I love getting THAT look.

The look is the best thing. I live in a tourist town so it's always packed with people. The best look is from the Harley riders that not only look but come over to talk about it. Many times I have come out of stores and will have a small crowd looking at taking pics of my MB. I wonder how many countries have pics of my MB. now LOLusflg


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The look is the best thing. I live in a tourist town so it's always packed with people. The best look is from the Harley riders that not only look but come over to talk about it. Many times I have come out of stores and will have a small crowd looking at taking pics of my MB. I wonder how many countries have pics of my MB. now LOLusflg

i like the two tanks i have seen it before on another bike but cool nice build!!
I need to catch this guy and get him to add an engine. He is getting the look and would get even better looks with engine power. Have fun, Dave


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Ahh! The LOOK. Just about every post in this thread rings true with me on some level or another.
(Like the guy who mentioned that he made flyers to prevent himself from being delayed for work by curious folk.)

I've had a few fun ones. I was hanging out at a fuel station my buddy mans, and a Harley rider came up and asked about my first bike. Nice old on a long trip. He was fascinated with it. We took pictures of my bike parked next to his Harley (I'm gonna have to dredge those up).

Then there was the entourage of small children I mentioned in another part of the forum, who followed me on their bikes through the local sports park when I was on the way to the same friend's house (No pictures of that unfortunately). .we.

I rode parallel with a couple on a Tandem in the U-district of Seattle once. We were shouting a conversation over the noise of my second bike's engine.

I had yet another friend's house party suddenly relocate itself to the side of the road when I rolled up on my bike. It was a party of us nerdy kids, so prettymuch everyone was thrilled when I rode up on what Soki described as an "Antique Motorcycle" wearing an army helmet, leather coat, and bugeye goggles.

And of course there is the thumbs up, waves, and clapping I get from random people when I roll through town. Of course the occasional motorist gets angry and just has to pass me again. Some drivers inexplicably give me the bird, but most are at least polite. The bulk of people don't seem to be able to make heads or tails of the bike. I get a LOT of "WTF?" looks.

I also tend to transport one bike or the other damn to Seattle with me a lot when I know I'm going to be roaming around the city proper. So I get a lot of LOOKS while rolling down the 5 with my bike strapped to the back of my car.

Just more proof that this is an awesome hobby.

Keep on riding!
Ahh! The LOOK. Just about every post in this thread rings true with me on some level or another.
(Like the guy who mentioned that he made flyers to prevent himself from being delayed for work by curious folk.)

I've had a few fun ones. I was hanging out at a fuel station my buddy mans, and a Harley rider came up and asked about my first bike. Nice old on a long trip. He was fascinated with it. We took pictures of my bike parked next to his Harley (I'm gonna have to dredge those up).

Then there was the entourage of small children I mentioned in another part of the forum, who followed me on their bikes through the local sports park when I was on the way to the same friend's house (No pictures of that unfortunately). .we.

I rode parallel with a couple on a Tandem in the U-district of Seattle once. We were shouting a conversation over the noise of my second bike's engine.

TY Mr. Larkins

I had yet another friend's house party suddenly relocate itself to the side of the road when I rolled up on my bike. It was a party of us nerdy kids, so prettymuch everyone was thrilled when I rode up on what Soki described as an "Antique Motorcycle" wearing an army helmet, leather coat, and bugeye goggles.

And of course there is the thumbs up, waves, and clapping I get from random people when I roll through town. Of course the occasional motorist gets angry and just has to pass me again. Some drivers inexplicably give me the bird, but most are at least polite. The bulk of people don't seem to be able to make heads or tails of the bike. I get a LOT of "WTF?" looks.

I also tend to transport one bike or the other damn to Seattle with me a lot when I know I'm going to be roaming around the city proper. So I get a lot of LOOKS while rolling down the 5 with my bike strapped to the back of my car.

Just more proof that this is an awesome hobby.

Keep on riding!

Awesome and well said. 'bout covered it! I really enjoy this thread
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Fixed your pict for you fair.. I could not resist..


