
xseler you're right, this guy does have some basic directional issues. Don't know how he found his way to the stadium... must have gotten a ride.

KC - this one's for you. I have long suspected this was the case but now I have photographic proof.

Greg - I think if you handed that guy a roll of duct tape and came back in ten minutes you would find that he'd managed to tape himself to a pole.

Rusty and FastEddy - I never had a zoot suit, but I did at one time sport a similar moustache... I'm not proud of that.

And, Rusty, that mud motor is pretty cool, but I would get two and mount one at the front to weaponize my boat. No more crowding from other anglers!


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Jesus Wiggie.... Seven "Hail Mary's and five "Our Farthers" Git on with it.
The 7 dwarfs knocked on the door of the convent and the Mother Superior opened it.

Doc said "Please Mother, do you have any dwarf nuns in there?"
"No my son, we have only average nuns here. Why do you ask?"
"We were hoping Dopey hadn't nailed a penguin again."
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I awoke too early this morning, had an episode with dog #2 heading for the loo, which crashed the dresser resplendent with Her gewgaws... so I'm persona non grata in the sleep chamber. Nothing new about that. lol
I stagger onwards, in search of water, and figure I might as well build a fire under the LT and see what gogle thinks is representative of news.
That's where my saga continued...
Our dosimeter powers up because it's connected to the LT usb port.
It's disconcerting when it immediately starts clicking at a moderate rate. The readings are frequently higher early in the mornings, because the neighborhood reactor, as all NPP's, may do their staged tritium release in the wee hours of the morning, so people are less prone to notice the spike. Our GM Counter usually idles along at 17-18cpms most of the time, but higher counts of 25-28cpm are generally in the mornings. Highest spike I've ever seen from it was 32cpm, when I was out in the garden one morning, tending the baccy plants.

Did I mention I have few short stories...

Each time the GM Counter is active I look to see if I've set something near it that may affect it... who knows, a rock or something I brought in from the garden, or a bit of metal I had taken out of my pocket the day before.

The LT has gone through it's startup routine, loading all that background crap I rarely use, so I run a search for tritium release and get 481k results in 0.43 seconds. Pros and cons, of course. I'm certainly not gonna select one of the NRC presentations, because I know they are prodigious liars, so I attempt to select one of the less volatile con presentations and I discover a 'Fact Sheet'... Yah... It's a pdf designed as a handout by the Health Physics Society, whatever that may be.
A few pages later, (short, pamphlet styled pages), there is mention of B-10 in PWRs and old Inconel grades which may deteriorate, causing leaks... which does get my attention because I DO have a small amount of Inconel scrap, purchased from the DWP, many years ago. (I never used the tubing on the ham radio antenna project I was working on, back then, because the stuff is just too difficult to work with.)
So next, I ran a search on Inconel and watched a short Youtube review in which the fellow mentions it was used for the skin on the X-15, and, Mazda rotary engine exhaust systems, AND, the Norton mc rotary engined exhaust system... along with turbines and NPPs.

I've had a few Mazda rotaries, and they were fun until the system electronics made them untenable, and I knew Suzuki had made a rotary engined mc.

I never knew Norton had built one.

Or Yamaha...

And there are others...

I'll take my chinagirl into town for a short spin, thinking about other 2smoke motors. 'Clicky' is ticking along at 15cpm now... No 'glow to the west'!
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Everybody and his dog has made a rotary, at least in prototype form. IMZ (Ural), MZ, Hercules, Honda, to name ones off the top of my head.
Modern technology should be able to make the system Felix actually designed, instead of the compromise we have now. The big problem was spark plug access, since he'd placed them inside rotating castings, and at the time, long term reliability of plugs was not what it is now.

His complaint about DKW was along the lines of they'd taken his racehorse and turned it into a carthorse.
I just looked at my old record collection. I had to throw some 45s away. Out of the ten, one was scratched, the remaining nine, one was too warped, the other eight, seven, six etc had other faults.

It was the vinyl countdown.
I have soon to get the 50 or so LP's to convert to CD's. Got a new needle and have a large amount of ones without clicks and pops. The converter I have says it can remove some sound imperfections. What I noticed is if you turn up the volume enough and you not right in front of the speakers, the scratches are not heard very loud as the frequency of that does not carry very far or the rest of the music covers it up. This I guess would not be helpful when if the music has a silent spot or is very soft. Still the 40 year old Dynaco 80watt amp kit works well. I did have to change two filter caps that leaked about 30 years ago, and the construction from another seller that built it was done a bit shoddy, it keeps running. The unit to convert to CD only runs as late an OS as WinXP. I'll see if that PC still dusty, will power up.
I just looked at my old record collection. I had to throw some 45s away. Out of the ten, one was scratched, the remaining nine, one was too warped, the other eight, seven, six etc had other faults.

It was the vinyl countdown.

Wow... Just wow...(Shakes head)
Place warped vinyl record between two peices of window glass and place in the sun. When the record has flattend, femove the record / glass sandwich to a cooler location and your good to go.

I just looked at my old record collection. I had to throw some 45s away. Out of the ten, one was scratched, the remaining nine, one was too warped, the other eight, seven, six etc had other faults.

It was the vinyl countdown.
Remember the earworm of earworms? When I was a kid in Mansfield, my dad used to occasionally try to get us gifts that were trendy. He couldn't afford to get us every kind of the latest thing, but sometimes he would surprise us. One year, the song named the Music Box Dancer came out. Dad got us the 45 for our record player. It was one time when we had no idea what he was thinking.
We listened to it a handful of times; I think we were trying to be polite. But oh boy that thing was cutesy. It was the audio equivalent of eating a rich dessert - you can only take in so much before you want to barf. But it had an earworm quality too - you'd see people humming it out in public, then they'd catch themselves doing it and try to stop. Then you'd find yourself doing it. It was so doggone easy to remember that I can recall how the song goes to this day.
Crap! Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap! Okay, it's still a friggin' earworm.