what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Man, I was thinking the same thing. What a time to be out on the street and not at least have a ride to rely on and no chance to get another one soon. Tenting in the woods in New England in winter is not any joy that's for sure.

Glad to hear that things are working out. Hope they keep going well.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yeah BoDean, 1/8th turn. BEEN THERE. I was out riding with Ocho Ninja a little over a week ago. I had just rode the bike the day before, so when it started vibrating I thought, OH CRAP, Somethings gone very wrong with the China Girl. My butt was vibrating like my girlfriends,uh, well, never mind that.... So we cut the ride short, I rode it home and started thinking about it. YEP, 1/8th turn, DONE.
P.S. By the way, you're not allowed to say CRAP on the other site. It'll get bleeped.

That is a good album by a band called Tesla too.

Today I swapped my bars, only to end up swapping them back. The old bars don't feel the same on my new frame. I also fixed my gas cap. One of the little tabs had retracted inside the cap. It was like a puzzle getting it back out. Had to use THREE TOOLS AT ONCE, which was pretty difficult, me having only two hands and all. I noticed that my chain is rubbing the chain-stay. Got to fix that tomorrow.

@fatdaddy When I built my first bike, I had an incidence in which it started vibrating so much that I had to stand to ride home comfortably. Got home and realized that there was a mounting nut COMPLETELY GONE! Yeah, so I had ridden home on just the rear mount. No wonder it shook the seat so much. That's all that was holding the little chunk of asian aluminum known as a china girl on the bike. My last frame (which is currently broken) seemed to be build for the motor, as the mounts were almost perfectly aligned. My new frame has a similar shape, but the angles are not quite right, so the rear mount is touching on a ridge, causing the whole thing to vibrate at the slightest loosening of any motor mount bold. It's time to get some JB Weld.

@GearNut: Yeah, Tesla rocks. Don't know if I've heard that album though. Nikola Tesla studied mechanical resonance alot. Makes sense now.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

@fatdaddy...thanks brother...I'm beyond relieved myself...actually just woke up from a much needed nap...the fh has shipped and I'm gonna do a few things differently with this build...more rubber under the mounts...used hand grips on the previous build...chunks of mud flap this time...and ive figured out how to wire up a 6 volt flash light to use as a headlight...7.4watt light instead of the 4.8watt one that is standard in them...my previous failures were due to me trying to wire into the white wire and black...not realizing I needed to go to the white and blue...definitely super excited for the new build and much cheaper than a friction kit...$3 for the light...$1.09 for the brighter bulb and about 10 minutes and some solder...voila...now my neighbor is bright as heck runin strong...thanks to everyone for your well wishings...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

white and blue to wire a headlight? Thats interesting. Personally, I just got a mini-generator to run my headlight, but thats an interesting idea for wiring a headlight.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

...I'm gonna do a few things differently with this build...more rubber under the mounts...used hand grips on the previous build...chunks of mud flap this time...and ive figured out how to wire up a 6 volt flash light to use as a headlight...7.4watt light instead of the 4.8watt one that is standard in them...my previous failures were due to me trying to wire into the white wire and black...not realizing I needed to go to the white and blue...

Search the forums here about rubber mounting and using the white wire for a light. The rubber is a bad idea as it only worsens the chances of breaking a frame due to vibration. While you may not feel it your frame certainly does. However slight, the rubber does allow some movement and that will, over time, cause a frame failure.

If you wire a headlight to your white wire it tends to rob the spark plug of too much current and your bike wont run as strong.

Both of your ideas have been discussed MANY times.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ok so I'm limited to searches due to my crappy phone...what would be your suggestion on wiring the light in...and ok about the rubbers...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

great link...very self explanatory...dont have a local welding shop but my neighbor works at united rentals and he welds for them...may have to try that out...whats the stuff wrapped around the bike frame? is that neoprene?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

@fatdaddy...thanks brother...I'm beyond relieved myself...actually just woke up from a much needed nap...the fh has shipped and I'm gonna do a few things differently with this build...more rubber under the mounts...used hand grips on the previous build...chunks of mud flap this time...and ive figured out how to wire up a 6 volt flash light to use as a headlight...7.4watt light instead of the 4.8watt one that is standard in them...my previous failures were due to me trying to wire into the white wire and black...not realizing I needed to go to the white and blue...definitely super excited for the new build and much cheaper than a friction kit...$3 for the light...$1.09 for the brighter bulb and about 10 minutes and some solder...voila...now my neighbor is bright as heck runin strong...thanks to everyone for your well wishings...

Gas and nunya are right wicked. Rubber mounting only increases vibration. And welding your mount solid is the BEST way. But as long as you can get a good, flat, solid fit on the stock mount it'll be fine. I like using the u-bolt mount for my front mount. I'm using the double u-bolt but the single u-bolt works well also, and it's only $10 on ebay. The double is more than twice as much. But these are kinda for the bigger frames.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

ok so no rubbers...lol...but i do use a different setup in the front of my bike...a 1 1/2" muffler u bolt...way better than what i can find online...soooo much sturdier...and i just removed the front derailleur from my mountain bike...better engine clearance...wont be pitched so far forward...got like 5 days before my kit gets here and im anxious as all he||...been thinking of dismantling my lawn mower and throwing that on the bike for now...and im still on the hunt for a spring front end...even from a dead bike...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

ok so no rubbers...lol...but i do use a different setup in the front of my bike...a 1 1/2" muffler u bolt...way better than what i can find online...soooo much sturdier...and i just removed the front derailleur from my mountain bike...better engine clearance...wont be pitched so far forward...got like 5 days before my kit gets here and im anxious as all he||...been thinking of dismantling my lawn mower and throwing that on the bike for now...and im still on the hunt for a spring front end...even from a dead bike...

