I had dreams last year of paying the whole bike off this summer, but that wasn't carved in stone. Realistically half of it was a good clip, and I ended up doing slightly better than that to date, but now I'm under the gun because my 15 months zero interest is up soon, and if I still owe any money after the introductory offer ends, they make me pay the full amount of interest on the original purchase.
That's not going to happen though because a few weeks ago I applied for another 15 month zero interest credit card ,that also has zero interest on balance transfers, and zero balance transfer fees for the first 60 days. Two days ago the rest of the balance which now stands at $4500 was successfully transferred to the new card, so now I have another 15 months at zero interest to pay the rest off.
This time there's no deception because I also rolled over a second credit card my wife used for $10,000 worth of dental work she had to have done this year, although more than half of that balance is paid off too. Those two implants cost me paying off my bike this year, but they also ran interference for me to not have to hear complaints about my expensive spending habits lol.
So everything is pretty calm now, and just about back to where this thread started a year ago. And so it all begins again this week, our annual **** week. Our anniversary is on Thursday, my birthday is on Friday, Thanksgiving is the next Thursday, and her Birthday is the next day on Friday. It just never ends for us. And I mean it never ends, because this is our 34 year anniversary. I got how many days to figure out what to get her. Humm maybe she'd like a electric bicycle..........!!