
Dan, Dan, the thinking man!

Ok, so I was going to make a joke about the nuns that KC posted. It was going to be about a lawsuit against the producers of the movie NWA since I coined that acronym in 1970 while I was in catholic school. Nuns With Attitude. They were not shy with the strap or verbal abuse. Then I thought to take a quick look on the interwebs and found this video. No need for me now to work on a proper joke. Check it out if you're not easily offended.
It's truly killing me that I can't make a Nun joke here....

...snicker, snork.....

The powers that be would be nun to happy about a joke.

Don't make fun of the nun, Chuck S.

Where do all the priests want to buy their shoes? At the Nun Bush's store!
It's truly killing me that I can't make a Nun joke here....

...snicker, snork.....

Nun jokes are easy to make. Just put a bit of chain between two thick pieces of doweling. The simplest martial art weapon ever.

... Groan
The 7 dwarfs knocked on the door of the convent and the Mother Superior opened it.

Doc said "Please Mother, do you have any dwarf nuns in there?"
"No my son, we have only average nuns here. Why do you ask?"
"We were hoping Dopey hadn't nailed a penguin again."
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I see we are overdue for a snork.


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Hey, he was trying to prevent himself from becoming a redneck!!

(Still a fail since the sun was on his
I see we are overdue for a snork.
2:1 odds says he has 'pants on the ground' too so he has to hold his pant's up with one hand and shade his eyes with the other just to walk the bleacher stairs.

I wonder what he does if he actually wants to walk to the snack bar and carry anything back, like a couple of hot dogs and beers while holding your pants up and shading your eyes...

That's priceless Snork.
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Chaz you are right, you can't fix stupid people. But you can duct tape them to a pole to keep them from hurting them selves (or anyone else).
Zoot suit. I worked with a chap who talked about wearing them in the 1940's. He brought in a photo of him wearing one and it was all I could do not to laugh.

He said the zoot suit guys attracted the cute girls at the time and that was why he wore them. Plus it marked you as one of the cool cats as he put it.

It's been a long time since I 'dressed to impress'.
...turned out I was not very good at it.

Now, I notice, from time to time, my most comfortable shirt, or shorts, or shoes, are nowhere to be found... So, guess who makes the decisions about how I will dress...


Someone must have bought another round... it was probably me!
How's that song go? 6 round were bought and I paid for 5 ???

It does cause my mind to wander and I get distracted easily, with new fun stuff that passes by.


This has got to be my new, favorite advertisement.

And I definitely could take my MAB onboard our small boat and run up the coast a ways, to a public pier with a davit... :-)

What do you think of this???