I just bought a 4 stroke and have been riding it for about 2 weeks now, i am really thinking of converting my 2 stroke chopper to a 4 stroke /w shiftkit.
I have the HS 4G 4STROKE KIT
Also, yesterday i was riding with my buddy, I see these 2 motorcycle cops weaving all over the road, doing the things the give MC'ers a bad name.

Well since i was right there, i decided to follow them real close for like a mile, we all were weaving in and out of lanes, running redlights and everything. As we are weaving i stop to let one pass, he tells me to go ahead, we blow through another redlight toghether. and he is telling me how much he likes my bike and everything. made me feel great!! BTW the 4 stroke is still breaking in, but the kicker was i was able to keep up with the MC cops, accelleration and cruisng speed. granted thsi is in the middle on the city so we were do no faster than 30 - 35mph. :-D