Velocars and other interesting vehicles.

Yes Zoran, the wonderful Autocycle Runabout :)
The manufacturer described it as a 'bicycle' apparently.

I think this sort of vehicle is delightful and I would love to own something like it. The side balance wheels also steer which made these little runabouts highly maneuverable.

I keep looking at this,has a nice body. Thinking if one were to move the center wheel rearward and make them the drivers it would be a Kool three wheeler. Also noticed that the bottom two pictures have a different body then the top picture. Kind of a bubble on the bottom front end,just kind of neat curves
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Or someone could shamelessly make a copy of it. :) Looks like one side of the frame is missing.


Wouldn't be that hard, make it like a ceder strip canoe would be really light and strong. Has the shape of a 34 Ford roadster. I like the wheel with the heavy spokes,kinda like model T. Also easy to make if you made a jig first to clamp everything before welding..............Curt
Another member, Mark Anderson, mentioned using router bits for molding the edge of the strips like they do with canoes. I looked them up and they are really inexpensive for a good set from the top tool supplier here in Canada. Under $60 for the set.

While I was looking for the cutters I found a couple of sites that sold the strips already done for not a lot of money when you consider the cost of the cedar and the cutters and then you have to do the work.
I'd like to do the car in mahogany but now I'd consider cedar given that I could two cars that size for about $550.

Yes Zoran, the wonderful Autocycle Runabout :)
The manufacturer described it as a 'bicycle' apparently.

I think this sort of vehicle is delightful and I would love to own something like it. The side balance wheels also steer which made these little runabouts highly maneuverable.

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]Hello Annie,[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]Thank you on additional photos and information! Now, it is clear (even to me) that this Autocycle had suspension/steering different than our PRVENAC... Really as motorcycle with additional supporting wheels, that must be steered, because rear wheel is in fixed position. It needed quite complicated steering geometry and mechanism?
Different bodies could be result of ancient photo-shop (retush) on second and third photo?

I would prefer fixed position of middle wheels and steering by front and rear wheels: vehicle could be turned almost in own shadow! I would use front parts of bicycles (from my HPV-qaudricycle) for front and rear steering and rear parts for the middle...

Here are a few photos of our PRVENAC... and, one with my HPV-quadricycle![/FONT]

[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]Ciao,[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif]Zoran[/FONT]


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Another member, Mark Anderson, mentioned using router bits for molding the edge of the strips like they do with canoes. I looked them up and they are really inexpensive for a good set from the top tool supplier here in Canada. Under $60 for the set.

While I was looking for the cutters I found a couple of sites that sold the strips already done for not a lot of money when you consider the cost of the cedar and the cutters and then you have to do the work.
I'd like to do the car in mahogany but now I'd consider cedar given that I could two cars that size for about $550.

Hello there,
As I wrote once, I do not have enough of qualities to do such tinny-wood-strip body for velocar (in a style of canoe) - but some of you are quite qualified for that.

Therefore, a few more photos for isnpiration. Such bodies could be strong and light, elegant and not-so-expensive...


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... and, now something simpler, maybe rude?
Chinese micro-automobile!


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Hello Annie,
Small "revansh" - French again:

...and, "tush" - Polish:

- wooden chassis trike, some ideas could be useful for us that like to work with wood?
P.S.: Atmosphere on Paris streets around Mochet velocar is simply magnificent!
I don't really have anything to add to this but I'm signing on for possible inspiration for my future side car idea :)
Zoran, - Oh that poor Mochet Velocar, - what happened to it! I'm very pleased that it found a good home and was restored to its former glory.

I like that wooden trike Zoran, thank you for posting the link. Lots of good ideas there :)
Have you looked at the sidecar post yet, lots a KOOL .......Curt

Im the last post on that forum, your absolutely correct though!

Check out the discussion on 'Sociables' a few pages earlier in this thread :)
Thats about when I noticed this thread, I meant to say something back then, but I never got around to it :P
those little sidecar cars were very interesting! I feel like they would be a bit cramped with 2 people in them :s
Im the last post on that forum, your absolutely correct though!

Thats about when I noticed this thread, I meant to say something back then, but I never got around to it :P
those little sidecar cars were very interesting! I feel like they would be a bit cramped with 2 people in them :s

Well keep watching this thread and us experimental types will get back to you about that ;)

Another YouTube video, - Russian this time....... I don't speak Russian by the way, but the pictures seem to be in English.
The pictures are in English. Well said. That is a wonderful car indeed and every so often my mind wanders toward making something like that but given our out of control bureaucracy it would be a very expensive driveway toy.

He has done a fantastic job of it in my books though it may have benefited from more robust wheels he worked with what he had.

Interesting, Curt. Copper rivets at the junctions might be a good idea. Using pegboard for forms is clever. The builder sure could use some tips on how to paddle, though. It could make a very light sidecar and not too much heavier using more substantial covering, or even fiberglass cloth for something pretty durable. Could also be done as a square stern.
Yep thinking maybe some good heavier supports ,then ceder strips a little closer together ( elimate some of the sag in the cover ) sure would be light..........Curt