I'll never forget the one offender who didn't report to sign up for probation in the reasonable amount of time, and when I called to learn why, he tried to explain that he suffered from chronic hypothermia. He said that on the day he was to report he had an outbreak. Bad, blinding headaches and dizziness, he said. Had to get a prescription and go on bedrest. Couldn't come in yet.
So I told him he had a choice. He could fax me a copy of the prescriptions or medical paperwork, which would suffice to excuse him and spare him getting a warrant, or he could report within the hour (since according to his own presentence info, he lived a mile from our building) - because I happen to know what hypothermia is.
So Chilly Willy shows up in a half hour. Turns out he was worried we'd drug test him that day. Well, we don't usually test on the first day...