational cut-outs near 25mph, so I tightened up the motor mounts. It's amazing what 1/8 of a bolt turn can do for top speed! After the mounts were tightened I was able to cruise at about 28. I like how there are vibrational sweet spots. 24-27mph vibrates like crazy, then you get to 28 and it hits a sweet spot from there to 30. Still a lot more vibration than when driving around 20mph, but way smoother than the rough speeds. The vibration/speed ratios were different with the same kit on another fram, so I guess it's all about mechanical resonance, which is one of my favorite subjects.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Rode it to an MRI appointment today. I've got a loose pedal chain, so I had to take off running and hop on. I stuck to a route that would allow me to go pretty much non-stop, so I made it there and back alright. Lots of fun.

Take-off was a little sluggish, and I was four-stroking a lot, so I did a plug chop and found that I was running too rich. Leaned her out by one notch and voila, the low-end was back.

Started getting vibrational cut-outs near 25mph, so I tightened up the motor mounts. It's amazing what 1/8 of a bolt turn can do for top speed! After the mounts were tightened I was able to cruise at about 28. I like how there are vibrational sweet spots. 24-27mph vibrates like crazy, then you get to 28 and it hits a sweet spot from there to 30. Still a lot more vibration than when driving around 20mph, but way smoother than the rough speeds. The vibration/speed ratios were different with the same kit on another fram, so I guess it's all about mechanical resonance, which is one of my favorite subjects.

That is a good album by a band called Tesla too.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yeah BoDean, 1/8th turn. BEEN THERE. I was out riding with Ocho Ninja a little over a week ago. I had just rode the bike the day before, so when it started vibrating I thought, OH CRAP, Somethings gone very wrong with the China Girl. My butt was vibrating like my girlfriends,uh, well, never mind that.... So we cut the ride short, I rode it home and started thinking about it. YEP, 1/8th turn, DONE.
P.S. By the way, you're not allowed to say CRAP on the other site. It'll get bleeped.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, I tried fixing my broken pedal which I had mentioned earlier, but it didnt quite work out so well, so I got some new pedals at walmart today for $8. I dont expect them to be bulletproof, especially being from wallyworld, plastic, and costing only $8, but I figure they should hold up till I can find a replacement for the broken pedal. I installed them this evening when I got home from a long day of running here and there doing different things that needed done before buying a car (the wife's toy, not mine lol), so thankfully they threaded right on the first try. I sometimes have trouble getting pedals to thread right, but not today.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well after removing the head, and jug I noticed that my crank w was in pieces inside the engine...so after about 30 good whacks from a 20oz claw hammer I now have a beautiful pile of chinese crap in my driveway...gonna have to buy a replacement engine...which sucks because I just dropped 50 bucks on new parts to do a maintenance on it...so I won't be riding for a while...gonna be homeless as of wednesday...wish me luck...

Best of luck to you, do you know where you're going?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

actually vik, i found out this morning that i will not be homeless after all...things have worked out, for a while at least, and i will still have a place to warm me bones...got a flying horse on its way and am going to be stuck using the same old solid mountain bike i used on the last build, but its comfortable for me...im 5'11" and the 26 wheels are great...need to acquire a springed seat, and maybe find someone junking an old mb with spring or shocked front end...the rigid kills me...pics to come of the new old build...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

actually vik, i found out this morning that i will not be homeless after all...things have worked out, for a while at least, and i will still have a place to warm me bones...got a flying horse on its way and am going to be stuck using the same old solid mountain bike i used on the last build, but its comfortable for me...im 5'11" and the 26 wheels are great...need to acquire a springed seat, and maybe find someone junking an old mb with spring or shocked front end...the rigid kills me...pics to come of the new old build...

BRO, You don't know how glad I am right now for you. Like I said, I've been there and it ain't no fun.
Let us know how the F.H. works out. Do ya still have the rear sprocket hooked up on the Mountain bike? Thats the hardest part of the build. And yeah, I'm looking to put suspension forks on mine too.
Anyway bro, Glad things are workin out fer ya. Keep us updated.