I want a Stealth Bomber, lord help me.

Oh come'on where is this thing? You got it already?! The suspense is just killing me! :Ddnut

Theses things are hard to get. When you order one, they'll tell you it will ship in 2 to 3 weeks. That then becomes 21 of working days which turns into a month.

A month would have been around Nov 1st. For unknown reasons in the first week of Novenber I was told there was a delay, and it's now expected to ship on the 15th. I'm thinking it's all bs, and it'll ship when it's ready to ship. I've read where many people waited 3 months to get their bikes.

Stealth is a small factory. In 5 years they're only up to about bike number 400. Up to the end of last year that number was only about 200, so just this year production has doubled. This is just an estimate based on my unscientific survey. My bike will probably be about bike 400, maybe higher.

I have a feeling things are going slow because they're drowning in success.

If a miracle happens, and it actually does ship on the 15th it will arrive in L.A. on the 16th for up to a week visiting customs, and then on to a FedEx truck headed to my house maybe to arrive the day before Thanksgiving, but I'm not holding my breath.
Seriously, no more posts from you in this thread until you have a pic of YOU sitting on YOUR stealth! OK? :D

LOL this thread's not primarily about the bike. I'll start a new thread about the bike. This thread is more about how to sneak the bike into my garage without getting divorced. So far that's going very well. She still has no clue. As a matter of fact the longer it takes, the better for me. The kitchen is already becoming old news. Next week is our 35 year anniversary. I'm going to pad my bet by buying her a new range that's going on sale Sunday. After that I'm going back into hiding in my cave until a tracking number tells me I can't hide any longer.

The kitchen turned out so well I can't really see her kicking up too much fuss now. A nice new range so close before Thanksgiving should kill it, especially if the bike gets here after Thanksgiving, because that would make it a little less obvious. Every day that goes by it gets a little harder to associate the kitchen with the bike, without a careful analysis of the receipts.

That will happen sooner or later, but by then it will be like cashing in an IRA. The taxes will be a lot less lol.
It's so Stealthy that Bikenut doesn't even know that it's been sitting in his driveway for almost a week now. LOL
I think the wife has paid the company extra to delay shipping.........some of 'em can be sneaky like that.
Ok that is really cool....
Lets see at $20 a month is will only take 540 months (45 years) to pay off, but only zero percent interest for 18 months. What is the interest rate for the remaining 522 months? What will be the end price? How old will you be in 45 years? What is the recharge time? How long do the batteries last? How much does it cost to replace the batteries? Are you crazy... LMAO
Divorce would be cheaper and faster and less drama.
It already came and the Boss signed for it then sold it on Craigslist for $50 or she gave it to Goodwill!!!! LOL

You are never gonna ride that Stealth. :D
So yesterday my son tells me he's expecting a couple packages to come for him, and asks me to call him if they show up. He lives nearby and usually has stuff shipped to my house since someone is usually here in the daytime.

When I got home about 7pm, there was 2 packages near the front door. I'm expecting my LED headlight to come any day now too, so I'm taking a close at the labels to see who they're actually for, when Buffy big nose walks in on me. Right away she's like, YOU'RE EXPECTING SOMEING AREN'T YOU? No nothing, just a little headlight. It only cost $33. YOU BETTER NOT BE BUYING ANYTHNG. YOU SPEND $500 A MONTH ON YOUR CREDIT CARD.

What an exaggeration. It's less than that. Sheez, what shrew. Any way both packages were for my son, so she shut up about it for now.
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You better sell one of those bikes baby and hope she's not there when it arrives.

Nah, your goose is cooked. Maybe you could have it diverted to a friend...

This is better. When you know it's coming spend five hundred on "a day of beauty at the spa" The works. Massage, bath, facial, manicure, hair. As long as it takes to cover the whole day.

And give one of those bikes away. So the count will be the same - :)
So yesterday my son tells me he's expecting a couple packages to come for him, and asks me to call him if they show up. He lives nearby and usually has stuff shipped to my house since someone is usually here in the daytime.

When I got home about 7pm, there was 2 packages near the front door. I'm expecting my LED headlight to come any day now too, so I'm taking a close at the labels to see who they're actually for, when Buffy big nose walks in on me. Right away she's like, YOU'RE EXPECTING SOMEING AREN'T YOU? No nothing, just a little headlight. It only cost $33. YOU BETTER NOT BE BUYING ANYTHNG. YOU SPEND $500 A MONTH ON YOUR CREDIT CARD.

What an exaggeration. It's less than that. Sheez, what shrew. Any way both packages were for my son, so she shut up about it for now.

Oh you are going to be in so much trouble let me tell you that for a start. Us women don't take much to being deceived and you are in the smelly brown stuff so deep you're going to need an oxygen line.
Oh you are going to be in so much trouble let me tell you that for a start. Us women don't take much to being deceived and you are in the smelly brown stuff so deep you're going to need an oxygen line.
"**** hath no fury.........................." or any other famous quotes couldn't have said it better. LOL

So yesterday my son tells me he's expecting a couple packages to come for him, and asks me to call him if they show up. He lives nearby and usually has stuff shipped to my house since someone is usually here in the daytime.

When I got home about 7pm, there was 2 packages near the front door. I'm expecting my LED headlight to come any day now too, so I'm taking a close at the labels to see who they're actually for, when Buffy big nose walks in on me. Right away she's like, YOU'RE EXPECTING SOMEING AREN'T YOU? No nothing, just a little headlight. It only cost $33. YOU BETTER NOT BE BUYING ANYTHNG. YOU SPEND $500 A MONTH ON YOUR CREDIT CARD.

What an exaggeration. It's less than that. Sheez, what shrew. Any way both packages were for my son, so she shut up about it for now.
Are you guys still doing it because after the "boss" finds out what you
spent on that eBike you ain't getting anymore you know what! :D laff

Yeah, I had a couple of glasses of the red stuff......
Now, I'm sure when she see's how cool it is she'll be like " where's mine"? You did buy one for her too, right? See, Bikenut be bankin like a big pimp, yall's.
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Now, I'm sure when she see's how cool it is she'll be like " where's mine"? You did buy one for her too, right? See, Bikenut be bankin like a big pimp, yall's.

I like the way you think. As a last resort I can always say, "look what I bought you honey".