I heard about this family!! One of the daughters, Tally Thwacker, was a famed serpent handler that toured the East Coast.
Har!!!!! lol "Tally Thwackers"
I heard about this family!! One of the daughters, Tally Thwacker, was a famed serpent handler that toured the East Coast.
Crotch Crickets. I always figured that was one of the many good reasons to date girls after one of your buddies had.
crotch crickets. I always figured that was one of the many good reasons to date girls after one of your buddies had.
hmmmm.....don't guess they're that bad --- unless they start chirp'n in church.
Har!!! next time your asked for your name at, say a dinner or cocktail party...
"hello, I'm Tally thwacker, John Thomas Tally Thwacker..... super villain"
Didn't go to the academy. I started out as a henchman and worked my way up. Took many years but now I have my super villain endorsement and soon to have a licence for arch nemesis. Thats where the big money is. Get paired with and against the right super hero and your set for life....
John Thomas Tally Thwacker..... super villain
Now I wanna create a member account in that name