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I was clocked by a biker on a Harley once; he pulled up beside me and was ridding beside me.Then he yelled "you're doin 50, thats not bad" and then he was gone.:):) I guess he was amazed to see my motorized bicycle ...............and then last night I was up at the gas station with my regular bike to get smokes and some dude came running out and was freaking over my Girvin front fork. The first thing he said was "is that a Girvin??What kind of fork is that?" Him and buddy wre driving about a 50 thousand dollar truck.:):)
Today i was riding on the Natchez Trace and a guy and his wife,girlfriend passed me in a sportscar with the top down. As they were going away she turned in the seat and looked as they went out of sight. About a mile down the trace they were pulled off in a historical exhibit. They stood beside the road and gave me thumbs up as I went by.
Today I was out riding and I passed a bus. On the return trip as he heard my bike coming, he like to crawl out the window, I thought he was going to fall out. He gave me a big wave. Sometime's I think it is as though they have never seen anything cool. Have fun, Dave
My best "THAT look" episode was a few years ago, when I was sitting in the parking lot of a local ice cream joint. I had just finished my milkshake and had just fired up the engine on my '46 Columbia when one of the local constabulary drove by and gave me a loooonng look. Since the bike isn't tagged for the street, I thought "Oh no, I'm in for it" when he turned around and came back, pulling halfway into the parking lot. He rolled down the window, and instead of what I expected to hear he yelled, "Is that an antique Harley?" I said, "No, it's an old Columbia" and he got out and came over to look at it. He thought it was the coolest thing, and spent a half hour talking with me about it.


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Im currently riding my MB to drivers ed at a highschool i dont go to, most people dont realize its a motorized bicycle till they get really close because of my tank and seat, they think its a vintage motorcycle. i always get hoots and hollers when i ride in, and im know around the school as "the guy with the sick motorbike" i love this thing so much, even when i get my license i'll still ride it places.

While stopped for a red light, a young guy on a Yamaha sportbike gave me a thumbs up and said my ride was cool. I savor those rare moments.
I flew past my house yesterday cause the traffic was too congested to make a turn across it, got 'bout another mile or so down the road before I could pull a U-turn. There was some contractor guy 1/2 way up a ladder who got so excited he almost fell as he gave me the (^)


Dude - glad ya like my bike an all but seriously, hang on to that ladder lol
Im currently riding my MB to drivers ed at a highschool i dont go to, most people dont realize its a motorized bicycle till they get really close because of my tank and seat, they think its a vintage motorcycle. i always get hoots and hollers when i ride in, and im know around the school as "the guy with the sick motorbike" i love this thing so much, even when i get my license i'll still ride it places.


thats a nice bike, you got any more pictures? what kind of tank and seat do you have?
I flew past my house yesterday cause the traffic was too congested to make a turn across it, got 'bout another mile or so down the road before I could pull a U-turn. There was some contractor guy 1/2 way up a ladder who got so excited he almost fell as he gave me the (^)


Dude - glad ya like my bike an all but seriously, hang on to that ladder lol

Always amazes me. How these crazy things can shut a work site down. Happened to me twice. Both times some one had to yell at guys to get back to work. Now I just wave and keep on going. (I been the guy who had to yell and it ain't no fun)
Was riding the bike yesterday and was having some fun just going round and round the fountain in front of the Aquarium of the Pacific, as I took off to go over the mag bridge on the bike path, I was flagged over by two of the security guys. They wanted to know where they could get one. I told them about this outfit at mororbicycling. They wanted to put one on their police bikes, they were too fancy with all the suspension crud in there, They checked out every detail of the bike, it will be interesting to see if they come up with something. Have fun, Dave
PS: Was going around turn 2 & 3 for the Long Beach GP. File:Long Beach Street Circuit.svg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Fountain I was going around. Panoramio - Photo of Aquarium of the Pacific
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while riding in the town just north of me , my pal rich was on a run he had made many times when
an older gentelman walking in the street W/ a cane in each hand began wave the canes in the air and at rich. sure that he was about to get a "bad" look and a talkin too , rich was happy to see a grin on the old guy's face as he pulled over to talk. turns out that he had been a wizzer dealer in town in the 60s-70s and they had a great long chat , he loved riches bike and is turning out to be a good guy to know . we are slowly meeting all the old timers around here, all have a good story (and some have treasure in there basement:) . the town were i live has a hundred year history of this type of bike ,we had a harley and indian dealerships in the early 1900's and being that we are on lake michigan and directly between milwaukee and chicago , we had one of the first gas stations in the state. there was also a private board track just outside of town cira. 1911 but was burned down after just a few races.