
Filling out paper work at the doc's office today, I kinda got frustrated. They wanted permission to speak to my employer, school, mental health provider (to which I obviously have none) and on and on. Like any of them are overly worried about my what ever....

But get to the last page, emergency contact.

I said "none"

The receptionist did not like that and asked me; "What if you keel over here in the office?"

"If I keel over here in the office, call the doctor"

She didn't think it was funny either.
LOL Steve. I did get a laugh and a sleeve of Dixie-cups marked "urine sample only" from the phlebotomist. I am saving them for my next party.

Gonna serve tequila shooters in em. Is that wrong?

I for one see nothing wrong with that at all. Then again I made a note on the calender never to attend a party at your place.

I'd be willing to bet that if Miss Carol gets wind of that plan it may come to an inglorious halt on the side of the road of life.

Steve, who will be checking Dixie cups first from now on.
Har, LOLOL Steve *he who checks cups* Fast Eddy.

Poor Carol will just get that look, and look away. I think she secretly finds my crazy funny but would never admit it.

Been meaning to send this to you for a couple of yrs. There is a local pawn shop that does these great TV commercials. Local, basic cable stuff but really funny. "Fast Eddy"

Always make me think of ya.

This is one of my favorites;

I'm sure that Miss Carol is snorking in private when she sees what your doing. I'll bet your your the topic of discussion when she's at work. You won't believe what Dan said yesterday.....

Laughing at the commercials. I'll bet Fast Eddy makes sure that you get every penny for your gold that your entitled to. I like the one with the cape the best of all.

Do you think he'd like to hire a couple of characters to write his commercials for him? I think we may be able to help.

The cape thing used to be his sort of signature at the end of his commercials. I dunno, he just always comes across to me as a guy who went threw great pain, met it with humor and later made fun of himself for it.

The kind of guy you would really enjoy having a cup of coffee or a beer with. Years later you would hear what horrors he went threw to get to be the kind of guy you wanted to hang out with. with his cape being trailed by a friend, lol

2FUNNY! we should start a thread. "Really bad motorized bicycle commercials"

No kidding and as a business venture, we should buy the rights to a very bad, old and really bad spaghetti western movie and dubbe it over. (did I mention it should be really bad?)

*The 6 foot 13" tall marshal walks in the saloon. Bad Bart (the bad guy) eyeballs him. The Marshal bellies up to the bar. "Gimmie 3 fingers of red-eye"
The grizzled, old bartender is cleaning a glass with a dirty rag. Looks up with his good eye and says;
"O.K. Pumpkin" .........

We make this a cult thing by playing it for free in college theaters, after midnight for a year.

After that, we tour North America and Canada telling coeds we will put em in our next film.

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LOL Steve. I did get a laugh and a sleeve of Dixie-cups marked "urine sample only" from the phlebotomist. I am saving them for my next party.

Gonna serve tequila shooters in em. Is that wrong?

It's wrong only if you leave the worm in the cup......
LOL, words to live by for sure.

Not kidding, I am on my last working PC/laptop. Had to turn my head to spit beer as I laughed at that.
Man, is the dog PO'ed. (she got sprayed) walked out of the room, turned around just long enough to give me the dog-stink eye and left.

yet she puts up with me putting hats on her head and taking pictures.

Honestly, where are the lines?
Well, to tell you the truth after the fourth tequila I have a hard time finding the lines too.

My second wife's brother fancied himself quite the tequila drinker and in the way only we men know, he issued the unspoken, I can put you under the table challenge. Now the first mistake was his favorite drink was a tequila sunrise and I should mention the boy was a tad lazy and he let me mix them. If we had been drinking shooters he would have caught me at it but in the morning I'm dancing around making an annoying a** of myself and he was still talking to God on the porcelain telephone. You know the call. Oh God let me live and I'll never do this again.
I swear a couple of times I heard Him laughing at me.

My apologize to the pup. Toss here a cookie for me will you.

It might be my poor eye sight but it looked like she was sticking her tongue out at you in the picture.

Sweet looking dog. Good natured too.


I had to wipe tea off everything and I don't mind mentioning that it had honey in it. Tomorrow I'm getting a plastic cover for the key board.

Steve.'n to God on the potty line.......sounds like the perfect country song!

Har! lol har snork. That has to be the theme song for our "made even worse spaghetti western"

Come on!? sets the whole dang thing up perfect

"...and He don't mind"

We gotta do this. Whats the worst that can happen? (hehe) We all go to jail and get sued for copyright infringements, (multiple) and given our theme song, our after life don't look all that good either.

But aside from that?

(note to self, we need a train)