I love getting THAT look.

That dude would get some looks and then get arrested..bf.

Major Traffic distraction, and puleeeeze - NO VIDEO! laff
I now fully understand "The Look". I got my bike finished off lastnight and got her going this morning. I got the look from several people, even a thumbs up from an old timer on his porch.
Three of us went cruising today and got many looks especially along 4th Ave. which is a college business/drinking district. There was one family that was giving us "a look" although that look could be summed up by the acronym "WTF!". There was also one rider that got a look from us. He was a full grown adult male riding a microcycle that couldn't have been more than 3 feet long and 18" tall. Reminded me of circus clowns on their comically small bicycles.
I now fully understand "The Look". I got my bike finished off lastnight and got her going this morning. I got the look from several people, even a thumbs up from an old timer on his porch.

THAT look (and thumbs up!) from the old timers are the best. When ever possible I stop and chat with them. That thumbs up was reminding some one of some great stories or builds they have done. So very much worth a few mins of chatting. Just awesome.

.flg.dnutif it isn"t LOUD the people will not see you. i had to put bolts and nuts in my muffer because i drilled some holes but it was way too loud and i dont want to get pulled over by the man. nice looking bike dan
The look is what makes this so fun. I go riding with my wife every day, she walks and I ride my bike. She wanted to know why I ride this bike when I have so many in the garage. The question is why don't you ride one that doesn't have a motor that way you wouldn't have to carry all that extra weight, (the motor is off). So I had to tell her that there are no more bikes that don't have engines, (what about my bike she said), I told her that if she didn't keep a close eye on it there would be that extra weight. I got the look, so I think I will leave her bike alone. As we walk everyone asks the question does it run, and soooo coool, like you have seen the kids want one. I have to tell everyone that she wont let me run the bike that it gets smoke in her eyes. LOL A lot of the time people stop me and the questions fly and I have to catch up, the misses, she just says you love it when they ask all those questions don't you. Yea I do, its just so fun. I think we are changing the world. Have fun, Dave
I drove past a crowd of 20 elementary school kids waiting at the bus stop one morning and wow! Its not just the look that's awesome but also the sound "...AHH..." "...OH COOL..." "...How'd he make the bike go without pedaling?..." etc. The parents like the bike too, they think I'm a genius (well, maybe to some degree but nothing to brag about ;) ). There's an old feller that stopped me and I talked with and he said he hadn't seen one of these "...in a coon's age..." he loved it to death (what a sweet old fella, complimented my bike build too, called it a professional factory look). Teenagers are not so impressed with it(so to speak). It comes across as "nerdy", "goofy" or worse, but I don't let them wreck my fun. We're at a time when nobody is going to argue with progress or high MPGs, unless; of course, they are those super snooty pedal bikers in tights that detest motorized vehicles of all kinds.
I have had mixed reactions with teenagers too. I shouldn't say much, because I am one... HA. But some of them think it is really cool, and some say things to the effect of "oh, I guess you couldn't afford a real motorcycle"
They don't get the point that it isn't trying to be a real motorcycle, it is no more, and no less than what it is. And it isn't trying to be anything other than awesome. But some of them just don't get that :(
Oh well, I don't let it bother me.
Most adults see me as a long haired, uncut hippy teenager on a sweet bike...
My grandkids think i look like PeeWee Herman on a bicycle !!

Well, honestly my beach cruiser does look kinda hokie compared to a mountain bike. I know that I look like a retarded circus bear riding around on it, but its so darn fun that I can't resist! I get the special "look" a lot! :D Everybody loves me and my bike! They would all understand it better if they rode the bike.
I was riding my bike, engine running this time and to my suprise there is a cop hidden on a side street to catch an unsuspecting speeder or worse (Me) and to my surprise he sticks his hand out and gives me a big wave, who would have thought I would get a look like that. I love this thing, and don't worry about the teenagers inside they are saying "I wish I could ride one of those cool things" they are too worried there friends would not approve, so none of them get to try. Have fun, Dave
lol, I have let a few of my students ride mine...they get the biggest hoot outta it...of course a huge crowd of students gather to watch and the administrators come running thinking its a fight...then I get THAT look when they get there and realize its just me and the bike.

(after hours of course)
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Took the Avatar Schwinn out on the 4th. Got a lot of looks. A lot of look honey that bike has a motor. Got a inquiry about whether he would be able to put an engine on his 48 Schwinn. We were stopped to eat a soft pretzel. I told him about this forum and he got his niece to take the URL. He was at least 70. This was a big weekend for the city of Long Beach, we had a Car Show, Boat race to Hawaii, Fireworks, Oh and Beach Volleyball. I hate the big city. They estimate over 200,000 people over the weekend. Well Happy Independence Day to All. Have fun, Dave

PS: It was a beautiful day, our bikes looking out to the South, off the stern of the Queen Marry. Notice the Wife's bike has no engine. LOL


  • 4th of july 09.jpg
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How's this for a look?

Some guy who just had to take a pic of me and my bike. I was video taping with my helmet cam at the time.


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