I love getting THAT look.

Shop Dogs - I went over to the car show in the street a few months back, I pedaled the Whizzer through the venue, and it amazed me at how many of the old guys came over to stop me and ask what year it was. I thought they would easily tell that it was one of the new ones. I love to see the gleam in there eye, I would give anything to find a way for them to go for a ride. My father in law is one of them, there is no way I would attempt to get him on one. I took the bike out to his place in Utah and let him sit on it so I could get a pic of him sitting on the bike, you should have seen his face when he saw the bike. It was funny he said to Mother "do you remember these things" ( then )of course not you are a girl he said ( we all laughed ). I got the pic and I have a pic of him in the 40's with his chum, sitting on their bikes. Have fun, Dave


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Yeah, love the looks & comments I get. That's why I bought my first Whizzer. A 99. Remembered them from when I was a kid. Wow, got a whole collection since then & it's only a couple years ago. Planning my next one now. A Q matic.
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Great thread! I've enjoyed reading everyone's stories.

I got stuck behind a school bus the other day, after 2 stops all of the kids were glued to the back window. Lol, It's true, kids always give the best reactions.

I've had mostly good reactions from people, waving and thumbs ups and all. I had one guy at a gas station who didn't think 30mph was fast enough for a bicycle. He then became an expert and told me all of the things I "needed" to do to make it go faster. I'm sure he cut the seat belt out his car to make it go faster too. :D
i like getting "that" look when your idling at the light, then when you take off pedaling, you stall the bike, which throws your body forward, and you end up pedaling across the intersection trying to start it, and when it starts, you're bike's sputtering 'cause it's almost flooded out, and everyone in their cars have that "what a moron..." look on their faces.
Haha oh man iv done that! I think one of the best looks i ever got is when i was riding my bike up and down the basketball courts to show my friends after school and then the whole football team walks out, stops, and looks at me like is this for real? they were tripping out haha guys i don't even know keep asking me if i will sell it

Lol, I got THAT look when I was stopped at a light in town idling with everyone in huge trucks around me. My carb isn't tuned yet and I'm in the break-in period so for some reason my engine cut out right before the light changed to green. So, here I was taking up the whole lane of traffic pedalling through the intersection. The onlookers were probably wondering why I was riding a bicycle in the middle of the street until I dropped the clutch and zoomed off! .wee.
i like getting "that" look when your idling at the light, then when you take off pedaling, you stall the bike, which throws your body forward, and you end up pedaling across the intersection trying to start it, and when it starts, you're bike's sputtering 'cause it's almost flooded out, and everyone in their cars have that "what a moron..." look on their faces.

This happened to me just this morning.....Had to stop at 6th St for the light.....turned green....I began peddling....a lawn maintenance truck and trailer blew by me and one of the guys hollered ( no idea what he said ).....then the motor kicked in......traffic's going like....25 ....and I BLEW by said truck and trailer... LOL !.....hadda stop at next intersection.....said truck and trailer pulled up beside me .... the guy goes...." WTF is that ? ! "......I just smiled and said " it's a bicycle man ".....light turned green.....I peddled.....motor kicks in again.......blew by them once more and made my turn.....all the guys in the truck were just LOOKING at me !.... I love it ! :)

I got a huge thumbs up from a motorcyclist today as he passed me :D

I had a Harley rider pull up next to me the other day and he looked at me....looked away....then looked back.....had a sh*t eating grin and jerked his throttle.......I jerked mine.... he LOOKED at me and grinned ...then the light changed.......we rode off.......he was waving me on.......pulled up to me at my max......flashed a * 3-3 *....that's how fast I was going .... on a simple 49er....he smiled and rode off.....I love my bike.....:)

i walked out of a store today, and some old guy was just staring at my bike. walked up to him and said "whaddaya wanna know?"

big mistake. starts off telling me about the "wizard" he used to have, how it's still in a barn in mexico or something, then segues into some guy getting a ticket on his bicycle while wearing an ipod, then...

i decided to have a smoke and wait till he wound down, but i was done before him, and told him i was gonna be late for something...

i'm all for talking to people, but i'm not a bartender.
Here's a picture of my GANG! We're invading the Golden Nugget in Pine River, WI...one of the coolest saloons around. We like lining up our MB's along side all the $$$ Harleys at the bar, and seeing "the look" on the Harley owner's faces when people come in asking who owns the cool bikes out front. Of course, that's us!

