
(Tom is on the left. I'm to the right ....)

(I'm taller)) Not in this particular picture but hey
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This about sums it up.....


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A young man "high schooler" in our state won a science award for inventing a way to run his dad's tractor on Mickey D's waste French fry oil. Dad says it runs great and exhaust has a wonderful aroma! I can just see the old man lay'n out by the barn with a hose to his nose, sniff'n tractor gas.
If it's a diesel tractor, it's not hard to do. You will be best served by a dual-tank system and fuel tank switches, with the WVO going through some kind of heater before the engine, like a heater core or electric pre-heater. Start the tractor on full diesel, and switch back to full diesel to clear the lines before killing it. Filtering and treating the WVO before use is the work.

Some carbureted gas engines can run on 50/50 gas and wvo, with a similar switching system, but probably will smoke quite a bit and could start dieseling if run too hard. I've run mowers this way. It has a lot of power in a 5hp briggs, but the WVO will clog fuel bowls if left in there.

A young man "high schooler" in our state won a science award for inventing a way to run his dad's tractor on Mickey D's waste French fry oil. Dad says it runs great and exhaust has a wonderful aroma! I can just see the old man lay'n out by the barn with a hose to his nose, sniff'n tractor gas.
Tom said in another thread that he would only have an ICE (internal combustion engine) on his bikes.

Got me to think'n.........A China Girl named ICE just sounds so...............racy......
Tom said in another thread that he would only have an ICE (internal combustion engine) on his bikes.

Got me to think'n.........A China Girl named ICE just sounds so...............racy......

LOL Xsel, it would be a great name. Also a perfect name for a Hollywood blockbuster movie.

"....Coming out this fall, "China Girl, ICE" An action, adventure film staring Lucy Liu. Fighting crime, kicking butt and taking names..."

Har, "Produced by Motorbicycling productions and little else"
I just know they're gonna make a video game out of that.
'ICE' the girl you don't want to 'F' with !

Reminds me of the old 70s 'Modesty Blaze' movies only there'll be lots of high tech computer generated special effects for, 'ICE' :)

Hmmm. Will she be Chinese?

Har, LOL Tom! Instead of the chase scene being cars, snowmobiles or airplanes etc., MOTOR BIKES!

Just picture it, super, international spies and professional assassins chasing each other around in mortal combat at 23 and a half MPH with an amazingly annoying 2 stroke buzzing sound..?

LOL, I really would enjoy making this movie.

Any one hits the lotto, we gotta do this
"He is getting away! (every one hops on their motorized bicycles;

(sound heard/large angry weed wacker)) NEEErrrreinghhhhh....
Scene 1 opens and there's a C-130 cargo plane with the rear ramp open. Suddenly a motorbike streaks out of the back of the plane and we see 'ICE' in a black leather, tight fitting cat suit riding her China Girl powered motorized bicycle and popping the chute at 3000'. That's when the music starts and continues until she hits the ground pedaling hard and popping the clutch and over the music we hear the sound of an angry 2 stroke engine.............


Hahhaha. I tried to photochop it.

Scene 1 opens and there's a C-130 cargo plane with the rear ramp open. Suddenly a motorbike streaks out of the back of the plane and we see 'ICE' in a black leather, tight fitting cat suit riding her China Girl powered motorized bicycle and popping the chute at 3000'. That's when the music starts and continues until she hits the ground pedaling hard and popping the clutch and over the music we hear the sound of an angry 2 stroke engine.............

From my single thought, you guys made an entire move!! Bravo!

I guess that's why many movies are made by 'committee'.....for better or worse.