Good choice on the u-bolt mount. And blown up and dead bikes are my best parts source.
And if ya use yer lawn mower engine yer lawn is gonna get tall, Cause ya know you'll never get around to putting it back on the mower. And why would ya, You have riding to do.dnut
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

it seems that over the summer when i did my first build there were bikes literally at every corner for free...now when i want to put an upgrade on i can even find a cheapy on craigslist...and i actually found that putting the muffler u bolt thru the opposite way and using the mount bar that comes with it is better than trying to tighten a 9/16ths nut right next to my engine...had to bore the mount plate out a little but that was about 45 seconds worth of work for a 600 mile benefit...and seems i never had to tighten it at all...like it had locktite built in or something...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thats how I got my shock fork, found a bike in the trash and pulled the front fork off it and it happened to fit my bike. Beats paying $85 at the bike shop (what my local guy quoted me for a 1" threadless fork - bonus - the fork I found in the trash is 1" threaded). I didnt want to switch to threadless, so it worked out well for me. The forks were a little loose when I got them, but a buddy of mine loaned me a socket wrench with an allen socket and I took them apart and put them back together with rubber washers. That helped a lot.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

yea and screw the lawn...it pisses the neighbors off...right up my alley...part of the reason i chopped my exhaust to just a short curved pipe with no baffles
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

yea and screw the lawn...it pisses the neighbors off...right up my alley...part of the reason i chopped my exhaust to just a short curved pipe with no baffles

I run a pretty short pipe too Wicked,(yeah, it's loud.) but ya gotta leave a little something in for some back pressure. I cut a used stock pipe all the way just before the honeycomb inner baffle. Used because the honeycomb always clogs a little producing the back pressure you need. Otherwise there's nothing to prevent fuel from simply being pushed straight through, leaving less in the cylinder to burn. So what yer doin is using(wasting) more fuel for less POP. 2 strokes need just a little back pressure. You can see in the pic how short mine is.
Sorry, To be more precise, NON REED VALVE 2 strokes need back pressure from the exhaust.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I painted my magneto cover gasket with spraypaint in hopes (educated guess more like it) that it will make the gasket waterproof, thus sealing out water better. I also adjusted my headlight while I was at it. The gasket is hanging from a hook outside to dry overnight. I put the mag cover back on and put a plastic bag over it just in case it rains overnight.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I painted my magneto cover gasket with spraypaint in hopes (educated guess more like it) that it will make the gasket waterproof, thus sealing out water better. I also adjusted my headlight while I was at it. The gasket is hanging from a hook outside to dry overnight. I put the mag cover back on and put a plastic bag over it just in case it rains overnight.

Next time try a VERY THIN coat of something like RTV blue. Coat both sides evenly with, like I said, a very thin coat, and let it dry for 24 hours. You should have (almost) a rubber gasket when through.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Speaking of mag gaskets, I just cut a new one from a roll of gasket maker I had laying around. My last gasket shredded last time I opened the mag cover.

I rode about 5 miles to my storage shed today, and had a couple little problems before I made it home. On the way there, one of the nuts that hold the exhaust on vibrated off. I didn't notice until the other side loosened enough to let the muffler separate from the motor. Things got real loud real fast. Luckily there was a nice pull-off area next to a railroad track, so I just pulled over there and luckily had a 10 mil nut with me.

So, made it to the storage shed, loaded up two laptop-style bags full of miscellaneous items I've been needing, grabbed my helmet (definitely been needing that), and headed home. The chain started grabbing about 1/4 of the way home, so I pulled over to find that there was about 2.5" of slack in the chain. (This is why I bring a specific set of tools every time I ride.) Adjusted the rear wheel, and took of again. Got about half way home and noticed that my left pedal arm was hitting the motor. I was like, WTF? So, I stopped again and found that I had a bolt missing from the front motor mount!!! This time I didn't have the necessary bolt to replace it, so I just made sure all the other bolts and nuts were tight and headed home. I was shaken pretty badly on the way, but I made it home under power and in one piece.

Okay, so I know I seriously need some loctite. Then I won't have to worry so much about losing nuts and bolts. Regardless, this has inspired me to add a collection of nuts and bolts to my riding tools. A few motor mount studs, a bunch of 10mm nuts, several 10mm bolts, and any other commonly loosening fasteners that I can think of. I mean, that ONE 10mm nut that I had today kept me from having to call my significant other to come pick me up. (Oh, um, I still have to tighten my pedal chain, so I couldn't have pedaled home.)

Oh oh oh, I almost forgot . . .

When I took the muffler off, or should I say, when the muffler FELL off today, I noticed something very important. There was a big sloppy piece of metal blocking about HALF of the exhaust pipe!!!! I guess in my rush to get the bike running, I forgot to even LOOK inside the pipe before I installed it. So, I took my handy-dandy flat head screw driver and got to work on breaking out the remains of the crappy weld job. I cleared out about a dime size piece of weld schlag that was JUST thin enough to chip out with a screw driver. I've wondered why the expansion chamber didn't seem to help at all. I also wondered why I had like zero throttle response, no take-off power, and just overall fuddy-duddy performance. Hill climbing nearly brought me to a stop. After putting everything back together, I could finally out-accelerate traffic again. Wow, I mean, just wow. Stupid Chinese (lack of) quality control. Still, it's my fault that I didn't QC the pipe before I installed it.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I buttoned up the last of the maintenance on my bike today. I put my spraypainted magneto cover gasket on, touched up the paint on the engine and a few places on my frame as well as my headlight, and put some electrical tape around the rat's nest of wires hanging off the frame, just to make it look at least a little nicer.