
I found a quote from that Moosylvania fellow in another thread...

...I always wanted to do a long run for charity. Tow a pop up camper trailer and sleep in police dept. parking lots...

I looked at that parking lot a number of times, wishing I was out there, in it... sleep about it, I would have chosen that long run! lol

Last year, here in 'Eureka, I have found it" Kalifornia, they do not take kindly to transient folks and the PD would be the last place to go.
Periodically, they went around and told all the folks with less, who were living in their campers and motorhomes, to take them all over to a particular street along an industrial area. A few nights later, they went down the line, giving everyone a citation for sleeping in their vehicles. It was expensive for them. Many were disabled vets with no visible means of support.

In this area, overnight in a campground with an outhouse will set you back $18, no showers, or hookups.
Pretty much the general situation, any place where there is a tourist industry renting out lodging.
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LOL at longing looks out the window to the parking lot, RC. Ayup! Know what ya mean.

Made me think of my well spent youth. I was working on a tug in N.Y. Harbor while trying not to go back to sea. (small steel room. Nothing but men and you can't leave. That's prison with a chance of drowning, snork)

But we are towing a barge near Rikers Island correctional facility. Was new to me but they have prison barges. Prison barges! My worst nightmare tied to an island that is an even bigger nightmare.

As we get closer, I see all these guys sitting on the roof. (looked like more of a blockish building than a barge) The top was ringed with 16 ft fence and razor wire on top. They had basket ball hoops. I asked my watch mate why all the guys were just sitting there and not playing ball? "They keep throwing em over the side" was his answer.

LOL, lessons in impulse control, big time. OR... When in jail [insert ball joke, here]
Cheery topic, is it not...

The Vernon C. Bain Correctional Center.
As you might expect, anchored off the Bronx, it holds the record for the largest floating prison in the world.

Gosh that is downright motivational to keep a person on the straight and narrow!
So we have these gtaes at work they are pretty tricky as the foundation was not set right for them. They keep asking me how I wanna do it.

I fought the first test grate then all these steps sounded simple. was gonna email this to the boss. As I now have a pretty good game plane and he has the material list. was plumb bobbing the tape measure Thing is the cenment floor is not straight.

1 Step one.....
Spare user grate

Lay said grate over pit ''note that the welder reaches right inside''
2 Two

Pre jig what ever I am using at the welding bench for aid of known square and flat.
Then use bench to transfer said jigged parts too grate. ''for over the pit later,,
it will be helpful at this time to get the desired
1/4 inch gap for later..
3 three
**pre-jigged parts user grate and all dropped in pit**

Its time to reach on in and lay good tack welds still need to air cool here.

Most important spray paint the floor here and the shop floor two. especially for ease off confusion and cross check measuring.

It will wipe right off the finished shop flooring very easily later.
''plain ol black paint will be great here.'
4 four
**Known possible square place one cement to weld. **

Transferred parts to user grate should be a breeze.....

Lastly any shaped parts feet etc should be pretty easy.

I vote for duck feet it will go good for the yellow paint. Then we would have to keep them clean to make them look good:D
Well I'm really pleased to have stumped nearly everyone around Dan's machine shed, with the little mc whatsit.
But things just got worse.

I just never knew...

...the thing to do is to google 'chrysler A57 multibank engine' and stand back ! lol

Yah it gets worse!
Every time I look at a conglomeration like that I think of Country Joe MacDonald!
It is really silly, isn't it Lud ! No, it's not out of a boat...
Volvo... they are usually sensible people, aren't they?


Does this one help?

I took a look at it and said that's a************* engine and then Goggled it and there it was. Do you have the rest of where it belongs in the garage?

No, I have nothing fun like that around the house.
What a crazy method to collect the horsepower and torque of 30 cylinders !
I do recall those old dodge engines... they were reliable, but did not have much power.

...I had just run across an image of the engine as I was looking for info on the swing blade sawmills which seem to be popular down under... How it had gotten lumped in with them, I have no clue. lol

If you get a hold of Neat Times on here he can tell you a lot about them since he has built one as well as a band saw mill.

I would guess it was a fast and inexpensive way to build an engine of that size in a short time. They did indeed have a lot of torque but not a lot of speed. That was overcome I guess by putting 5 engines together.

ok steve, I should do that...

OK, it is a Chrysler 57 multibank engine as used in the early Sherman tanks.

OK, I got a surf report to drop off here in Dan's corner of the tavern...

This is the youtube link for a collection entitled Andysvideo.
Andy, seems to be a real nice fellow who operated a tow truck for a British recovery service, in and around London, and the Brooklands Museum during the 70's, 80's, 90's, well, and up to date, with a number of different subjects tossed into the mix.

Highly recommended, but although most are of short duration, the aggregate will burn up a number of hours! lol

Steve McQueen in his miitary career was involved with a bunch of like minded lunatics in attempting to tune a tank engine. They pulled it apart, polished, lightened, blueprinted, reassembled. It was demonstrated in front of a parade. Didn't go one iota quicker.
Sounds about right, Lud! lol

I had heard one story, over the years, about a general's driver who swapped a captured Benz engine into a Willys Jeep for quick reconnaissance trips across the battlefield. Probably one of those 'urban legends', but still fun. :-)

There was one occasion in WW2 when HMS Rodney was supporting onshore ops with the aid of her 12" guns, and on one occasion, a single gun was working.

There was a spotter plane sending back coordinates which followed a straight line, ith the gun being fire rapidly for omething so big.

It turned out there was a terrified dispatch rider tearing along one of those straight French roads. It was decided to abandon the attempt on his life as it was costing a fortune in whizzbangs.
I consider myself to be a most fortunate individual. I have no first-hand experience with artillery, on either end.

Dan, if I go beyond the pale of Snork! in unreasonable excess, please send me a note, public or private, to Stop. ...and I'll go away for a while...

Why do I ask? I'll explain.

I am behind on my Motor Assisted Bicycle projects. For many reasons, including gardening, my health, and other projects, of course.

Today was very nice WX. I came very near to two MAB projects, and actually touched parts for them... To get my motorcycle out of the garage.
This, is not good!
It's not bad, but it's not near good as going for a ride on a MAB built from the ground up.

After a short while out in the sun and wind on the open road, I was ready for a small lunch and a fermented beverage with hops... The computer was on and I looked at DIY sawmills and tractors in Czechoslovakian mud bogs...

Then I came across this tractor ! In all honesty, I don't think I'll have a need for one, soon, but can see why many tractors are built for specific tasks, which makes them so interesting!

OK, maybe this is the reminder... Head's up! February 14th shall be upon us quickly. Make a wise choice! or live with the consequences...
