what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: motorized trikes?

anyone build motorized trikes?

my mom is somewhat handicapped and would like to ride a bike, but cant get it started due to her disability and the possiblity of falling isn’t a great one for us. also, the seat would need to be pretty high.

any ideas?

Jeff kaplan
Hewlett, NY
516 382 1651
[email protected]

Check out Staton. He sells top quality kits that you can attach to a trike yourself.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Started to clean my carb that I will use as a replacement. This one you can actually adjust instead of it being preset metered carb.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I installed an SBP 206mm bottom bracket along with their machined aluminum sprocket adapter and a 44 tooth sprocket. It looks tough and technical. I wanna get a Kings sprocket for it in the future.

I also installed a Kings 60 tooth rear sprocket. Damm that looks nice!

I also finished fabricating and then installed a much quieter baffle inside the exhaust pipe that I made previously. It is very free flowing and makes the exhaust note about as loud as a typical car or motorcycle right off the showroom floor.
It still has that deep tone that hides the fact that a 49cc engine is behind the noise.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

You had to work the lihgt like a horn button to see at night? I would have just twisted two wires together perhaps while looking for a switch I liked.

Cant run the light without a switch. It runs off the white wire and has a built in voltage regulator. It bleeds the extra voltage to ground, and the bike wont start with the light on. The momentary switch wasnt a big deal, I didnt even take any night rides the entire time I had the momentary switch wired in, and if I would have needed to, the switch was right next to my clutch lever on my handlebar, and all I had to do was rest my thumb on it to turn the light on. It was actually an indexed switch out of a battery operated headlight, which had steady, flashing, and off. When it was in the battery operated light, it would click when I pushed it, so I thought it would stay on when I wired it to my headlight. The original switch I had wired to the headlight was a 3 pole toggle switch, but it was made of cheap plastic, and I broke the housing by hose clamping it to my handlebars. The push-button switch is out of a $1 flashlight, and works superbly. I positioned it in the same place as the momentary switch, right next to my clutch lever, and zip-tied it onto my handlebars. I tested it and know it works well. On is on, and off is off. No holding the switch in. I hardly ever ride at night, I just like to have adequate lighting in the event that I would need to go somewhere at night, and my lighting system is plenty adequate. Tail light, brake light, side warning lights, and a custom headlight from Wonderful Creations (a store on ebay that makes really good lighting accessories for us guys who use the cheap china kits). I am visible from all sides.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I wanted a tail light, headlight, turn signals and horn on mine so I looked around untill I found this. It's been working for over 6 months with no problems so far. I'm running a 12V battery through it so 6V should be no problem. You can get the brake levers with the built in switch on e-bay too.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Exhaust gasket blew while putt-putting through campus today and scared the living snot out of everyone within a 50 foot radius

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I kinda run straight pipes on my bikes so I know how people react. I leave the honeycone baffle in for a little back pressure, but remove everything else. I've had people cover their ears, roll up their car windows and sometimes even yell at me. Sorry folks, I run it like that for a couple of reasons. One, the bike runs better without a restrictive exhaust. Two, Loud pipes save lives. People hear me coming before I get there. I've been on two wheels one way or another for almost 50 years and my pipes have always been loud. I've NEVER been hit by a cager.(knock on wood.)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Tossed out? What were they? Walmarts? I usually save even inferior bike parts to compile into other bikes or serve as spares.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Tossed out? What were they? Walmarts? I usually save even inferior bike parts to compile into other bikes or serve as spares.

They were wal-mart, came off a Genesis Two Nine

I was going to save them as a spare, but I'd have to order new pads through wal-mart... and the pads are ridiculously undersized.

Technically I didn't toss them out, but rather donated them to the bike shop I bought my BB7's at
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Removed the crappy Sunlite mechanical speedometer and installed a wired Bell F12 cyclocomputer. The Sunlite worked under 20mph, after 20mph it would stick then jump all over the dial.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Started to fabricate the real motor mount for my bike tonight. Reusing pieces from my old snow blower to make it. I should work great if all goes well.
I put a new expansion chamber, an angled seat post, and angled down the handle bars. I now have a very fast old time style racer. 34-36 mph cruise with, max speed of 40 mph!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I ended up snapping the derailleur in two leaned too much in to the turn and broken it right off bringing me to a sudden stop. Tried replacing it but looks like I twisted the chain as well.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Oh man Crob, not fun. Glad you didn't get hurt.

Some of the chain may be salvageable.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Chain looks striaght or at least in useable condition. havent really messed with it much since the mosquitos are on red alert outside right now hopefully this cool front kills some off. Already have the replacement deraileur, I just cant remember how the derailleur goes mounted lol got to look it up.


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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?



Mount the derailer first, then before attaching the chain, run it through the derailer: go over the freewheel/cassette, over the top of top der. cog, through the guards on the cages, around the bottom of the bottom cog. Start with the chain going around the biggest cassette cog, and biggest chain ring, to make sure you have enough length so it doesn't bind up. You can use a wide U shaped hook made from an old spoke, through links about 4-5 inches apart, to keep the two links together where you are joining them.