I love getting THAT look.

I get the longest LOOKs when I pass bus stops. Those folks hate waiting on the bus.
The LOOKs from the kids are the most fun though.
I got the bad THAT look from an elderly man when he clipped my handel bar with his right hand side view mirror. I was doing 25-26 in a 25 zone, 4 lane road when he decided to pass me. I caught up to him at a red light I let him know that was NOT ok. But as neather I nor him had any damage and he and his wife had the stuffing spooked out of them I didn't push the issue too hard. Though if I had gone off the raod I would has called the police.
I been riding my ebike. Took it up to the local Chinese take out the other day. A soldier and his son walked by and he stopped just past my bike and took a couple of steps back for a double take, telling his son, "Now that's cool." At the auto parts store, a guy asked how much and how fast. He wanted to build one for his son then decided he'd rather ride it himself. :D

Bus riders do hate us, electric or gas. I see them glares every morning when I pedal just up to the bus stop then twist that throttle and get that electric whine to accelerate past them. laff

Then I get those looks when drivers see me start moving from a stop light without pedaling. I have a geared motor so I get pretty good acceleration and it's even faster when I pedal. Some end up goosing their gas pedals cause they "know" they're supposed to be faster than a bike. Alot of them hate it when I hole shot them from the light..rd. laff
Great thread! Can relate to almost ech and every post. I am just back from a ride. A woman pulled up next to me at a light. She looked like it was a ruff one today, but was smiling ear to ear. (with very tired eyes) Just a few hundred yards down the road, a Dad and a 4 or 5 yr old turn as I come up a small hill and bend towords them . Dad's grinning and the lil one is waving. Just a great ride. That look

I get the longest LOOKs when I pass bus stops. Those folks hate waiting on the bus.
The LOOKs from the kids are the most fun though.

We have a good sized DMV here in town. with an inspection station, traffic enforcement agents and a bus stop! Man, thats a fun fly by! snork.

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someone needs to wear a helmet camera and take videos of the expressions we get...and then put them together in a mini-video!
That's a cool idea Mr.
Facing to the right and rear. (I live in New England. We don't make eye contact unless absolutely necessary, lol)
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That would be fun. Am imagining the "bus stop thing" lol! Past the DMV, 2 funny. I have a regular bike helmet that I would gladly sacrifice for this. Only vid cam We have does not transfer well to upload. Maybe does not have to be helmet mounted?

This really could be a fun project especially if lots of folks do it. Also like in LA Times/Ridly vid, have some one film folks expressions as you ride past. Dunno, but that was "That look"! A guy turns to watch the woman ride past, then turns back with his mouth open. A 2009 take on 1903 | Up to Speed | Los Angeles Times
Better yet a documentary utilizing the THE LOOK clips mixed with interviews from riders, builders, dealers, onlookers, & police .

Could be cut right and used to help with legalizing in those states where it is illegalauflg as well as to inform the general public and could put some money into the dealers pockets.
Better yet a documentary utilizing the THE LOOK clips mixed with interviews from riders, builders, dealers, onlookers, & police .

Could be cut right and used to help with legalizing in those states where it is illegalauflg as well as to inform the general public and could put some money into the dealers pockets.

That is a cool Idea Lowrider. I spent the whole day playing/relearning Movie maker for the this.

(instead of doing any work today, lol) This is what I came up with. I had no way (yet) to film folks reactions. This was just to learn it and how to upload, etc.

But this could be cool! If every one wants to send or post vids or even still shots of "that look" I could put them together. Was a lot of fun. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfRcQvBRKZ8]YouTube - I want to ride my bike[/URL]

Here is how I spent the day, snork. (still beat working)
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Some lady gave me THE look today. I have dropped a few pounds......zpt

Go Pablo!!! Aside from the "real reasons" (health and energy) to lose weight, "the look" is a great bonus.

Good job. How much weight have you dropped?
I hope I don't loose any weight.... haha.
I'm 6'2", eat over 4000 calories a day, and still weigh 145lbs... the joys of being 19 :D