
i never forget the first time i was in trouble with the law ,i was lost and didnt know my where about's mean while holding my gun and knife stuck in a cross section off the road
just sitting looking what way to go then 4 police offices with guns out wanting to know what the **** i doing holding my weapon's in a rage trying to explain i'm lost ,lots of screaming ,yelling while i trying to tell them i not sure if to shoot up here or cut across there laff
I feel kinda bad for a friend of mine. We're old buddies and we hang out sometimes. He was asking about my plans for the weekend. Well, I knew my wife was up to something so, there I was - a man with four offspring only because I had a vasectomy shortly thereafter, otherwise I'd need my own school bus - telling him this weekend I might be busy getting my money's worth on the vasectomy. Several minutes further on in the conversation he explains how his ED medicine doesn't seem to be working at all. I felt one inch tall. I'm thinking of buying him a six-pack of something as an apology.
was going through old pics and found this. Was the original "Happy" from Happy Travels thread.....


  • skinny Happy AB.jpg
    skinny Happy AB.jpg
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The NORAD Santa Tracker's become a family tradition over here too. The kids always make me or my wife start checking in the evening on Christmas Eve. At a certain point (usually around 9 pm) I'll tell them "Okay, he's getting real close. You better climb in bed and be asleep when he gets here. If he catches you out of bed, he may send Krampus instead." My Grandmother had stories about Krampus. He's a German thing; for the full effect I'll let y'all Google him.
The NORAD Santa Tracker's become a family tradition over here too. The kids always make me or my wife start checking in the evening on Christmas Eve. At a certain point (usually around 9 pm) I'll tell them "Okay, he's getting real close. You better climb in bed and be asleep when he gets here. If he catches you out of bed, he may send Krampus instead." My Grandmother had stories about Krampus. He's a German thing; for the full effect I'll let y'all Google him.
He looks delightful.

KC, that's just wrong..........

....everybody knows there's "Five Gold Rings" ---- not two!!!
'That's just Sick and Wrong Wanda'.
Just one of those household phrases spawned by an old Walgreens photo processing ad.

That image came up on search of anti-santa and I find it disturbing on many levels, like what's with one hooved foot and the long tongue?

A very disturbing image I can't seem to quit looking at.
Yep. Pictures of Krampus are like a train wreck. You don't really want to look, but you look. And it's still terrible. And you still look.
Best lamp I've seen!

I've also finally drank the me an Apple iPhone. Don't really see why there's a cult-like following for these. Granted, it's a good, serviceable phone; however, many of the apps available for free on the Android system seem to cost money on this phone. Well, at least it's faster. And I guess that this Siri chick could come in handy at least she hasn't gotten mad at me yet.
That is a cool lamp! Kinda shocked me that he cut it with a hack-saw.

I always wondered about the iphone thing too. I put that in my sig to tease a buddy here who is a card carrying Apple, cult guy who waits in line for a new "I" any thing. There is no iphone 7 as far as I know.

LOL, he has stopped talking to me about his much loved toys. (Is in fun and banter between friends but....)

Too funny about her getting mad at you. Would happen to me. "...if you don't know why I'm mad, I'm not gonna tell you" And then she shuts down. Har! that would be a great part of a movie about a downtrodden guy having a bad day!

Been thinking of making that lamp the main light switch for the shop. Be purty cool!
Purty awesome Lud. That turn at the end of the 1st one was heartening. Really am worried about flipping one. Really wanna oil the track on the second.

LOL @ "this side up"
Best lamp I've seen!

I've also finally drank the me an Apple iPhone. Don't really see why there's a cult-like following for these. Granted, it's a good, serviceable phone; however, many of the apps available for free on the Android system seem to cost money on this phone. Well, at least it's faster. And I guess that this Siri chick could come in handy at least she hasn't gotten mad at me yet.

I have often found that, with my Samsung Galaxy android phone, I can do everything that the iPhones do and more. Got to play with a friend's iPhone. Siri's cool, but my Android Assistant app (which was free) is customizable. You can change how the onscreen animated figure looks and talks. And there are SOOO many free apps. I even have an astrolabe app and an Antikythera device app. Everything.
I think I better not tell what I paid for my phone. My friend didn't like it when I told her. Man, those iPhones are a bit pricey. I'll give them this - they seem less likely to get adware and malware.
To turn a Reliant. Arrive at corner. Lose speed. Turn wheel until direction chosen is reached. Return steering wheel to ahead.