
Women will never realize that men have great memories and they only have to remind us every six months about something and not daily, weekly ect.

Not a ha-ha but blew my mind. I'm starting school (Machinist/CNC) the 20th of this month. (48 yrold freshman. go ahead, let it out, snork) They gave me a printed schedule and the thing is a nightmare to decipher.

So I try to print one from google/chrome calendar. I did it on my home PC. Chrome has a thing that syncs all your devices if you choose and apparently, I did. Now I am getting reminders on my cell phone and my work/car laptop shows the "events" on the calendar.

Seriously, we live in an amazing time. Bad weather coming, cell alarm goes off with a warning, has a GPS, alows me to connect the laptop to the internet for free and some times I use it to make phone calls. After I finish my game of course.
"When in Danger, or in doubt, Run in circles, scream and shout"
Words to live by...
Dan I know what you mean, I have my phone set up to print to my home printer from anywhere. I told my family if something serious happens to check my printer for pictures. I have always heard you are never too old to learn and you quit learning when you die.
Dan, my mid life went like this. Started building motorized bicycles and returned to school. Been at both hard now for 3 years. Just pluging away working on a BS. My plan - go hug a tree. School has been a hard blast, removing all cobwebs from my mind. I have found I am able to think. Its nice! I am right behind you at 46.
Women will never realize that men have great memories and they only have to remind us every six months about something and not daily, weekly ect.


But they forget that, sure, women can fake orgasms... but men can fake entire relationships!

This vid sum's up arguing with women in general I think... "Hey baby, where you want to go tonight? What's wrong? What did I do?" Click for females answer

Grats on your class coming up btw Dan, know you've been looking forward to it. Just reassure your wife that not many(if any) girls take that class, and hope to not be eating "extra bean chili" for the duration of the class to keep said girls away from you. :p
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LOL, "Open the pod door Hal"

HAL: I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that.
Dave Bowman: What's the problem?
HAL: I think you know what the problem is just as well as I do.
Dave Bowman: What are you talking about, HAL?
HAL: Your a freakin' jerk Dave. Screw you.
Hey, I tried that levitation thing today. It didn't work.

Char came out to the garage and I was setting in full lotus next to my bike with an airbrush spraying gold paint on my chain guard. She said, "What are you doing?" I said, "Trying to float. Dan said I could."
She shook her head and went back inside. I never left the floor but I made some neat flames on the bike.
