
I still like the bumper sticker title idea Quote ''George Carlin''

Quote..The sticker Idea would be worded: ''Honk If Your Horn Is Broken''rotfl;)
Years ago a supply place I used to frequent in Miami was being plagued with mice. A good friend of mine who worked there and I made little signs on sticky pads and placed them around the roll up doors and places where mice might come in.

"No Mice Allowed"
Mice, Keep Out Violators Will be Prosecuted"
"Cat On 24 Hour Patrol"

The mouse problem went away and we laughed about it for months afterward.

...and so it begins,

From the Terminator movies;

Kyle Reese: Who is in charge here? Shut up ! You still don't get it do you? He'll find her! It's what he does. It's ALL he does!
– Or
Derelict: That son of a **** took my pants.

Still beats the Zombie Apocalypse thing. Gettin' eaten to death and not in a good way don't sound like fun.

LOL! Were is Hiker? We need a Zombie Smilie.......
Well, Dan.... new job now?
up to 10oz for 60 day supply is now legal in Mass ???
They are gonna need a handy dandy speedy delivery guy!

You could be a key player in a big cartel and not even finish your school!


Well, Dan.... new job now?
up to 10oz for 60 day supply is now legal in Mass ???
They are gonna need a handy dandy speedy delivery guy!

You could be a key player in a big cartel and not even finish your school!


We used to call those guys, mules. :)

Originally Posted by corgi1
I don't think I've seen 200 spoke wheels,

Originally posted by sumguy
It was a western with John Wane, Audry Hepburn and Shamoo. About an odd group looking for a new life and acceptance in the old west. Not to spoil the ending but Audry and John don't get busy and the Indians eat Shamoo.
That iGO is kinda cool. But some sick part of my brain keeps wondering what'll happen if you hit a curb, even at a slow speed.
I think you just kinda bop your head ''straight'' in to the pavement like a bird pecking for food and then wobble ''roll'' away.:)
There are a few old streets in town that are so pothole-laden, cracked, and uneven in general that if you were to ride a one-wheeled iGO down through there, you'd look like a great, big Dippy Bird.


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"A picture is worth a thousand words (which is why it takes a thousand times as long to download)."

LOL, opening line to a trigonometry web page.

Odd thought and I'm sure folks more apt with math would not need the web to learn this stuff but man, there is no way I could get this stuff without the internet. We really live in an amazing time. Doing extra reading out side of text books on interactive, practice web pages.

Free edumacation!
At lunch time, I leave class to eat lunch in my car. Carol made me 2 killer sandwiches, a bag full of cookies and a jug of grape kool-aid and packed it in my Spiderman lunch box. (everything a 49 yr old freshman could want in a lunch box. Including a really cool lunch box)((yes, the other kids do in fact make fun of me. Why do you ask?))

So I text her a thank you as who could not be ecstatic with those kind of vitals searved in a Spiderman lunch box. (we could't find a BatMan one but still)
As I text her, a man from a company I subcontract threw texts me asking if I can do a job after school.

So, while I meant to text Carol, I inadvertently responded to this man; "Love you bunches and your peaches ain't bad either!"

He hasn't called back or given me any work since.

sheesh, some people. He could have at least said thank you.
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