what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

my brother inlaw was nice enough to take my bike for a spin but he ran very
lean gas with it and blew it up! Guess im gonna have to get a replacement engine from bumblebee..its ok there 92.50 and he says he's buying it! so im gonna have a new engine when its all done with! guess i should have locked it up!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

my brother inlaw was nice enough to take my bike for a spin but he ran very
lean gas with it and blew it up! Guess im gonna have to get a replacement engine from bumblebee..its ok there 92.50 and he says he's buying it! so im gonna have a new engine when its all done with! guess i should have locked it up!

Then just put the old engine on the bench and rebuild it. A spare engine is a nice thing to have around in case yer sister or brother or uncle or mother decides to take it for another spin. It probably just needs a top end rebuild, $50 or less.
And yeah, locks are good things.:-||
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Broke my spark plug cap yesterday. DOH!

Don't remember ever breaking one of those myself. Well, except for the cheapo's with the little clip inside that falls off. So how DO ya break one of those? (Just curious.)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Don't remember ever breaking one of those myself. Well, except for the cheapo's with the little clip inside that falls off. So how DO ya break one of those? (Just curious.)
The little clip fell out of it.

Upgrade time.dnut
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

The little clip fell out of it.

Upgrade time.dnut

Like I said, The cheapo with the little clip. That should have been replaced already. It's just that it's a PITA if it happens in the middle of a ride.
And O.P, Do ya mean yer slide (or plunger,) needle? cause a float needle is what closes the fuel flow (at the fuel intake fitting,) into the bowl. The float needle is a short, thick thing and would be real hard to bend without a hammer.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Put new forks on my bike along with a ram intake. Tested it without the ram and it went 28mph ( all stock). Put the ram air on and got the lil china girl going 34, used a GPS to get the speed. Then while riding to work the chain fell off and now it looks like imma need a new chain.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Put new forks on my bike along with a ram intake. Tested it without the ram and it went 28mph ( all stock). Put the ram air on and got the lil china girl going 34, used a GPS to get the speed. Then while riding to work the chain fell off and now it looks like imma need a new chain.

Yeah Brad, If yer going for Warp speed ya gotta upgrade. Just make REAL SURE the motor sprocket is EXACTLY in line with the rear sprocket. I have a very easy way of checking this if yer interested.
What part of the Bay Area are ya in?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yeah Brad, If yer going for Warp speed ya gotta upgrade. Just make REAL SURE the motor sprocket is EXACTLY in line with the rear sprocket. I have a very easy way of checking this if yer interested.

After the chain tensioner was put on it ran like a champ. I've been riding on the bay trail and gets kinda bumpy so I figured it caused it to fall off. After I un-F***ed it, it ran ok, but not well enough for me to try And get to work. What's your way of checking? I just hold the bike and look down to the chain and check like looking down a sight on a rifle.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

After the chain tensioner was put on it ran like a champ. I've been riding on the bay trail and gets kinda bumpy so I figured it caused it to fall off. After I un-F***ed it, it ran ok, but not well enough for me to try And get to work. What's your way of checking? I just hold the bike and look down to the chain and check like looking down a sight on a rifle.

Yeah, Thats pretty much it. Just move the chain left and right untill you can see that the drive sprocket is dead center on the chain. Then without moving it, bring it straight back. THATS where yer rear sprocket SHOULD be. If it's off even the width of a thin washer, fix it.
Some guy's use a straight edge, I find it harder that way. I also don't use the rag joint anymore on my personal bikes. That cheap thing makes it a lot harder to get the rear sprocket set up right..spr.
Got a pic? I'll show you mine if you show me yours..mbv.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yeah, Thats pretty much it. Just move the chain left and right untill you can see that the drive sprocket is dead center on the chain. Then without moving it, bring it straight back. THATS where yer rear sprocket SHOULD be. If it's off even the width of a thin washer, fix it.
Some guy's use a straight edge, I find it harder that way. I also don't use the rag joint anymore on my personal bikes. That cheap thing makes it a lot harder to get the rear sprocket set up right..spr.
Got a pic? I'll show you mine if you show me yours..mbv.

Hey now. If I could figure out how to get em on here ( don't have an image hosting site, yet) and when I figure it out I'll show ya.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey now. If I could figure out how to get em on here ( don't have an image hosting site, yet) and when I figure it out I'll show ya.

A lot of pics are too big and the site wont let you. I send them to myself and my email automaticly resizes them smaller so they'll fit here. Then I put it back in my picture folder and go from there. This is a little older pic. I have since added a billet intake with a better air filter, A set of Schwinn forks with the cantilever bosses for better brakes, A real tail light/brakelight, and a windscreen.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Brad, there's a sticky in the pic section on how to post directly through the forum, or using Photobucket.com. Pic Section Link. I just eyeball my chain too.

Today I had fun Cutting up a Frame, but tough choice to make before welding it back up... :(

Came across the help area of pic section myself and....

I also saw where it mentioned about a freeware Picasa program that does resize for email and also I guess just to save resized and then can upload where ever.

I already have and old version and will see if I'll just use that.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

A lot of pics are too big and the site wont let you. I send them to myself and my email automaticly resizes them smaller so they'll fit here. Then I put it back in my picture folder and go from there. This is a little older pic. I have since added a billet intake with a better air filter, A set of Schwinn forks with the cantilever bosses for better brakes, A real tail light/brakelight, and a windscreen.

Wow, makes me not want to put mine up. Nice lookin bike mine is just on a mountian bike frame.

Thanks everyone else, I'll have to try that when I'm on a computer.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wow, makes me not want to put mine up. Nice lookin bike mine is just on a mountian bike frame.

Thanks everyone else, I'll have to try that when I'm on a computer.

Don't worry about what someones bike looks like, The only thing you worry about is DO YOU LIKE YOUR BIKE. I've spent the better part of a year getting mine to where it is now. What will yours look like a year from now? Probably different then what it is right now.
Anyway, here's a newer pic with the forks, tail light and windscreen. I lowered the screen after this pic, it just looks better that way. The light was all wrong and I got a real cheap camera, but you can get the idea of what it is anyway. I put on the billet intake, chrome air cleaner and the boost bottle after this pic.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

This is what i did to it today;



Now i can charge my iphone while riding my bike!