I love getting THAT look.

lol, he's takin a pic with his phone and she's just waving...what did you take the pic with?

Just using my Kodak m853, was making a video so I used wmv to turn the video into a pic. Sorry for the small size but no mater what I do I cannot enlarge it.
today my machine has proven that it is worthy of me riding it. i was taking a cruise through the neighborhood on my 50cc motor bike, just taking it easy, giving it half throttle at best, when some serious biker dude, streamlined helmet and all blows past me pedaling furiously, so it gave it more gas and beat the guy to next stop light while he rode past without stopping. i was able able to catch up to him and pace him with ease even though i stopped at each stop sign and he didn't. still needs more work though.
Here's a picture of my GANG! We're invading the Golden Nugget in Pine River, WI...one of the coolest saloons around. We like lining up our MB's along side all the $$$ Harleys at the bar, and seeing "the look" on the Harley owner's faces when people come in asking who owns the cool bikes out front. Of course, that's us!


  • Mbikin K Jul 11 09.jpg
    Mbikin K Jul 11 09.jpg
    411.7 KB · Views: 322
I am a teenager living in the NW, I know hippies, I am one, and I know snobby teenagers, not many here on the Island. But my soccer team is pretty sure I am in need of a better hobby than things with small gas engines, the RC nitro truck I had was a failure, hopefully this works out better, maybe even getting some chics.
Howdy Alfonzo. Great to meet you. Always good to listen to the advise of buds and folks who care about you. Only you can decide the best hobby for you though. I am willing to bet you learned a whole lot from your "RC nitro truck failure" Never a waste. Edison told a reporter he was not saddened by 700 failed attempts to make a lite bulb, "now I know 700 ways how not to do it"

Chicks digg the creative types. Build some thing cool
On the 2 stroke, ridding past a park. Dad has his back to the road and Mom and 5 or 6 yr old boy facing it, all sitting in the grass. I ride past. Kid leaps to his feet about back handing his Mom's arm to death with his left and pointing at me with his right. Man, I love that look.
Picture this…beautiful day, 80 degrees, late afternoon, 4 lane road, 30 mph speed limit, hardly any traffic. I’m riding along with a big stupid grin. Out of nowhere booms a wolf whistle so loud that I jump. Two very attractive soccer moms are pacing me in their minivan smiling, giggling and waving. It made this old fat guy laugh. Had to floss dead bugs out of my teeth that night. :D
Last week i got me HT engine mounted and was testing it out along a rural road near us--it was smoking and popping as it was first start up--this lady pulls by and stops and the 4 kids are laughing and pointing at me--at first i didnt recognize them --it was my daugter and 4 kids !! i get no respect!
cvlt1cvlt1cvlt1well everyone does stare at the bike as i"m riding bye they smile and i smile back, the only part i dont like is the other cars behind me that honk their horn wanting me to move THE OUT OF THEIR WAY! the funny part is at the next light i smile at them and passst them.cvlt1cvlt1.x I say SCREW THEM and keep on riding!! live to ride, anda keep on going!!!!!!!

Much as I love it, It's driving me a lil insane - every morning on my ride to work I stop at the local store for a cupa joe and a pack o'smokes. This is usually a 5 minute stop yet almost every time I go back outside there's at least one person standing next to my bike with "that look"...

aaand my 5min pitstop turns into a 10, 15.... mebbe longer... depends

So at this point I'm printing up handouts, lil "Welcome to the World of Motorized Bicycles" propaganda leaflets as not to lose my job lol It's a wonderful feeling to have someone so interested in my hobby, the complements are great and I don't wish to be rude or dissuade someone just cause I'm in a hurry - but save me jeebus I'm gonna be late for work o_O

Although it's a handy excuse I've used before when for some reason I just can't make that last turn into the parking lot where I work, zooming off for another mile or so on my bike...

"Yeah sorry boss, there was a gang o'kids holding me hostage again... whadda gonna do?"
Just using my Kodak m853, was making a video so I used wmv to turn the video into a pic. Sorry for the small size but no mater what I do I cannot enlarge it.

just going thru the thread . i enlarger you pic no problem . mgi photosuite , ( adjust - toolbar )
( resize image ) keep proportions . no problem
Here's a picture of my GANG! We're invading the Golden Nugget in Pine River, WI...one of the coolest saloons around. We like lining up our MB's along side all the $$$ Harleys at the bar, and seeing "the look" on the Harley owner's faces when people come in asking who owns the cool bikes out front. Of course, that's us!

mwarning , thats a cool shot , theres a few local watering holes around me where the bikers do their weekly show n shine thing . soon as i get mine all done i,m gonna take it there and park it beside the best bike i see ... hahahaaa
sorta, OT but then again, way off (LOL I know "me?, OT WUT?") But way hot cougar in a way hot Vet. I did a double take. Got a very appreciative smile. Seems I look tall and good looking in an aging ford station wagon.

I had blocks on the peddles.
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