True Americana !......

My best "THAT look" episode was a few years ago, when I was sitting in the parking lot of a local ice cream joint. I had just finished my milkshake and had just fired up the engine on my '46 Columbia when one of the local constabulary drove by and gave me a loooonng look. Since the bike isn't tagged for the street, I thought "Oh no, I'm in for it" when he turned around and came back, pulling halfway into the parking lot. He rolled down the window, and instead of what I expected to hear he yelled, "Is that an antique Harley?" I said, "No, it's an old Columbia" and he got out and came over to look at it. He thought it was the coolest thing, and spent a half hour talking with me about it.

LOL !.....I SO love this thread ( and forum most )....I'm pulled by cops....quite often...just because they want to know more about the bike....I've NEVER been hassled by the law....one even said...and I sh*t you not ..... "we need more of these around here to get the da*n college kids cars off the road "... ( Gainesville,Florida )...so far I've had two of them ask me if I could build them a bike....." Sure ! "

Great thread! I've enjoyed reading everyone's stories.

I got stuck behind a school bus the other day, after 2 stops all of the kids were glued to the back window. Lol, It's true, kids always give the best reactions.

I've had mostly good reactions from people, waving and thumbs ups and all. I had one guy at a gas station who didn't think 30mph was fast enough for a bicycle. He then became an expert and told me all of the things I "needed" to do to make it go faster. I'm sure he cut the seat belt out his car to make it go faster too. :D

LOL !.....hahahaha.....it's always the old guys who know the most huh ? :)....

I was flying through a parking lot and had this guy jump out in front of me today, I slammed on the brakes. He apologized but said he needed to know how to get one, I told him about this forum. He must of took 40 pics with his camphone and a vid. He wanted me to start it and rev it up for the vid. The bike was one of the beaters I have not one of my nice ones. I love going by the Aquarium with all the kids eating there lunch, they all point and jump up. Have fun, Dave

I think we are changing the world. Ride one and you will never forget it.
I've been getting THAT look lately, ever since I finished my bike trailer and have been riding with it. I'm not even motorized, but everyone is so yuppied up with the idea of always driving everywhere and whatnot that they see a guy on a bike with a trailer behind it and they are just flabbergasted omgomgomgomgomgomgomg!!!!!!

On the other hand, saw a guy with a red Saab with a bike rack on the roof. He just broke into a sheet eating grin when he saw me riding by...

I anticipate getting THAT look a lot more come summer...I'm planning a 1,900 mile round trip to see my grandparents grave in Minnesota (will camp nearby at night), then off to Nebraska the next day (stay at a friends there), off to a friend's place in Wyoming (prolly be there a few days), then on to see a friend in Missouri (no telling how long I'll be there), then back home. Be running around 450 miles or so each day, give or take.

Can only imagine how much I'm gonna receive THAT look.
I've been getting THAT look lately, ever since I finished my bike trailer and have been riding with it. I'm not even motorized, but everyone is so yuppied up with the idea of always driving everywhere and whatnot that they see a guy on a bike with a trailer behind it and they are just flabbergasted omgomgomgomgomgomgomg!!!!!!

On the other hand, saw a guy with a red Saab with a bike rack on the roof. He just broke into a sheet eating grin when he saw me riding by...

I anticipate getting THAT look a lot more come summer...I'm planning a 1,900 mile round trip to see my grandparents grave in Minnesota (will camp nearby at night), then off to Nebraska the next day (stay at a friends there), off to a friend's place in Wyoming (prolly be there a few days), then on to see a friend in Missouri (no telling how long I'll be there), then back home. Be running around 450 miles or so each day, give or take.

Can only imagine how much I'm gonna receive THAT look.

Should probably take a few space engines with you... hee hee

Sounds like a really fun trip! I wish I wasn't so tied down in the summer. I'd love to do something like that.