what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

finally got a new tire for my bike last night and went out for a little snowy road, -1 cruise
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I ride home after work on unlit country roads so I went to the dollar store and loaded up on LED flashlights and AAA batteries. Then I duct taped them to my helmet. The whole thing looks like a really bad spaceman costume but it puts out a lot of light.
The headlight only lights where your bike is headed but a helmet light points where you are thinking of riding. I can look to my right to see if I have any pavement over there.
Makes the ride safer and less stressful.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Thats put on to cut down on noise vibration I used an old mouse pad on mine
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nice engine there 2239968, what you gonna put it on? Anyway, today I gave my bike a complete tuneup. Cleaned the carb, adjusted cables, cleaned/greased chain, cleaned/greased clutch gears, cleaned/greased pedal chain, adjusted clutch, put cardboard in the clutch cover, glued mousepad to outside of clutch cover, mixed gas, filled tank, steel wooled any rust i found on anything, etcetc. Hopefully my morning test drive shall yield smoother, quieter, and maybe even stronger operation.

Pics: Tune Up pictures by frozenveinz - Photobucket

It will go on a boxer mountain frame first. Then once spring comes around it will go on one of Dan Orabona's Board Tracker frames.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

How hard is it to mount a morini?

My muffler endcap came off so a made a new one. Used a small spray shoe cleaner can with the aerosol tip side cut off. Drilled a 1 cm hole in the center of the remaining side, with smaller 1mm maybe 2mm holes surrounding it. Maybe 8 little holes plus the big one. I call it the 8+1 endcap. Slid it over the muffler and hose clamp, very tight. Works great, I can now climb hills with no pedal assist that i needed to before, and it starts going much better. Also the exhaust note is awesome. The longer the can is sticking out from pipe the deeper it sounds(no clue why, someone educate me).
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Also the exhaust note is awesome. The longer the can is sticking out from pipe the deeper it sounds(no clue why, someone educate me).

One word, resonance.
The sound gets deeper for the same reason that a trombone's sound gets lower when the tuning slide is slid out. Longer tube = lower note.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

One word, resonance.
The sound gets deeper for the same reason that a trombone's sound gets lower when the tuning slide is slid out. Longer tube = lower note.

What's a trombone?

J/K, that's a good way of explaining it GN!

As for what did I do to my motor bike today.....I rode it (as always).

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Received a fun package today. One step closer on my build. [/end quote]


Love it! Puppys make the best inspectors. (and buddies)

If they had thumbs, could put 'em to work. Just say'n
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It drizzled on the ways to and from work. Riding TO work was without incident, although not at top speed. I had to stop and bust out my rain coat a mile after I left work. The front tire slipped out from under me once, but I caught the bike in time.

My bike is fenderless, so my new windshield and my rear fuel tank catch most of the muddy water spray which would end up on me.

It rained tonight, so the roads are wet. It'll be a careful ride to work tomorrow.
Rain is warm, morning temps are in the high 70's.

Rain or shine, it's an easy, joyful ride.dance1
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Start of a new build on my mountain bike that I had neglected for a build earlier due to its small inner frame (will attempt a rack mount). New michelin city tires and a bike lock for around $100 to get it to tip-top shape for now - wow, expensive tires really do make a difference! This time, I hopefully won't make the mistake of not checking over everything carefully and building hastily.

Not sure what type of engine to use.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got to ride in 7 degree weather. The little Morini on my BoXer just loves this cold dense air. Runs like a violated Ape!

My said rear tube after the the nasty hard core impalement's. The small nails over the summer , Pyracantha Thorns , shared of wire , Goat Stickers etc at 5000 miles finally bit its last impalement. I was kinda re-leaved as it was a experimental tube that was just a tad too small for a 24X3.0 tire. This was the tube I reused into a new tire lol. The sides had become pretty chafed..

Friggen dry wall screw by the time I figured it it out it was too late it had a hey day pocking at the rim side. After about 5 dollars in change at gas air stations I made it home. I had a freaken lot of slime in the tube . About 12 ounces or so mebbe more.

Over the summer I added a little with every hard core impalement I found. I absolutely hate patch kits! I don't own any and never will. If I gotta I'd just carry a spare tube. I never ever do..

It never did reseal this time time. I never walked the dog ether. ''Walked the bike'' Was sitting at the light when I figured it out and my first gas station was on my immediate right side. Thank goodness for a very fast Morini. 9 miles across town I road all the way obnoxious and hard lol. . First rim shot I ''ever'' had and road more tho. Usually it is flat out over at that point. Was money well spent...

Gotta have a tire liner made of solid sheet metal to survive these stickers here. They are absolutely brutal.. This is why I use what I use as no tire liner for a bike tire is solid sheet metal lol. Hella thick tubes are mandatory.

My new Boxer frame came in this week. Still need to acquire some more parts. I hate hurry up and wait. The Radiator looks trick as all get go. Can't wait to try my first liquid Kewled Morini. I got's some new tricks for this bike . Its gonna be very quick!dnut
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Received a fun package today. One step closer on my build. [/end quote]


Love it! Puppys make the best inspectors. (and buddies)

If they had thumbs, could put 'em to work. Just say'n

If they had thumbs they would be monkeys who throw poop when annoyed instead of just sulking like a dog
Dogs is dogs and perfect as such.
If I could change anything about them ... maybe make them live longer? I have lost dear friends to Time.

On my motorbike today:
I rode through a flood.
We have had record breaking rainfall in Maryland this fall and 1st I got to ride through water about 14-16 inches high.
I cut the engine, pedaled through it and restarted as soon as I was on the other side. two soaked feet: 45 degrees F.
Then I came to a stretch of road where the nice little river that runs beside the road decided to cross the road.
I dismounted and pushed my MB through knee high water. A car was at the far end I waved them off and they turned the frack around. I restarted on the far side and kept going.
On the main road (Route 1: "Baltimore Avenue") the MD DOT was nice enough to provide a detour.
I'm pretty sure I could have made it through... Whatever.

One more example of why our hybrid vehicles are the most adaptable things on the road.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I dunno why, but there's been a lot more "going home" traffic recently.

This keeps me smiling as I travel @ 10mph past the long gridlocked traffic lines, then continue up the hill @ the same speed.

Bike lanes and empty sidewalks are my friend.

At the congestion on the steep hill, I'm still riding the roadside like a dirt bike. If there's foot traffic, I just wait patiently until they pass me.

I'm puzzled that I've only seen two motorized bikes on the road this year.drn2

This island has 900,000+ residents, and just as many registered vehicles.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

took the air filter off my china girl for a test run today, just to see how it works with more airflow. DANG what a difference! I couldn't believe the improvement at takeoff. I liked my red skull, but it looks like I'll be replacing it with a microphone screen or a mini strainer or something.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

took the air filter off my china girl for a test run today, just to see how it works with more airflow. DANG what a difference! I couldn't believe the improvement at takeoff. I liked my red skull, but it looks like I'll be replacing it with a microphone screen or a mini strainer or something.

I was already planning to drill into my muffler this weekend and now I think I'll do both mods.