Velocars and other interesting vehicles.

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]Hello Annie,[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]I know that side-car combinations are well-used for many decades, from pioneer era up today, more for motorcycles than for bicycles... Combination for motorcycles shouldn't be problem if driven as it is needed - sidecar is quite heavy, so solo-rider could use that combination without too much problems. I couldn't be sure for bicycles with sidecars, or in a style of your rickshaw - when ride it alone without passenger in side-car! Otherwise it would be the simplest way for me to build vehicles for two of us...[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]Looking on their layout again, I think that sociable combination should be more stable than one with side-car, of course if properly designed. Both people would seat quite low and at rear... Only, three weak MTB wheels should not be enough, so I will try to stay at quadricycle layout, like now I built, or modified later to velocar. My wife will prefer that design now! [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]If choose sociable - for any causality – I would put my seat close to bicycle/moped frame and my wife to outside! In such a way, all commands should be arranged in simpler way...[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]With pension style of driving – there shouldn't be real problem no mater what I choose – just to keep center of gravity on safe position,between wheels... Three-wheelers gave a few advantages: lighter construction, no torsional forces and stresses on chassis, simpler suspension and steering... If I reinforced rear wheel, or make it double – there should be no danger of braking them.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]Ciao,[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]Zoran[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]P.S.: Three wheels or four wheels in any layout - better than two wheels?


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Hello Ludwig the Second!
(you are the First due to your interesting posts)

I never knew for such racing three-wheelers! They came too late for serious formula racing but too early for today's motorcycle-based three-wheelers with similar layout.

Some details could be useful - shame that sketches couldn't be caved to computer.

Try a Sunbeam-Mabley

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]Ludwig,[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]Studying a lot technique and history of automobiles with diamond (cross) layout of chassis, I found that strange Sunbeam, that is sometimes named just Mabley. Our PRVENAC had better suspension, but this veteran is interesting and cute. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]As I noticed, front and rear wheels are not inline, but front is moved to the right and rear to the left...[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]Seats are another curiosity, as some Victorian sofa for flirting of young couples: close enough, looking each other - but no touching! I am afraid that my neck would suffer a lot?[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]--- ---[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]Seriously, having winter-time, I study a lot diamond chassis layout, but in simplest possible way: using frames of my present HPV-quadricycle.... juts in case if I decide to reconstruct it totally. Then, I would have sociable seats and pedaling for both of us...[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]Zoran[/FONT]
... forgot to add some photos!


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So I was thinking about this Sociable project thing and while it might be wonderfully terrific to put a Villiers engine (Alleluia alleluia!) in the frame as a source of forward directional motivation...... Really in terms of being more likely to get away with it vis-a-vis the local constabulary it would be better to build it as an electric vehicle.

Though because I don't wish to be perceived as a modernist it did cross my mind to disguise the electrickery with a touch of steampunk whimsey...... Though not quite as extreme as this example.

I presently have the opportunity to purchase one of these.......

........ and I thought it might be a dead corker object to build the basic styling of my Sociable around. As many of you do I have a number of brass objects and bits of copper that would be useful to aid the deception; - though I would like to end up with something that looks almost plausible rather than being like some steampunk creations that go much too far and plainly could not work despite the numbers of odd gears and sprockets and assorted gauges festooned all over them.
What are your rules concerning infernal combustion engines? The UK regs on trikes and quads registered as mopeds permit non spark ignition engines up to 4kw output. One could conceivably use a diesel, or even a glowplug or hot bulb type motor.

Would you be permitted to run a charging motor for the batteries as a hybrid? Big horizontal flywheel, lazy hit and miss engine flunk flunk flunking away.

Just passing thoughts.
It's because electric powered bicycle/tricycles don't have to be registered, but IC engine ones do. It's only a basic powerbike type rego, but if I can avoid registration I'd feel happier about it.
For a while IC powered bicycles were in a grey area here, but the MOT finally came through with a ruling just recently.

The hybrid charging motor could be worth looking into though, - only I think I wouldn't be allowed to run it while the Sociable was in motion.

This is the kind of appearance I would like to go for :)
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A running separate gasoline/petrol powered generator is not allowed here in Canada either if the bike is in motion.

The Haleson would be perfect with a sociable sidecar attached. The sociables body would be the perfect back drop for the copper and brass. An electric motor could be worked into the mix and run to a wheel sheave by a belt. Maybe a reversing switch could be installed into the line so backing up would be possible.

Sportscar Pat showed us his shop and talked about the different frames they are making on another thread and I really think that if I was to do the tri car again I would have used one of their frame and made a front end for it along with a Honda 160cc engine.

Immediately my conscience said they would make a great base for a sociable. I think that the frame for the 212cc Predator would be the better choice so the extra power to carry passengers would be available.
It will require the death of the moths in my wallet who keep eating the few dollars that I put in there (Ravenous little buggers they are.) but if I were to order the complete frame and wheels when I was at bike camp this summer and had it delivered to the mail drop off just over the border from where I live in the U.S. I could pick it up and claim part of my cost on my duty allotment when I cross back into Canada.

Serious enough that I've been out in the cold garage working on the tri car to get it finished.

The little heater would be a perfect addition for the steam cycle even if only to have it heat water to produce steam to lend to effect.

I didn't know where else to post this, or even if I should. But I thought that in case someone were building a velocar that used front leaf springs, these might be of interest. This is a type of adjustable hinge which primarily serves the purpose of a lid or flap stay. But I looked at it and saw a small, Andre Hartford-style friction damper/"shock absorber"! Its tension is adjustable and for those who want to try for a bit of dampening up front and have it look vintage this may work as is, or perhaps can be rebuilt to do the desired job. Below is a link to where I found them.


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The little heater would be a perfect addition for the steam cycle even if only to have it heat water to produce steam to lend to effect.


And I could use it to make TEA :)

I think buying one of Pat's frames would be a good idea. It certainly would shortcut the work involved in building a Sociable and it's a proven frame design as well.
I didn't know where else to post this, or even if I should. But I thought that in case someone were building a velocar that used front leaf springs, these might be of interest. This is a type of adjustable hinge which primarily serves the purpose of a lid or flap stay. But I looked at it and saw a small, Andre Hartford-style friction damper/"shock absorber"! Its tension is adjustable and for those who want to try for a bit of dampening up front and have it look vintage this may work as is, or perhaps can be rebuilt to do the desired job. Below is a link to where I found them.

Interesting, - it certainly would be worth buying one for research purposes :)
Hello Anne,

I added up what I have spent on my tri car and for the amount I've spent one of Pat's frames would have been the buy of the year and the bike would have been finished years ago.
Oh well another lesson learned.

I'll start on patterns for a perhaps half sized sidecar version of the maroon sociable that you posted with an eye cast upon a couple of the sociables that Zoran and Ludwig have posted. Silverbear gifted me with a brand new 212cc Predator motor this summer so that part is covered. I think he's part of the plot.
I could never use it on the road here in Canada but if I"m at a car or motorcycle show I'd be pretty sure that no one would pull up beside me with the same thing.

With the ready to go rolling chassis from Pat the sociable project would be quite doable. An absolutely awesome project... something to get really excited about. Oh boy!
Hi Silverbear

I was just looking at the different sociable body styles. Darn it and just as life was getting predictable to.

I think that sometimes life being predictable is over rated. We're not so old we can't be a little be crazy too, eh?