I like the look of that Spira4U, but unfortunately the price puts it well out of range for this lady of slender means.
For an adaption of a canoe type body for a velocar I think this Duckboat is about my skill level (Why do ducks need a boat anyway?). Cedar strip construction is lovely but it's well outside this intrepid lady's skill set unfortunately.
It reminds me of an early Mochet velocar which is a body style I always liked ........
I know the pointy nosed body is narrower and not so roomy, but I just happen to like it
And yes Zoran I do think the later Mochet Velocars did end up being a bit wide in their front wheel track. Our local cycletrails are setup for solo bicycles and most recumbents and trikes would not be able to get through the gates. I know our local council was all paranoid about folk getting on the trails with motorcycles, but by making the gates so awkward and narrow they effectively stopped families with kiddie trailers from being able to use the trails
That Russian Benz Velo replica caught my interest too. Getting something like that through the NZ vehicle registration process would be just too hard unfortunately. It could be done, but the thought of going through the bureaucratic hurdles makes me tired and want to stay in bed.
When I was a teenager it was possible to build anything in the way of a vehicle and provided it could pass Warrant of Fitness inspection you were good to go. Wonderful enlightened times!