what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got my motorbicycling.com stickers. I'm going to put them on the cargo box on top of my Dax kit.

I made a deal to sell my happytime and all the goods, so I have been compiling leftover bike parts to put on the frame of the beach cruiser, to save the massive coaster wheel set for a 1x1 mountain bike next year, that I hope to eventually equip with a BMP and a 52cc harbor fart motor. I won't be sad because I got the bike I liked best in the first place (friction drive with Japanese engine). My friend is happy because he moved and misses his HT. I am happy because I will have a 20" wheel frankenbike beach/yard bike for fooling around on rainy days, and I can quit paying a storage fee after I clean out my shed of the second motorized bicycle and some garage sale stuff. Yay!

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/...qOCfD7qxtAZT-rOxAoT3VNGNvIPkJg6dbZsrB6iUYGdPX something like that! But not as cool. Oh well, it is at least going to get ridden!

Guy with small wheeled bike carrying fishing gear
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

i just did a 30 mile round trip it wasnt bad i am starting to wish i had a suspension though a ridged is hard on my back
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

today i took it for a ride then decided to cool off in the ocean and wave to my friends. water temp 82 degrees

Won't the salt water hurt the batteries? snork
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Gave ol' Tempus a pretty thorough checkup. Nothing amiss that I could find, so down I went through the twists and turns of Southwest Street. Needed to head up to the store, but we all know that usually we don't need an excuse. Enjoyment of riding is reason enough.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

my clutch button broke today..the small washer flew off so my button was barely attached to the bike. i drilled a small hole in the pin and made a makeshift cotter pin out of a paperclip, i tested it and it seems fine, tomorrow we'll see how it holds up
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

today i removed my end cap from the stock exhaust and ran for about 40 miles. the baffle is long gone and mannn this bike sounds like a race car. also people notice me more and i have 100+% bettter throttle response and power!!! love it. if you like people to notice you and not get hit i recommend removing the baffle and end cap!!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

today i removed my end cap from the stock exhaust and ran for about 40 miles. the baffle is long gone and mannn this bike sounds like a race car. also people notice me more and i have 100+% bettter throttle response and power!!! love it. if you like people to notice you and not get hit i recommend removing the baffle and end cap!!!
I did this a long time ago! Sounds great. :D
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I sealed up some leaks in my intake both at the carb and and the engine block end. I replaced the handlebar neck since the old one was letting my bars slip no matter how tight I made it. I also removed the broken speedometer from when my girlfriend crashed while trying to turn around :-)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I saw a video of a man in Mexico City riding on a 70cc china kit like that. He put a rubber automotive hose on it, clamped over the stock muffler pipe after cutting out the muffler guts, so that it extended down near the ground and was slash-cut at the end, supposed to take some of the high frequency sounds out of the engine noise.

today i removed my end cap from the stock exhaust and ran for about 40 miles. the baffle is long gone and mannn this bike sounds like a race car. also people notice me more and i have 100+% bettter throttle response and power!!! love it. if you like people to notice you and not get hit i recommend removing the baffle and end cap!!!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I finally got to ride it more than just around the block.Not very far at all really. Maybe 4-5 miles there and same back to Sonic to get the wife a breakfast burrito. Then a few blocks to the store for onions and a third trip maybe 2 miles each way to visit a friend and show it to him. I'm thinking I might still want a motorcycle for anything more than a few miles at a time. Just wish I could find one for the money I have in my motorized bicycle.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I finally got to ride it more than just around the block.Not very far at all really. Maybe 4-5 miles there and same back to Sonic to get the wife a breakfast burrito. Then a few blocks to the store for onions and a third trip maybe 2 miles each way to visit a friend and show it to him. I'm thinking I might still want a motorcycle for anything more than a few miles at a time. Just wish I could find one for the money I have in my motorized bicycle.

or build a motorized bicycle thats more like a motorcycle:) you can never have to many im finding out

today i re adjusted my NT carb and now she runs mint i need to still do alittle work here and there but can ride with no problems rear rack is nice but not so usefull right now since i have the lay back post on it also i have to reseal the exhaust gasket i dont know if i have a spare i think i should

today i rode around here and there it wasnt a bad day:)dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It's not the speed. I left the governor hooked up on mine so I could make it go a lot faster, if I wanted to. This bicycle just doesn't have enough mass/weight to be safe at highway speeds and to get anywhere really, one needs to be able to travel comfortably at the same speed as the normal traffic. I also don't think these tires are safe at more than 20-28 mph. This is just my opinion on how I want to feel about my safety.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I started the day with some drywall sanding and remudding as I am remodelling my kitchen. Then, enough of actual work, I replaced the rear wheel (complete with new sprocket and chan) on my bike. Riding it in a few downtown to try it out. My old wheel, actually the third in a month, went bad due to a couple busted spokes and bent axle. It can be repaired, but I had this new wheel waiting. It is supposed to have a stronger axle shaft. Picked it up from the guy I bought the bike from for $5. He needed a beer!
motorized trikes?

anyone build motorized trikes?

my mom is somewhat handicapped and would like to ride a bike, but cant get it started due to her disability and the possiblity of falling isn’t a great one for us. also, the seat would need to be pretty high.

any ideas?

Jeff kaplan
Hewlett, NY
516 382 1651
[email protected]